MHPG ELISA檢測試劑盒利用免疫酶技術可以在較短時間內,完成成千上萬份樣品的檢測工作,真正的讓實驗者受益,節省實驗成本和實驗時間。我司產品均信息齊全,一律現貨供應,發貨速度快,
MHPG ELISA檢測試劑盒加入酶反應的底物后,底物被酶催化成為有色產物,產物的量與標本中受檢物質的量直接相關。 通常,酶聯免疫反應曲線是規則的,如果曲線不規則說明實驗穩定性差,宜做平行樣修正。
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01228 大鼠鱗狀細胞癌相關抗原(SCCAg)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Squamous Cell Carcinoma related antigen ,English abbreviation: SCCAg ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01229 大鼠*受體1(SSTR1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Somatostatin Receptor 1 Elisa Kit (SSTR1) ,English abbreviation: SSTR1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01230 大鼠白介素23(IL23)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Interleukin 23 ,English abbreviation: IL-23 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01231 大鼠遲現抗原(VLA)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat very late appearing antigen,VLA ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: VLA ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01232 大鼠腫瘤生長相關因子b(GROb)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Growth Regulated Oncogene Beta Elisa Kit (GROb) ,English abbreviation: GROb ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01233 大鼠超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Superoxide Dismutase ELISA KIT ,English abbreviation: SOD ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01234 大鼠性激素結合球蛋白(SHBG)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat sex hormone-binding globulin,SHBG ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: SHBG ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01235 大鼠C反應蛋白(CRP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: C燫eactive燩rotein ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: CRP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01236 大鼠血管生成素1(ANG-1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Angiopoietin 1,ANG-1 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: ANG-1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01237 大鼠總β淀粉樣蛋白(βAP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Total βAmyloid Protein Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: βAP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01238 大鼠異常*原(APT)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: antiProthrombin elisa kit ,English abbreviation: APT ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01239 大鼠蛋白酶3抗體(PR3AB)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: proteinase 3 antibody ,English abbreviation: PR3AB ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01240 大鼠核RNA輸出因子1(NXF1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Nuclear RNA Export Factor 1 Elisa Kit (NXF1) ,English abbreviation: NXF1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01241 大鼠促甲狀腺素(TSH)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Thyroid Stimulating Hormone,TSH ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: TSH ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01242 大鼠色素上皮衍生因子(PEDF)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Pigment Epithelium Derived Factor Elisa Kit (PEDF) ,English abbreviation: PEDF ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01243 大鼠白細胞活化黏附因子(ALCAM)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule,ALCAM ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: ALCAM ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01244 大鼠核糖核酸酶(RNASE)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Ribonuclease ,English abbreviation: RNASE ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01245 大鼠GATA結合蛋白5(GATA5)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: GATA Binding Protein 5 Elisa Kit (GATA5) ,English abbreviation: GATA5 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01246 大鼠脫氧吡啶啉(DPD)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Deoxypyridinoline elisa kit ,English abbreviation: DPD ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01247 大鼠干擾素β(IFN-β)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Interferon β ,English abbreviation: IFN-β ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01248 大鼠接頭蛋白2(ELMO2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Engulfment And Cell Motility 2 Elisa Kit (ELMO2) ,English abbreviation: ELMO2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01249 大鼠間變性淋巴瘤激酶(ALK)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Anapastic lymphoma kinase ,English abbreviation: ALK ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01250 大鼠主要穹窿蛋白(MVP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: major vault protein,MVP ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: MVP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01251 大鼠β絨毛膜*(β-hCG)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: β subunit human chorionic gondaotropin elisa kit ,English abbreviation: β-HCG ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01252 大鼠粘蛋白(ORM)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: orosomucoid ,English abbreviation: ORM ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01253 大鼠核心蛋白聚糖(DCN)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Decorin Elisa Kit (DCN) ,English abbreviation: DCN ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01254 大鼠趨化因子Fractalkine(Fractalkine)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Fractalkine ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: Fractalkine ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01255 大鼠極低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Very Low Density Lipoproteins ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: VLDL ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01256 大鼠巨噬細胞來源的趨化因子(MDC/CCL22)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Macrophage derived chemokine ELISA KIT ,English abbreviation: MDC/CCL22 