垃圾壓縮機是榆次金澤液壓生產的壓縮機之一:垃圾經過榆次金澤液壓壓縮機預壓縮,其壓縮比是目前所有壓縮式設備中zui高的,運量增加2-3倍,大大降低了運輸成本,經濟效益十分可觀,垃圾塊運輸*解決了垃圾散運時的“跑,撒,滴,漏"現象,避免了垃圾運輸過程中對環境的二次污染。垃圾壓縮產生的污水自流到一污水井 ,由污水泵排出,*改變了垃圾中轉站及其周圍的環境衛生,壓縮后的垃圾占地輕松散垃圾要小,可*的利用填埋場土地。由于本壓縮機*連壓方式,節約成本50%,另外,由于連壓,汽車用不著到第二個壓縮機前裝料,從而減少了收集成本,相應也減少了垃圾占的占地面積,同時基建費用大大減少。垃圾壓縮機/垃圾壓縮中轉設備
Garbage compressor is one of the compressor of Jinze Yuci: Jinze Yuci hydraulic compressor pre compression, its compression ratio is the highest in all of the compression equipment, the volume increase 2-3 times, greatly reducing the transportation cost, economic benefit is very considerable, garbage transportation compley solve the garbage transportation, sprinkle, drip, leakage phenomenon, to avoid the pollution of the environment in the process of the two pollution. Garbage generated by the sewage flow into a dedicated sewage wells, sewage pump discharged, compley changed the waste transfer station and its surrounding environment, compressed garbage can be a small, can be a great use of landfill land. Because the compressor original even pressure, save cost by 50%. In addition, due to the even pressure, cars don't have to a second compressor front loading, thereby reducing the cost collection, the corresponding also reduce the occupied trash covers an area of, and construction cost is greatly reduced.