5-HT1A ELISA檢測試劑盒利用免疫酶技術可以在較短時間內,完成成千上萬份樣品的檢測工作,真正的讓實驗者受益,節省實驗成本和實驗時間。我司產品均信息齊全,一律現貨供應,發貨速度快,
5-HT1A ELISA檢測試劑盒加入酶反應的底物后,底物被酶催化成為有色產物,產物的量與標本中受檢物質的量直接相關。 通常,酶聯免疫反應曲線是規則的,如果曲線不規則說明實驗穩定性差,宜做平行樣修正。
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01105 大鼠軸突生長誘向因子1(Ntn1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Netrin-1,Ntn1 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: Ntn1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01106 大鼠I型膠原(Col I)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Collagen Type I ,English abbreviation: Col I ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01107 大鼠胰島素受體(INSR)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: insulin receptor ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: INSR ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01108 大鼠趨化因子(RANTES)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: chemokines RANTES ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: RANTES ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01109 大鼠低氧上調節因子1(HYOU1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Hypoxia Up Regulated 1 Elisa Kit (HYOU1) ,English abbreviation: HYOU1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01110 大鼠核孔蛋白85kda(NUP85)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Nucleoporin 85kDa Elisa Kit (NUP85) ,English abbreviation: NUP85 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01111 大鼠半胱氨酰白三烯受體2(CYSLTR2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 2 Elisa Kit (CYSLTR2) ,English abbreviation: CYSLTR2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01112 大鼠胰腺衍生因子/FAM3B抗體(PANDER)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Pancreatic-Derived Factor/FAM3B Antibody ELISA KIT ,English abbreviation: PANDER ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01113 大鼠嗜酸性白血球相關之RNA水解酵素家族成員12(EAR12)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 12 ,English abbreviation: EAR12 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01114 大鼠Smad同源物7(Smad7)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 7 ,English abbreviation: Smad7 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01115 大鼠α半乳糖苷酶(αGAL)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: α-galactosidase ,English abbreviation: αGAL ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01116 大鼠葡萄糖轉運蛋白2(GLUT2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Glucose Transporter 2 Elisa Kit (GLUT2) ,English abbreviation: GLUT2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01117 大鼠堿性鞘磷脂磷酸二酯酶(Alk-Smase)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Alkaline Sphingomyelinase Elisa Kit (Alk-Smase) ,English abbreviation: Alk-Smase ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01118 大鼠生長激素(GH)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Growth Hormone Elisa Kit (GH) ,English abbreviation: GH ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01119 大鼠尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸氧化酶4(NOX4)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 4 Elisa Kit (NOX4) ,English abbreviation: NOX4 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01120 大鼠游離蛋白S(FP-S)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Free Protein S,FP-S ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: FP-S ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01121 大鼠前動力蛋白受體2(PKR2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Prokineticin Receptor 2 Elisa Kit (PKR2) ,English abbreviation: PKR2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01122 大鼠骨鈣素/骨*蛋白(OT/BGP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Osteocalcin/Bone gla protein ,English abbreviation: OT/BGP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01123 大鼠可溶性晚期糖基化終末產物受體(SRAGE)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: solube receptor for advanced glycation end products ,English abbreviation: SRAGE ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01124 大鼠睪酮(T)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Testoterone,T ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: T ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01125 大鼠胰脂肪酶(PL)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Pancreatic Lipase ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: PL ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01126 大鼠內分泌腺來源的血管內皮生長因子(EG-VEGF)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Endocrine gland vascular endothelial growth factor,EG-VEGF ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: EG-VEGF ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01127 大鼠CD5分子樣蛋白(CD5L)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: CD5 Antigen-like/scavenger receptor cysteine rich family Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: CD5L ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01128 大鼠白介素21(IL-21)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Interleukin 21,IL-21 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: IL-21 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01129 大鼠早期生長應答因子1(EGR1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Early Growth Response Protein 1 Elisa Kit (EGR1) ,English abbreviation: EGR1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01130 大鼠N端中段骨鈣素(N-MID-OT)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: N-MID Osteocalcin ,English abbreviation: N-MID-OT ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01131 大鼠主要組織相容性復合體Ⅰ類(MHC I/H-2 I)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: MHC I/H-2 I ,English abbreviation: MHC I/H-2 I ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01132 大鼠腦啡肽(ENK)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: enkephalin ,English abbreviation: ENK ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01133 大鼠*釋放激素受體抗體(GNRHR-Ab)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antibody,GNRHR-Ab ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: GNRHR-Ab ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01134 大鼠IPO-38蛋白(IPO-38)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: IPO-38 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: IPO-38 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01135 大鼠*S轉移酶A1(GSTa1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 1 Elisa Kit (GSTa1) ,English abbreviation: GSTa1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01136 