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01257 大鼠前列腺素F(PGF)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: rat Prostaglandin F,PG-F ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: PGF ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01258 大鼠生長分化因子5(GDF5)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Growth Differentiation Factor 5 Elisa Kit (GDF5) ,English abbreviation: GDF5 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01259 大鼠白介素2受體(IL-2R/CD122)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Interleukin-2 receptor ,English abbreviation: IL-2R/CD122 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01260 大鼠腸脂肪酸結合蛋白(iFABP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat intestinal fatty acid binding protein,iFABP ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: iFABP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01261 大鼠脂肪細胞型脂肪酸結合蛋白(A-FABP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein ,English abbreviation: A-FABP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01262 大鼠血管緊張素Ⅰ轉化酶(ACE I)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme ,English abbreviation: ACE I ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01263 大鼠血管生成素4(ANG-4)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Angiopoietin 4,ANG-4 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: ANG-4 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01264 大鼠神經母細胞瘤抗體(NB-Ab)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: anti-neuroblastoma-antibody,NB-Ab ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: NB-Ab ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01265 大鼠基質細胞衍生因子-1α(SDF-1α)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: stromal-derived factor-1 α ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: SDF-1α ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01266 大鼠補體成分3(C3)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Complement Component 3 Elisa Kit (C3) ,English abbreviation: C3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01267 大鼠神經營養因子受體3型(NTRK3)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 Elisa Kit (NTRK3) ,English abbreviation: NTRK3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01268 大鼠糖類抗原19-9(CA19-9)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 ,English abbreviation: CA19-9 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01269 大鼠含免疫球蛋白樣環和上皮生長因子樣域*激酶2(Tie-2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like and EGF-like domains 2,Tie-2 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: Tie-2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01270 大鼠乳鐵蛋白(LF)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Lactoferrin ,English abbreviation: LF ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01271 大鼠纖維介素蛋白(FGL2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Fibrinogen Like Protein 2 Elisa Kit (FGL2) ,English abbreviation: FGL2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01272 大鼠1,25二羥基*3(DVD/DHVD 3)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 ,English abbreviation: DVD/DHVD 3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01273 大鼠促有絲分裂因子(MF/MPF)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: maturation promoting factor ,English abbreviation: MF/MPF ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01274 大鼠白介素5(IL-5)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Interleukin 5,IL-5 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: IL-5 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01275 大鼠嗜酸性白血球相關之RNA水解酵素家族成員2(Eosinophil-Rnase A2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 2 ,English abbreviation: Eosinophil-Rnase A2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01276 大鼠胸腺活化調節趨化因子(TARC/CCL17)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat thymus activation regulated chemokine,TARC ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: TARC/CCL17 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01277 大鼠軸突生長誘向因子1(Ntn1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Netrin-1 ,English abbreviation: Ntn1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01278 大鼠CD3分子(CD3)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Cluster of differentiation 3,CD3 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: CD3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01279 大鼠皮膚T-細胞虜獲趨化因子(CTACK)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Cutaneous T-Cell Attracting Chemokine Elisa Kit (CTACK) ,English abbreviation: CTACK ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01280 大鼠70kDa熱休克蛋白1A(HSPA1A)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1A Elisa Kit (HSPA1A) ,English abbreviation: HSPA1A ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01281 大鼠結締組織生長因子(CTGF)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat connective tissue growth factor,CTGF ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: CTGF ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01282 大鼠促腎上腺皮質激素(ACTH)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Adrenocor Ticotropic Hormore ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: ACTH ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01283 大鼠主要組織相容性復合體Ⅰ類(MHCⅠ/RLAⅠ)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: major histocompatibility complex I ,English abbreviation: MHC I/RLA I ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01284 大鼠腫瘤壞死因子相關凋亡誘導配體3(TRAIL-R3)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand 3 ,English abbreviation: TRAIL-R3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01285 大鼠免疫球蛋白M(IgM)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Immunoglobulin M,IgM ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: IgM ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
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