輪胎鋼絲分離機tire wire drawer :本機械適用于廢舊輪胎回收行業使用,能把輪胎兩側大股鋼絲完整拉出,從而使主鋼絲與胎分離,是廢舊輪胎回收邁出主要的**步.
型號: LGS1200
功率: 18.5KW
主拉鉤拉力: 25噸
平臺升降力: 1.5噸
鋼絲夾緊力: 5噸
鋼絲切斷力: 17噸
外型尺寸: L3800XW1300XH1700
整機重量: 2800KG
輪胎鋼絲分離機結構與原理:該機由電機、液壓系統、拉鉤、拉口、機體等組成,其基本原理為:由電機帶動液壓系統和油缸,而拉鉤連接于油缸拉桿,由于油泵、油缸的運動促使拉鉤作往復運動。將輪胎置于拉口,將拉鉤伸出拉口,鉤住輪胎內圈鋼絲部位后起動按鈕。由于油缸的強大拉力,將鋼絲整條拉出,而胎側部位由于拉口的作用,促使橡膠撕裂。從而起到順利分離之目的。 特點:該機結構合理;功力小;操作簡單;移動方便;安全可靠
輪胎鋼絲分離機 Tire drawing machine 使 用 說 明 書
型號 | *大工作壓力(Mpa) | 處理輪胎*大外徑(mm) | 處理能力(pc/h) | 電機功率(Kw) | 重量(Kg) | 冷卻方式 |
1200 | 15 | 1200 | 15 | 18.5 | | 風冷 |
800 | 15 | 700(mm) | 60 | 11 | | 風冷 |
1.3 結構
序號 | 名稱 | 數量 | 備注 |
1 | 機架 | 1 | |
2 | 拉鉤 | 1 | |
3 | 輪胎支架 | 1 | |
4 | 控制箱 | 1 | |
5 | 主油缸 | 1 | |
6 | 電機 | 1 | |
7 | 液壓站 | 1 | |
1.5 設備安全維護與常見故障處理
1)在使用機器之前,首先應檢查電源電壓是否和電動機所規定輸入電壓相符合。本機設計使用電壓及頻率為三相200V 50HZ。電氣連接由專業人員完成,確保無差錯。
一般故障處理方法 | |||
故障類型 | 故障表現 | 故障原因 | 處理方法 |
油泵 | 不出油、輸油量不足、壓力上不去 | 電動機轉向不對 | 檢查電動機接線是否正確 |
吸油管或過濾器堵塞 | 疏通管道,清洗過濾器,換新油 | ||
連接處泄漏,混入空氣 | 緊固各連接處螺釘,避免泄漏,嚴防空氣混入 | ||
油液粘度太大或油液溫升太高 | 正確選用油液,控制溫升 | ||
噪音嚴重、壓力不穩 | 吸油管密封處漏氣或油液中有氣泡 | 擰緊接頭或更換密封圈 | |
油溫低或粘度高 | 把油液加熱到適當的溫度/更換低粘度油液 | ||
泵軸承損壞 | 檢查泵軸承部分溫度,適當更換軸承 | ||
油缸 | 油缸或油泵發熱發燙 | 風冷電機不工作 | 檢查風冷電機接線,電壓 |
液壓油粘度過低或過高 | 選擇適合系統粘度的油 | ||
油箱中液面太低 | 加油 | ||
爬行 | 空氣侵入或吸油濾油器堵塞 | 開動液壓系統以*大行程使工作部件快速運動,強迫排除空氣 | |
液壓缸的安裝位置偏移 | 檢查液壓缸與導軌的平行性并校正 | ||
活塞桿潤滑不足 | 增加潤滑 | ||
液壓缸端蓋密封圈壓得太緊 | 調整密封圈,調整合適 | ||
油缸漏油 | 密封失效或油品粘度過低 | 更換油缸密封圈/選擇合適油品 | |
油缸不能后退或前進 | 限位開關失效 | 更換限位開關 | |
沖擊 | 端頭緩沖的單向閥失靈 | 修正研配單向閥與閥座 | |
電氣控制 | 啟動后油泵無反應 | 油泵電機接線錯誤或電壓不夠 | 重新接線或調大電壓 |
油缸無動作 | 電磁閥無電壓或卡死 | 檢測電壓/更換電磁閥 | |
機械故障 | 鋼絲無法拉出 | 油泵壓力不夠 | 調節壓力 |
拉斷鋼絲 | 油泵壓力過大 | 調節壓力 |
注意:本機使用GB 7631.2-87 HM-46抗磨、防銹及抗氧化型液壓油,應用的環境溫度為-10℃-40℃。按正常生產每天8小時計算,在連續使用3500-4000小時后,應當檢查并適當添加或更換液壓油。更換其它類型油品,需在使用前清洗原液壓油箱,**剩油、廢油及沉淀物。不可與其他油品參雜混合使用。
輪胎分離拉絲機 tire wire drawer Attention: Please draw out the steel traveler is on the other side of the tyre if there is any.
