c-fos ELISA檢測試劑盒利用免疫酶技術可以在較短時間內,完成成千上萬份樣品的檢測工作,真正的讓實驗者受益,節省實驗成本和實驗時間。我司產品均信息齊全,一律現貨供應,發貨速度快,
c-fos ELISA檢測試劑盒加入酶反應的底物后,底物被酶催化成為有色產物,產物的量與標本中受檢物質的量直接相關。 通常,酶聯免疫反應曲線是規則的,如果曲線不規則說明實驗穩定性差,宜做平行樣修正。
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01476 大鼠α*S轉移酶(A-GST)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: a-glutathione S-transferases ,English abbreviation: A-GST ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01477 大鼠丙酮酸激酶M2型同工酶(M2-PK)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Pyruvate Kinase,M2-PK ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: M2-PK ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01478 大鼠細胞絨毛蛋白/埃茲蛋白(CVL)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Cytovillin Elisa Kit (CVL) ,English abbreviation: CVL ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01479 大鼠甲胎蛋白(AFP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Alpha-fetoprotein ,English abbreviation: AFP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01480 大鼠胰島素樣蛋白5(INSL5)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Insulin Like Protein 5 Elisa Kit (INSL5) ,English abbreviation: INSL5 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01481 大鼠P-選擇素(P-Selectin)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: P-Selectin ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: P-Selectin ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01482 大鼠白介素32(IL-32)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Interleukin 32,IL-32 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: IL-32 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01483 大鼠17-羥孕酮(17-OHP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat 17-Hydroxyprogesterone(17-OHP)ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: 17-OHP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01484 大鼠肌紅蛋白(MYO/MB)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Myoglobin ,English abbreviation: MYO/MB ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01485 大鼠促黃體生成素(LH)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Luteinizing Hormone Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: LH ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01486 大鼠抗胰島素受體抗體(AIRA)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Anti-Insulin Receptor Antibody Elisa Kit (AIRA) ,English abbreviation: AIRA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01487 大鼠唾液酸(SA)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Sialic acid ,English abbreviation: SA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01488 大鼠單核細胞趨化蛋白 3(MCP-3)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3 ,English abbreviation: MCP-3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01489 大鼠小核糖核蛋白多肽C(SNRPC)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Small Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Polypeptide C Elisa Kit (SNRPC) ,English abbreviation: SNRPC ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01490 大鼠基質金屬蛋白酶13(MMP-13)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Matrix metalloproteinase 13 ,English abbreviation: MMP-13 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01491 大鼠氧化低密度脂蛋白抗體(OLAb)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Anti-Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Antibody Elisa Kit (OLAb) ,English abbreviation: OLAb ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01492 大鼠基因甲基化特異性PCR擴增(MSP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Macrophage stimulating protein Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: MSP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01493 大鼠高鐵血紅蛋白(MHB)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Methemoglobin,MHB ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: MHB ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01494 大鼠高速泳動蛋白17(HMG-17)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: high mobility group protein 17 ,English abbreviation: HMG-17 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01495 大鼠血管緊張素轉化酶2(ACE2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: ACE2 ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: ACE2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01496 大鼠胃泌素(GT)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Gastrin Elisa Kit (GT) ,English abbreviation: GT ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01497 大鼠高密度脂蛋白*(HDL-C)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: High density lipoprotein cholesterol ,English abbreviation: HDL-C ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01498 大鼠系統性紅斑狼瘡(SLE)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: systemic lupus erythematosus ,English abbreviation: SLE ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01499 大鼠內皮型一氧化氮合成酶(eNOS)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: eNOS ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01500 大鼠白介素-1β(IL-1β)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: interleukin-1β ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: IL-1β ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01501 大鼠c-jun Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat c-jun ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: 大鼠c-jun ELISA試劑盒 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01502 大鼠血管緊張素1-7(ANG1-7)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Angiotensin 1-7 ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: ANG1-7 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01503 大鼠胱天蛋白酶3(Caspase-3/CPP32)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: cysteinyl aspartate specific proteinases 3 ,English abbreviation: Caspase-3/CPP32 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01504 大鼠末端運動神經元生存蛋白1(SMN1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Survival Of Motor Neuron 1, omeric Elisa Kit (SMN1 ,English abbreviation: SMN1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01505 大鼠補體成分1受體(C1r)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Complement Component 1R Elisa Kit (C1r) ,English abbreviation: C1r ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01506 大鼠尾型同源框轉錄因子2(CDX2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Caudal Type Homeobox Transcription Factor 2 Elisa Kit (CDX2) ,English abbreviation: CDX2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01507 大鼠*酯轉運蛋白(CETP/LTP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: cholest erolester transfer protein/lipid transfer protein ,English abbreviation: