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【文獻標題】Tissuefactorpathwayinhib itorgenetransferprevents vascularsmoothmusclecellproliferationbyinterfering withtheMCP-3/CCR2pathway
【作者】YuFu,DandanMa et.al
【作者單位】哈爾濱醫科大學第一附屬醫院(The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University)
小鼠溴脫氧核苷尿-嘧-啶 (BrdU)ELISA試劑盒
【產品原文引用】VSMC proliferation was analyzed via measuring DNA
synthesis with a colorimetric bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)
ELISA kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions
(Shanghai JinMa Laboratory and Equipment Company,
Shanghai, China).