Central Processor Unit - Industrial Grade, with Floppy, CD ROM and Hard Disc, or Solid State Memory, In Pentium Class Microprocessor
Multi-CPU Networked Systems for up to 64 Multiplexers
Single Train or Multiple Redundant Systems Architecture
1 mS Resolution for any Number of Inputs
Up to 8 ASCII Printer Ports with Selective Event Routing
Grouping of Events for Video Display or Printout
Color Video with Selective Color and Blink for each Input
Multiple Split Window Display of Events, Operator Interaction, System Diagnostic Status, and Input State
100,000 or 500,000 Event History Storage
Search/Review of Event History Data Base
Selective Data Printout and Screen Print
Multicolor Reports, Events, and Files Printout
Redundant Network Connections to host DCS, Plant Computer, Etc,
Co-Processor to accept Time Tagged Events from a Host, e.g. DCS, PLC Plant Computer Sources
Co-Processor for Boolean Functions Processing and Alarm Sequence Engine
Continuous System Hardware/Software Diagnostic
Up to 16 Multiplexers per CPU
Live, Logic, or Dry Contact input
Up to 10,000 ft. (3,000 meters) between Multiplexer and CPU
Multiplexer to CPU Connection, Isolated Current Loop, Optional Fiber Optics, Modem or Radio Link
Input Filter - Digital, 1 to 64 sec for Alarm, Return to Normal, and De-bounce; Selectable for Each Input
Automatic Disable / Enable of Inputs by Programmable Rate Mode
Enable/Disable of Individual Inputs (Manually)
Access Protection by Multilevel Programmable Passwords