QZD系列水泵自動制器系國內新穎的給排水自動控制裝置,是本公司集多年水泵生產,應用控制的經驗,經專家反復論證,優化線路,精心設計而成,其中多種電路是當前先的控制電器之一。為了配合水泵高效、可靠的使用,QZD系列根據不同的需要,設置了液位控制型、溫度控制型、時間控制型、空調聯控型、潛污泵型及消防控制型等七大類型,各型分別具有主回路短路、缺相、過載及泵的泵體泄露、定子繞組的超溫等保護功能。另外,各型又分單控型,多泵主用、備用互控型、主、備互控型產品都具備故障時主要泵自動切換,備用泵自動投入的功能。 QZD系列控制器功能齊全、質量可靠、造型美觀,是各類水泵理想的配套產品,QZD系列控制器特別適用于工農業生產、市政工程、高層建筑的給排水、消防、噴淋、增壓泵的自動控制及空調冷熱水循環泵控制等多種場合,也適合其它交流電機的控制及起動。 Summary QZD s series water pump is made the internal new and original plumbing automatic control device of ware system voluntarily , and being this corporation collects many years water pump to produce , and applies experience controlled , and demonstrates repeatedly through expert , and optimizes the circuit , and designed meticulously , and among them many kinds of circuit are one of internal control electrical equipment the most first of present time . For the use of cooperation water pump high efficiency and reliable , QZD s series is according to the needs of difference , has set up the liquid control mould , temperature control mould , time control mould and air-condition antithetical couplet seven big type such as accuse mould , latent dirt pump mould special and fire fighting control mould etc , each mould possesses respectively main return circuit short circuit and vacancy looks at and appraises and transships and the protection merit abilitys such as the pump aspect of pump special the lets out and super temperature of stator winding etc . Moreover each mould divides again Shan Kongxing , hence many pumps owner uses and reserves the mutually accuse mould , owner and the accuse mould product all has when barrier chiefly pump autonomous switchover fully mutually , and the merit ability of the automatic input of pump reserved QZD s series controller merit can compley and the quality is reliable and the modelling is pleasing to the eye , and being various kind of necessary product that the water pump is ideal , and QZD s series controller especially is suitable in the production of industry and agriculture , municipal works , plumbing and fire fighting of high-rise , spurting the pours and automatic control of supercharge pump the air-condition cools many kinds of occasions such as hot water DO loop pump control etc , and also is fit for the control of other alternating current generators starting .