1.5 Troubleshooting
1.5.1 Maintenance
1. Check whether the power voltage and the motor voltage are in accordance. The machine is designed in 200V, 3 phase,50HZ. The electric wiring connection should be completed by qualified electrician.
2. For safety, please apply three-core cable with earth lead. Never change the wiring design of the machine.
3. To prevent human injure, please wear the glove in case of cutting injury.
1.5.2 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting | |||
Type | Malfunctions | Possible reason | Solution |
Oil pump | No oil supply; low oil supply; or low pressure | Motor running in the wrong rotating direction | Check the electric wiring of the motor. |
Jam in oil suction pipe or filter | Clean up the oil suction pie and filter; change the oil. | ||
Leak on the joint | Tighten the joints. | ||
High oil viscosity, or high oil temperature | Use correct oil, and control the oil temperature. | ||
Noise; unstable pressure supply | Leak on seal of the oil suction pipe; or bubble in the oil | Tighten the joint, or change the joint ring. | |
High oil viscosity, or low oil temperature | Heat the oil to the certain degree, or use correct oil. | ||
Damage on the bearing | Check the temperature of the bearing, and change the proper bearing. | ||
Oil cylinder | Overheated oil pump or oil cylinder | Malfunction of the wind blower | Check the electric wiring and voltage of the wind blower. |
High or low oil viscosity | Use correct oil. | ||
Low fluid level | Fuel the oil cylinder. | ||
Crawl | Air inbreak; jam in oil suction pipe or filter | Keep the machine work in the max. capacity to expel air. | |
Installation position deviation | Keep the oil cylinder in the balance position. | ||
Insufficiency lubrication on the cylinder rod | Grease the cylinder rod. | ||
End housing seal ring overwound | Adjust seal ring tightness. | ||
Leak | Seal invalidation, or low oil viscosity. | Change the seal, or use correct oil. | |
Failure in stretching | Limit switch malfunction | Change the limit switch. | |
Impulsion | Buffering cone-way valve malfunction | Repair the cone-way valve and the valve base. | |
Electric control | Unable to start the oil pump | Failure in electric wiring connection, or Low electric voltage | Adjust the wiring connection, or increase the electric voltage. |
Oil cylinder unable to function | Electromagnetic valve jam or no-voltage | Check the voltage, or change electromagnetic valve. | |
Mechanical function | Unable to drag out the traveler | Not enough pressure | Adjust the oil pump pressure. |
Traveler breakage before being dragged out | Too much pressure | Adjust the oil pump pressure. |
1. The machine adopts GB 7631.2-87 HM-46 hydraulic oil, which should be applied in the temperature from -10℃ to 40℃.
2. If the machine works 8 hours a day, please check the condition of the hydraulic oil after it has worked consecutively for 3500 to 4000 hours. Add or change the oil properly after the inspection.
3. If you want to use another type of hydraulic oil, please clean up the oil tank thoroughly. Never run the machine with mixing oil.