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當(dāng)前位置:廈門慧嘉生物科技有限公司>技術(shù)文章>豬白介素6(IL-6)Elisa kit (英文)說明書

豬白介素6(IL-6)Elisa kit (英文)說明書


Porcine Interleukin 6 (IL-6)
Catalog No. CSB-E06786p
  This immunoassay kit allows for the in vitro quantitative determination of porcine
IL-6 concentrations in serum, plasma.
  Expiration date      six months from the date of manufacture
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the
IL6  gene.  IL-6  is  an  interleukin  that  acts  as  both  a
pro-inflammatory  and  anti-inflammatory  cytokine.  It  is  secreted
by T  cells  and macrophages  to  stimulate  immune  response  to
trauma,  especially  burns  or  other  tissue  damage  leading  to
inflammation.  In  terms of host  response  to a  foreign pathogen,
IL-6  has  been  shown,  in  mice,  to  be  required  for  resistance
against the bacterium, Streptococcus pneumoniae. IL-6 is also a
"myokine," a cytokine produced from muscle, and is elevated in
response  to muscle  contraction.  It  is significantly elevated with
exercise, and precedes the appearance of other cytokines in the
circulation. During exercise, it is thought to act in a hormone-like
manner  to  mobilize  extracellular  substrates  and/or  augment
substrate delivery (Petersen, J Appl Physiol 2005). Additionally,
osteoblasts  secrete  IL-6  to  stimulate  osteoclast  formation.
Smooth muscle cells in the tunica media of many blood vessels
also produce  IL-6 as a pro-inflammatory cytokine.  IL-6's role as
an anti-inflammatory  cytokine  is mediated  through  its  inhibitory
effects on TNF-alpha and IL-1, and activation of IL-1ra and IL-10. 
IL-6  is one of  the most  important mediators of  fever and of  the
acute phase response.  It  is capable of crossing  the blood brain
barrier  and  initiating  synthesis  of  PGE2  in  the  hypothalamus,
thereby changing the body's temperature setpoint. In the muscle
and  fatty  tissue  IL-6 stimulates energy mobilization which  leads
to  increased  body  temperature.  IL-6  can  be  secreted  by
macrophages  in  response  to  specific  microbial  molecules,
referred to as pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs).
IL-6 is also essential for hybridoma growth and is found in many
supplemental cloning media such as briclone.  Inhibitors of  IL-6
(including  estrogen)  are  used  to  treat  postmenopausal
osteoporosis. Il-6 is also produced by adipocytes and is thought
to be a reason why obese individuals have higher endogeneous
levels  of CRP.  In  a  2009  study,  intranasally  administered  IL-6
was  shown  to  improve  sleep-associated  consolidation  of
emotional memories.
The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with
an  antibody  specific  to  IL-6.  Standards  or  samples  are  then 
added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a Horseradish
Peroxidase  (HRP)-conjugated monoclonal antibody preparation
specific for IL-6 and incubated. Then substrate solution A and B
are  added  to  each  well.  Only  those  wells  that  contain  IL-6,
HRP-conjugated  antibody  will  exhibit  a  change  in  color.  The
enzyme-substrate  reaction  is  terminated  by  the  addition  of  a
sulphuric  acid  solution  and  the  color  change  is  measured
spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450 nm ± 2 nm. The
concentration  of  IL-6  in  the  samples  is  then  determined  by
comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve.
The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 80
pg/ml, 40 pg/ml, 20 pg/ml, 10 pg/ml, 4 pg/ml, 2pg/ml.
This assay recognizes recombinant and natural porcine IL-6. No
significant cross-reactivity or interference was observed. 
The minimum  detectable  dose  of  porcine  IL-6  is  typically  less
than  1  pg/ml.  The  sensitivity  of  this  assay,  or  Lower  Limit  of
Detection  (LLD)  was  defined  as  the  lowest  concentration  that
could be differentiated from zero.
Reagent      Quantity
Assay plate  1
Standard(S1-S6)  6
HRP-conjugate  1 x 6 ml
Wash Buffer      
1 x 15 ml
Substrate A  1 x 6 ml
Substrate B  1 x 6 ml
Stop Solution      1x 6 ml
Standard  S1  S2  S3  S4  S5  S6
Concentration (pg/ml)  2  4  10  20  40  80 
1. Unopened  test  kits  should  be  stored  at  2-8°C  upon  receipt
and  the microtiter plate should be kept  in a sealed bag. The
test kit may be used throughout the expiration date of the kit,
provided  it  is  stored  as  prescribed  above.  Refer  to  the
package label for the expiration date.
2. Opened test plate should be stored at 2-8°C in the aluminum
foil bag with desiccants to minimize exposure to damp air. The
kits will remain stable until the expiring date shown, provided it
is stored as prescribed above.    
3.  A microtiter  plate  reader with  a  bandwidth  of  10  nm  or  less
and an optical density  range of 0-3 OD or greater at 450nm
wavelength  is  acceptable  for  use  in  absorbance
1.  Bring all reagents and plate  to room  temperature  for at  least
30 minutes before use. Unused wells need store at 2-8°C and
avoid sunlight. 
2. Wash  Buffer    If  crystals  have  formed  in  the  concentrate,
warm  to  room  temperature  and mix  gently  until  the  crystals
have  compley  dissolved.  Dilute  15  ml  of  Wash  Buffer
Concentrate into deionized or distilled water to prepare 300 ml
of Wash Buffer.
Precaution: The Stop Solution provided with this kit is an acid solution. Wear
eye, hand, face, and clothing protection when using this material.
  Microplate  reader capable of measuring absorbance at 450