CETP/LTP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01508 大鼠*(VD)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Vitamin D(VD)ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: VD ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01509 大鼠Ⅰ型膠原(Col Ⅰ)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Collagen Type Ⅰ,Col Ⅰ ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: Col Ⅰ ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01510 大鼠堿性成纖維細胞生長因子9(BFGF 9)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: basic fibrobiast growth factor 9 ,English abbreviation: BFGF 9 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01511 大鼠*(NE)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Elastase , Neutrophil Elisa Kit (NE) ,English abbreviation: NE ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01512 大鼠生長調節致癌基因y/黑素瘤生激因子(BGOy/MGSA)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: growth-regulated oncogeneY/melanoma growth stimulating activity ,English abbreviation: BGOy/MGSA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01513 大鼠α/β干擾素受體(IFN-α)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Interferon α ,English abbreviation: IFN-α ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01514 大鼠腸抑胃肽(GIP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: GIP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01515 大鼠三碘甲狀腺原氨酸(T3)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: triiodothyronine ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: T3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01516 大鼠基質金屬蛋白酶8(MMP-8)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: MMP-8 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01517 大鼠甘丙肽/甘丙素(GAL)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat galanin,GAL ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: GAL ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01518 大鼠鈣離子通道抗體(VGCC)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: voltage-gated calcium channel,VGCC ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: VGCC ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01519 大鼠*(NA)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Neuraminidase ,English abbreviation: NA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01520 大鼠*(VC)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Vitamin C(VC)ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: VC ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01521 大鼠白介素-1α(IL-1α)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: interleukin-1α ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: IL-1α ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01522 大鼠制瘤素M受體(OSMR)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Oncostatin M Receptor Elisa Kit (OSMR) ,English abbreviation: OSMR ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01523 大鼠神經生長因子前體1(proNGF1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: proNGF1 ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: proNGF1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01524 大鼠可溶性CD44V9(SCD44V9)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: soluble Cluster of Differentiation 44v9 Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: SCD44V9 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01525 大鼠阿米巴(Amebiasis)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Amebiasis ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: Amebiasis ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01526 大鼠神經激肽A(NKA)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Neurokinin A ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: NKA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01527 大鼠前列腺素E合酶(PTGES)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Prostaglandin E Synthase, Microsomal Elisa Kit (PTGES) ,English abbreviation: PTGES ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01528 大鼠β淀粉樣蛋白42(Aβ-42)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Aβ-42 ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: Aβ-42 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01529 大鼠抗存活素抗體(Anti-Surv)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Anti-Survivin Antibody Elisa Kit (Anti-Surv) ,English abbreviation: Anti-Surv ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01530 大鼠免疫核糖核酸(IIRNA)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: immune ribonucleic acid/immune RNA ,English abbreviation: IRNA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01531 大鼠性激素結合球蛋白(SHBG)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: SHBG ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01532 大鼠糖化血清蛋白(GSP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: glycosylated serum protein ,English abbreviation: GSP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01533 大鼠前列腺素內過氧化物合酶1(PTGS1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 1 Elisa Kit (PTGS1) ,English abbreviation: PTGS1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01534 大鼠糖化血紅蛋白A1c(GHbA1c)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Glycated hemoglobin A1c,GHbA1c ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: GHbA1c ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01535 大鼠葡萄糖轉運蛋白1(GLUT1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Glucose Transporter 1 Elisa Kit (GLUT1) ,English abbreviation: GLUT1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01536 大鼠紅藻氨酸離子能*受體2(GRIK2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Kainate 2 Elisa Kit (GRIK2) ,English abbreviation: GRIK2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01537 大鼠血管生成素2(Ang 2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Angiotensin 2 Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: Ang 2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01538 大鼠半乳糖6硫酸酯酶(Gal-65)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: galactose-6-sulphate sulphatase ,English abbreviation: Gal-65 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01539 大鼠腫瘤壞死因子相關凋亡誘導配體(Strail)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: soluble tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand ,English abbreviation: Strail ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01540 大鼠TATA框結合蛋白關聯因子2(TAF2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: TATA Box Binding Protein Associated Factor 2 Elisa Kit (TAF2) ,English abbreviation: TAF2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
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