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A-01012 Anti-5-HTR3(5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 3a) 5-羥色胺受體3抗體
A-01013 Anti-5-HTR4(5 hydroxytryptamine serotonin receptor 4) 5-羥色胺受體4抗體
A-01014 Anti-5-LOX (5-lipoxygenase) 5-脂氧合酶抗體
A-01015 Anti-8-OHdG(8-Hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine) 8-羥基脫氧鳥苷抗體
A-01016 Anti-A2AR/Adenosine A2A-R(A2A adenosine receptor) 腺苷A2A受體抗體
A-01017 Anti-AACT-α1 (chymotrypsin-Alpha1) α-1抗胰糜蛋白酶抗體
A-01018 Anti-AAK1(AP2 associated protein kinase 1) AP2關聯激酶1抗體
A-01019 Anti-AARS2(alanyl tRNA synthetase 2) 丙氨酰tRNA合成酶2抗體
A-01020 Anti-AARS2(alanyl tRNA synthetase 2) 丙氨酰tRNA合成酶2抗體
A-01021 Anti-AAT(Alpha-1 Antitiypsin) α-1抗胰蛋白酶抗體
A-01022 Anti-AATK(Apoptosis associated tyrosine kinase) 細胞凋亡關聯酪氨酸激酶抗體
A-01023 Anti-AATF(Apoptosis-antagonizing transcription factor) 拮抗凋亡轉錄因子抗體
A-01024 Anti-ABCA1(ATP binding cassette transporter A1) 腺苷三磷酸結合盒轉運體A1抗體
A-01025 Anti-ABCB5/(ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 5) ATP結合蛋白家族5抗體
A-01026 Anti-ABCB6(ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 6) ATP結合蛋白家族6抗體
A-01027 Anti-ABCF1(ATP-binding cassette sub-family F (GCN20) member 1) ATP結合盒蛋白家族GCN20F家族1抗體
A-01028 Anti-ABCG1(ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 1) 三磷酸腺苷結合盒亞家族G1抗體
A-01029 Anti-ABCG1(ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 1) ABCG1抗體
A-01030 Anti-ABCG2/BCRP/BXP-21(breast cancer resistance protein) 三磷酸腺苷結合轉運蛋白G超家族成員2抗體
A-01031 Anti-ABCG4(ATP binding cassette, subfamily G member 4) 抗ABC膜轉運蛋白抗體
A-01032 Anti-ABL1(v-abl Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1) ABL1抗體
A-01033 Anti-ABL2/ARG(v-abl Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2) ABL2抗體
A-01034 Anti-ABI1/SSH3BP1(Abelson interactor 1) ABI1/SSH3BP1蛋白抗體
A-01035 Anti-ABP(Androgen Binding Protein) 雄激素結合蛋白抗體
A-01036 Anti-ACE1( ACE, testis-specific isoform precursor) 血管緊張素轉換酶抗體
A-01037 Anti-ACE2(Angiotensin converting enzyme 2) 血管緊張素轉換酶2抗體
A-01038 Anti-ACEI (Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibitor ) 血管緊張素1轉換酶抑制劑抗體
A-01039 Anti-ACD/PTOP(Adrenocortical dysplasia protein) 腎上腺皮質發育異常蛋白抗體
A-01040 Anti-Acinus (Apoptotic chromatin condensation Inducer in the nucleus) 腺泡Acinus抗體
A-01041 Anti-Ack1 Ack1抗體
A-01042 Anti-ACTH (Adrenorticotrophin hormons 1-39) 促腎上腺皮質激素(1-39)抗體
A-01043 Anti-ACTH (Adrenorticotrophin hormons 18-39) 促腎上腺皮質激素(18-39)抗體
A-01044 Anti-ACTH (Adrenorticotrophin hormons 7-23) 促腎上腺皮質激素(7-23)抗體