nm, with the correction wavelength set at 540 nm or 570 nm.
  Pipettes and pipette tips.
  Deionized or distilled water.
  Squirt bottle, manifold dispenser, or automated microplate
  An incubator which can provide stable incubation conditions
up to 37°C±0.5°C.
  Serum    Use  a  serum  separator  tube  (SST)  and  allow 
samples  to  clot  for  30 minutes  before  centrifugation  for  15
minutes at 1000 g. Remove serum and assay immediay or
aliquot  and  store  samples  at  -20°C. Centrifuge  the  sample
again  after  thawing  before  the  assay.  Avoid  repeated
freeze-thaw cycles.
  Plasma    Collect plasma using citrate, EDTA, or heparin as
an anticoagulant. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 1000 g within
30 minutes  of  collection.  Assay  immediay  or  aliquot  and
store  samples  at  -20°C.  Centrifuge  the  sample  again   after
thawing before the assay. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Note: Grossly hemolyzed samples are not suitable for use in this assay.
Bring  all  reagents  and  samples  to  room  temperature  before  use.  It  is
recommended that all samples, standards, and controls be assayed in duplicate.
All  the  reagents  should  be  added  directly  to  the  liquid  level  in  the well.  The
pipette should avoid contacting the inner wall of the well.
1.  Set a Blank well without any solution. Add 100µl of Standard
or Sample per well. Standard need test in duplicate.  
2.  Add 50µl of HRP-conjugate to each well (not to Blank well).
Mix well and then incubate for 2 hours at 37°C.   
3.  Complete  remove  the  liquid.  Then  fill  each well with Wash
Buffer  (about  200µl),  stay  for  10  seconds  and  Spinning.
Repeat  the  process  for  a  total  of  three  washes.  Complete
removal  of  liquid  at  each  step  is  essential  to  good
performance.  After  the  last  wash,  remove  any  remaining
Wash Buffer by aspirating or decanting.  Invert  the plate and
blot it against clean paper towels.
4.  Add 50µl of Substrate A and 50µl of Substrate B  to each
well, mix well.  Incubate for 15 minutes at 37°C. Ke eping the
plate away  from drafts and other  temperature  fluctuations  in
the dark.
5.  Add 50µl of Stop Solution to each well. If color change does
not appear uniform, gently  tap  the plate  to ensure  thorough
6.  Determine the optical density of each well within 10 minutes,
using a microplate reader set to 450 nm.
Using  the  professional  soft  "Curve  Exert  1.3"  to  make  a  standard  curve  is
recommended, which can be downloaded from our web.
Average  the duplicate  readings  for each standard, control, and 
sample and subtract  the average zero standard optical density.
Create  a  standard  curve  by  reducing  the  data  using  computer
software capable of generating a  four parameter  logistic  (4-PL)
curve-fit. As an alternative, construct a standard curve by plotting
the mean  absorbance  for  each  standard  on  the  y-axis  against
the concentration on the x-axis and draw a best fit curve through
the points on  the graph. The data may be  linearized by plotting
the log of the IL-6 concentrations versus the log of the O.D. and
the best  fit  line can be determined by  regression analysis. This
procedure will  produce  an  adequate  but  less  precise  fit  of  the
data. If samples have been diluted, the concentration read from
the standard curve must be multiplied by the dilution factor.
  The kit should not be used beyond the expiration date on the
kit label.
  Do not mix or substitute reagents with those from other lots or
  If samples generate values higher than the highest standard,
dilute the samples with the appropriate Diluent and repeat the
  Any  variation  in  operator,  pipetting  technique,  washing
technique,  incubation  time  or  temperature,  and  kit  age  can
cause variation in binding.
  This  assay  is  designed  to  eliminate  interference  by  soluble
receptors,  binding  proteins,  and  other  factors  present  in
biological samples. Until all  factors have been  tested  in  the
Quantikine  Immunoassay,  the  possibility  of  interference
cannot be excluded.
  Centrifuge vials before opening to collect contents.
  When mixing or reconstituting protein solutions, always avoid
  To  avoid  cross-contamination,  change  pipette  tips  between
additions of each standard  level, between sample additions,
and between reagent additions. Also, use separate reservoirs
for each reagent.
  When using an automated plate washer, adding a 30 second
soak  period  following  the  addition  of  wash  buffer,  and/or
rotating  the  plate  180  degrees  between  wash  steps  may
improve assay precision. 
  To ensure accurate results, proper adhesion of plate sealers
during incubation steps is necessary.
  Substrate Solution should remain colorless or light blue until
added  to  the plate. Keep Substrate Solution protected  from
light. Substrate Solution should change from colorless or light
blue to gradations of blue.
  Stop Solution should be added to the plate in the same order
as  the Substrate Solution. The color developed  in  the wells
will turn from blue to yellow upon addition of the Stop Solution.
Wells  that are green  in color  indicate  that  the Stop Solution
has not mixed thoroughly with the Substrate Solution. 

AssayBiotech  CUSABIO   Immunoway  Santa   Abcam   Cst   jackson   Pierce  Sigma  Amresco  Qiagen  Cayman  abnova  millipore  invitrogen  merk  ebioscience prospec
 LifeSpan  BD 歡迎廣大客戶咨詢,另有大量宣傳海報和小禮品贈送。
:382603320   1284882975


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