大鼠可溶性血小板內皮細胞粘附分子1(sPECAM-1/sCD31)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat soluble plaet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1,sPECAM-1 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: sPECAM-1/sCD31 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01137 大鼠生長因子受體結合蛋白7(Grb7)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Growth Factor Receptor Bound Protein 7 Elisa Kit (Grb7) ,English abbreviation: Grb7 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01138 大鼠二氫嘧啶酶樣3(DPYSL3)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Dihydropyrimidinase Like Protein 3 Elisa Kit (DPYSL3) ,English abbreviation: DPYSL3 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01139 大鼠β內啡肽(β-EP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Beta-Endorphin,β-EP ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: β-EP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01140 大鼠*(LZM)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Lysozyme/Muramidase ELISA KIT ,English abbreviation: LZM ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01141 大鼠乙醇脫氫酶(ADH)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat alcohol dehydrogenase,ADH ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: ADH ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01142 大鼠Ⅰ型前膠原羧基端肽(PⅠCP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Carboxyterminal propeptide of type Ⅰprocollagen ,English abbreviation: PⅠCP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01143 大鼠視網膜母細胞瘤蛋白1(RB1)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Retinoblastoma Protein 1 Elisa Kit (RB1) ,English abbreviation: RB1 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01144 大鼠組織蛋白酶D(CTSD)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Cathepsin D ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: CTSD ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01145 大鼠瘦素(Leptin)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Leptin ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: Leptin ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01146 大鼠脂肪細胞型脂肪酸結合蛋白(A.FABP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Adipocyte Fatty Acid Binding Protein Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: A.FABP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01147 大鼠戊糖素(PTD)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat Pentosidine(PTD)ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: PTD ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01148 大鼠鈣調素特異抗體(CaM-ab)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: ANTI- Calmodulin specific antibody ,English abbreviation: CaM-ab ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01149 大鼠泛素激活酶(E1/UBAE)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: E1/ubiquitin-activating enzyme ,English abbreviation: E1/UBAE ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01150 大鼠胎盤生長因子(PLGF)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Placental growth hormone ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: PLGF ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01151 大鼠正常T細胞表達和分泌因子(RANTES/CCL5)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat regulated on activation in normal T-cell expressed and secreted,RANTES ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: RANTES/CCL5 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01152 大鼠甲狀腺素(T4)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Thyronine elisa kit ,English abbreviation: T4 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01153 大鼠膀胱癌抗原(UBC)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: urinary bladder cancer antigen,UBC ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: UBC ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01154 大鼠抗血小板抗體IgG/M/A(PA-IgG/M/A)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat plaet antibodies IgG/M/A,PA-IgG/M/A ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: PA-IgG/M/A ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01155 大鼠白介素15(IL-15)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Interleukin 15 ,English abbreviation: IL-15 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01156 大鼠成纖維細胞生長因子受體底物2(FRS2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor SubstRate 2 Elisa Kit (FRS2) ,English abbreviation: FRS2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01157 大鼠α2巨球蛋白前體(Pre-α2 MG)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: α2 macroglobulin precursor ,English abbreviation: Pre-α2 MG ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01158 大鼠磷脂轉運蛋白(PLTP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Phospholipid Transfer Protein Elisa Kit (PLTP) ,English abbreviation: PLTP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01159 大鼠一型C端前膠原(PICP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: C.Terminal Propeptide of type l collagen Elisa Kit ,English abbreviation: PICP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01160 大鼠促腎上腺皮質激素受體(ACTHR)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: ACTHR ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: ACTHR ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01161 大鼠腦鈉素(BNP)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Brain Natriuretic Peptide ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: BNP ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01162 大鼠血管內皮生長因子C(VEGF-C)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: VEGF-C ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: VEGF-C ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01163 大鼠過氧化氫酶(CAT)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Catalase elisa kit ,English abbreviation: CAT ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01164 大鼠受磷蛋白(PLN)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Phospholamban Elisa Kit (PLN) ,English abbreviation: PLN ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01165 大鼠可溶性Toll樣受體2(sTLR2)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Rat soluble Toll-like receptor 2,sTLR-2 ELISA Kit ,English abbreviation: sTLR2 ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
BIO(Tw)-E03(Rat)-01166 大鼠胱抑素C(CystatinC)Elisa試劑盒(進口) ,Products name: Cystatin C ELISA kit ,English abbreviation: CystatinC ,Specifications: 48孔/96孔 ,Packing: 1box ,Weight: 860g
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