丹富斯暗桿溝槽閘閥的啟閉件是閘板,閘板的運動方向與流體方向相垂直,閘閥只能作全開和全關,不能作調節和節流。閘板有兩個密封面, zui常用的模式閘板閥的兩個密封面形成楔形、楔形角隨閥門參數而異 , 通常為 50, 介質溫度不高時為 2°52'''' 。消防暗桿溝槽閘閥/丹富斯暗桿溝槽閘閥原理楔式閘閥的閘板可以做成一個整體,叫做剛性閘板;也可以做成能產生微量變形的閘板,以改善其工藝性,彌補密封面角度在加工過程中產生的偏差,這種閘板叫做彈性閘板,一般為法蘭連接。消防暗桿溝槽閘閥/丹富斯暗桿溝槽閘閥原理
Dan fuss non-rising stem groove opening and closing a gate valve is ram, ram movement direction perpendicular to the direction of flow and the valve can only be fully open and close, not to adjust and throttling. Sealing face has two gate, two of the most commonly used mode gate valve sealing surface form a wedge, the wedge Angle vary with the valve parameters, usually in the form of 50, when the medium temperature is not high for 2 ° 52 ' ' ' '. Wedge gate valve of the damper can be made into a whole, is called a rigid disc; Can also make it generates trace of deformation of ram, in order to improve the manufacturability, make up for the sealing surface Angle in the process of our processing deviation, the gate is called elastic disc, generally for flange connection.