丹富斯不銹鋼球閥(DFQ41F-16P)的工作原理是靠旋轉閥芯來使閥門暢通或閉塞。球閥開關輕便,體積小,可以做成很大口徑,密封可靠,結構 簡單,維修方便,密封面與球面常在閉合狀態,不易被介質沖蝕,在各行業得到廣泛的應用。 不銹鋼法蘭球閥、丹富斯不銹鋼球閥
不銹鋼球閥 不銹鋼法蘭球閥、丹富斯不銹鋼球閥
1. 流體阻力小,其阻力系數與同長度的管段相等。
2. 結構簡單、體積小、重量輕。
3. 緊密可靠,球閥的密封面材料廣泛使用塑料、密封性好,在真空系統中也已廣泛使用。
4. 操作方便,開閉迅速,從全開到全關只要旋轉90°,便于遠距離的控制。
5. 維修方便,球閥結構簡單,密封圈一般都是活動的,拆卸更換都比較方便。
6. 在全開或全閉時,球體和閥座的密封面與介質隔離,介質通過時,不會引起閥門密封面的侵蝕。
7. 適用范圍廣,通徑從小到幾毫米,大到幾米,從高真空至高壓力都可應用。
Dan fuss stainless steel ball valve (DFQ41F - 16 p) is to rely on the working principle of rotary valve core to keep the valve open or closed. Ball valve switch lightweight, small size, can make it big caliber, reliable sealing, simple structure, convenient maintenance, sealing surface and the spherical often in the closed state, not easily be medium erosion, has been widely used in various industries.
Stainless steel ball valve
Stainless steel ball valve and plug valve is belong to one type of valve, only its closure is a ball, the ball around the center line of the body as a rotation to achieve a kind of open and close the valve.
Stainless steel ball valve in the line is mainly used for cutting, distribution, and change the flow direction of medium. Ball valve is widely used a new type of valve.
1. The fluid resistance is small, its resistance coefficient with section of equal length.
2. Simple structure, small volume, light weight.
3. Compact and reliable, ball valve sealing surface material widely used plastic, sealing good, also has been widely used in the vacuum system.
4. Easy to operate, open and close quickly, from open to close just rotate 90 °, is advantageous for the remote control.
5. Easy maintenance, simple structure of ball valve, sealing ring, which generally remove replacement is more convenient.
6. In the fully open or fully closed, the ball and seat sealing surface and the dielectric isolation, medium through, can not cause the valve sealing surface erosion.
7. Applicable scope is wide, size from small to several millimeters, big to a few meters, from high vacuum to high pressure can be applied.
Dan fuss stainless steel ball valve has been widely used in petroleum, chemical, power, papermaking, atomic energy, aviation, rockets and other departments, as well as People's Daily life.