A-01045 Anti-Actin α /α-SMA (Actin alpha , smooth muscle aorta) 肌動蛋白α抗體
A-01046 Anti-α-ACTN4(α-Actinin 4) α-輔肌動蛋白4抗體
A-01047 Anti-F-Actin(filament actin) F-肌動蛋白抗體
A-01048 Anti-AD7C-NTP/NTP/AF (Neurual thread protein) 神經絲蛋白抗體
A-01049 Anti-AD7C-NTP/NTP/AF (Neurual thread protein)human 神經絲蛋白抗體(人)
A-01050 Anti-AD7C-NTP/NTP/AF(Neurual thread protein) 神經絲蛋白抗體
A-01051 Anti-ADAM-TS1/METH1(a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with-thrombospodin type 1) 整合素樣金屬蛋白酶與凝血酶1型(抗體)
A-01052 Anti-ADAM-TS7 (A Disintegrin-like and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 7) 整合素樣金屬蛋白酶與凝血酶1型-7(抗體)
A-01053 Anti-ADAM-TS7 (A Disintegrin-like and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 7) 整合素樣金屬蛋白酶與凝血酶1型-7抗體 (N端抗體)
A-01054 Anti-ADAM-TS12(A Disintegrin-like and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 12) 整合素樣金屬蛋白酶與凝血酶1型-12抗體
A-01055 Anti-Adducin protein 內收蛋白抗體
A-01056 Anti-ADFP/ADRP/adipophilin (adipose differentiation-related protein) 脂肪組織分化相關蛋白抗體
A-01057 Anti-AEV(Avian Encephalomyelitis virus) 禽腦脊髓炎病毒抗體
A-01058 Anti-ADH/AVP(Antidiuretic Hormone;Arginine Vasopressin) 抗利尿激素/血管升壓素抗體
A-01059 Anti-Adipo R1 (adiponectin receptor 1) 脂聯素受體-1抗體
A-01060 Anti-Adipo R2 (adiponectin receptor 2) 脂聯素受體-2抗體
A-01061 Anti-Adiponectin 脂聯素抗體
A-01062 Anti-ADM/AM (Adrenomedullin) 腎上腺髓質素抗體
A-01063 Anti-ADM (Adrenomedullin)ProAM-N20 腎上腺髓質素抗體(N端20肽)
A-01064 Anti-ADM R (Adrenomedullin receptor) 腎上腺髓質素受體抗體
A-01065 Anti-ADNP/NAP (Activity-dependent Neuroprotective protein ) 活性依賴的神經保護肽抗體
A-01066 Anti-ADORA3/A3AR(adenosine receptor A3) 腺苷受體A3抗體
A-01067 Anti-ADRA2 (alpha 2 adrenergic receptor) alpha-2腎上腺素能受體抗體
A-01068 Anti-AHR(aryl hydrocarbon receptor) 芳香烴受體抗體
A-01069 Anti-ADRB1 (β1-adrenergic receptor) 腎上腺素能受體β1抗體
A-01070 Anti-ADRB2 (β2-adrenergic receptor ) 腎上腺素能受體β2抗體
A-01071 Anti-ADRB3/β3-AR (β3-adrenergic receptor) 腎上腺素能受體β3抗體
A-01072 Anti-AE3/SLC4A3(anion exchanger protein 3) 陰離子交換蛋白3抗體
A-01073 Anti-AEBP1 (Adipocyte enhance binding protein 1) 脂肪細胞增強結合蛋白1
A-01074 Anti-α-AF/α-Afa(alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase) α-L-阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶抗體
A-01075 Anti-AFP (Anti--Alpha Fetoprotein(AFP), for conjugation and detection) 鼠抗人甲胎蛋白抗體
A-01076 Anti-AFP(Mo Monoclonal antibody) 鼠抗人甲胎蛋白單克隆抗體(包被)
A-01077 Anti-AFP(Human AFP Mouse Monoclonal) 鼠抗人甲胎蛋白單克隆抗體(檢測)
A-01078 Anti-AGER/RAGE(Advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor) 晚期糖基化終末產物特異性受體抗體
A-01079 Anti-AGEs (advanced glycosylation end products) 晚期糖基化終末產物抗體