一、簡介(Applications) LDZ3-150電磁失電制動器為通電脫離(釋放),斷電彈簧制動的摩擦式制動器。它主要于Y系列電動配套成YEJ系列電磁制動三相異步電動機。廣泛應用于冶金、建筑、化工、食品、機床、印刷、包裝等機械中,及在斷電時(防險)制動等場合。 這種制動器具有結構緊湊、安裝方便、適應性廣、噪聲低、工作頻率高、動作靈敏、制動可靠等優點,是一種理想的自動化執行元件。 The LDZ3 brake is fricative brakes, which are automatically set to work when an AC power lost occurs. They are mainly used with Y series motors to create YEJ series three-phase motors, it`s widely applicable in machine tools and in machineries for metallurgy, construction, chemistry, food-prompt and accurate braking effect. Because of its small size, light weight low noise and high reliability, it is widely accepeted as an ideal piece of automation equipment.