茜素紫 | Alizarin violet | 2103-64-2 |
靛藍貳磺酸鈉 | Indigo carmine | 860-22-0 |
* | Indocyanine Green | 3599-32-4 |
健那綠B | Janus Green B | 2869-83-2 |
哲納爾氏染色素 | Jenner’s stain | 62851-42-7 |
麗絲胺羅丹明B | Lissamine rhodamine B | 3520-42-1 |
燦爛甲酚藍 | Brilliant Cresyl blue | 81029-05-2 |
雙環己酮草酰貳腙 | Bis(cyclohexanone)oxalyldihydrazone | 370-81-0 |
溴甲酚紫鈉鹽 | Bromocresol purple sodium salt | 62625-30-3 |
溴百里香酚蘭鈉 | Bromothymol blue sodium salt | 34722-90-2 |
俾斯麥棕Y | Bismarck Brown Y | 10114-58-6 |
溴酚藍鈉 | Bromophenol blue sodium salt | 34725-61-6 |
亮綠SF(淡黃) | Light Green SF Yellowish | 5141-20-8 |
雷氏曼著色劑 | Leishman’s stain | 12627-53-1 |
甲基藍 | Methyl blue | 28983-56-4 |
* 來源于牛心臟 | Cytochrome c from bovine heart | 9007-43-6 |
1,3-貳羥基丙酮,貳聚體 | 1,3-Dihydroxyacetone dimer | 62147-49-3 |
瓊脂粉 | Agar | 9002-18-0 |
瓊脂 | Agar | 9002-18-0 |
堿性蛋白胨水 | Alkaline Peptone Water |
酸水解酪蛋白胨 |
牛肉浸膏 | Beef extract |
牛肉浸粉 | Beef extract desicxant |
羊膽鹽 | Bile salt,sheep |
緩沖蛋白胨水 | Buffered Peptone Water |
細菌學蛋白胨 | Bacterial peptone |
3號膽鹽 | Bile salts No.3 |
水解干酪素 | Casein hydrolysate,pancreatic |
庖肉牛肉粒 | Cooked Meat Particle |
皰肉牛肉粒 | Dried Meat Particle |
明膠 | Gelatin | 9000-70-8 |
乳糖復發酵胨水 | Lactose Broth |
水解乳蛋白 | Lactalbumin hydrolysate | 68458-87-7 |
麥芽浸膏湯 | Malt Extract Broth |
半固體瓊脂 | Motility Test Medium(Semisolid) |
麥芽浸膏 | Malt extract | 8002-48-0 |
蛋白胨水 | Peptone water |
多價蛋白胨 | Polypeptone |
月示蛋白胨 | Proteose petonne |
牛磺膽酸鈉 | Sodium taurocholate hydrate | 145-42-6 |
大豆蛋白胨 | Soya peptone |
雙料乳糖膽鹽胨水 | Twofold Lactose Bile Salt Broth |
V-P半固體瓊脂 | Voges-Proskauer Semisolid Agar |
酵母浸粉 | Yeast extract,powder | 8013-01-2 |
酵母浸膏 | Yeast extract | 8013-01-2 |
*葡萄糖斜面瓊脂 | Arginine Dextrose Agar |
酸性肉湯 | Acid Broth |
堿性瓊脂 | Alkaline Agar |
四號瓊脂 | No.4 Agar |
疊氮鈉葡萄糖肉湯 | Aziode Dextrose Broth |
堿性膽鹽瓊脂 | Alkaline Bile Salt Agar |
霍亂雙糖鐵瓊脂 | KIA |
0.5%葡萄糖肉湯瓊脂 | 0.5%Dextrose Broth Agar |
克氏雙糖鐵瓊脂(上層) | Kligler Iron Agar |
Aliz-gal(茜素-β-半乳糖苷)瓊脂 | Aliz-gal Agar |
亞硫酸鉍瓊脂 | Bismuth Sulfite Agar |
溴甲酚紫葡萄糖肉湯 | Bromcresol Purple Dextrose Broth |
亮綠乳糖培養液 | Brilliant Green Bile Broth |
煌綠乳糖膽鹽肉湯 | Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Broth |
酚紅煌綠瓊脂 | Brilliant Green Agar,Modified |
煌綠蛋白胨肉湯 | Brilliant Green Peptone Broth |
血平板(一次性成品培養基) | Blood Agar plate |
腦-心浸萃液態培養基 | Brain Heart Infusion Broth |
布氏肉湯 | Brucella Broth |
布氏瓊脂 | Brucella Agar |
糖發酵基礎肉湯 | Bromcresol Purple Broth Base |
B-P增菌液 | B-P Enrichment Broth |
煌綠增菌液 | Brilliant Green Broth |
豆粉瓊脂 | Blood Agar Base |
B-P瓊脂 | B-P Agar |
普通肉湯 | Broth Medium |
亮綠瓊脂 | Brilliant Green Agar |
改良緩沖蛋白胨水基礎 | Buffered Petone Water,Modified |
十六烷*基*瓊脂 | Cetrimide Agar |
酪蛋白瓊脂 | Casein Agar |
改良Camp-BAP瓊脂基礎 | Camp-BAPAgarBase,Modified |
彎曲菌血瓊脂基礎 | Campylobacter Blood Agar Base |
中國藍瓊脂 | China Blue Agar |
雙洗瓊脂 | Double Sugar Agar |
去氧膽酸鹽瓊脂 | Desoxycholate Lactose Agar |
葡萄糖肉湯 | Dextrose Meat Infusion Broth |
葡萄糖肉浸液肉湯 | Dextrose Meat Infusion Broth |
葡萄糖蛋白胨瓊脂 | Dextrose Peptone Agar |
DNA酶甲基綠瓊脂基礎 | DNAase Agar Base with Methyl Green |
膽硫乳瓊脂 | Deoxycholate Hydrogen Sulfide Lactose Agar |
葡萄糖發酵管 | Dextrose Broth |
葡萄糖半固體發酵管 | Dextrose Semisolid Medium |
衛矛醇半固體瓊脂 | Dulcitol Semisolid Agar |
DNA 酶瓊脂 | DNAase Agar |
葡萄糖蛋白胨肉湯 | Dextrose Peptone Medium |
曙紅亞甲基蘭瓊脂 | Eosin Methylene Blue Agar |
乙基紫疊氮鈉肉湯 | Ethyl Veolet Aziode Broth |
EC肉湯 | EC Medium |
腸道菌增菌肉湯 | Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Broth |
卵黃*高鹽瓊脂基礎 | Egg-Yolk Manitol Salt Agar Base |
EB增菌液基礎 | EB Enrichment Broth Base |
遠藤氏瓊脂 | Endo Agar |
Fraser 肉湯增菌液基礎 | Fraser Broth Base |
四硫磺酸鈉亮綠增菌液基礎 | Fluid Tetrathionnate Medium |
*瓊脂 | Gentamycin Agar |
GN增菌液 | GN Broth,Hajna |
HE瓊脂 | Hektoen Enteric Agar |
嗜鹽菌選擇性瓊脂 | Halophilic Selective Agar |
克氏雙糖鐵瓊脂 | Kligler Iron Agar |
Koser氏枸椽酸鹽肉湯 | Koser Citrate Medium |
賴氨酸鐵瓊脂 | Lysine Iron Agar |
LB肉湯 | LB Broth |
LB瓊脂 | LB Agar |
*-吐溫80營養瓊脂 | Lecithin Tween-80 Nutrient Agar |
乳糖蛋白胨培養液 | Lactose Peptone Broth |
LEB增菌液 | listeria Enrrichment Broth |
李氏增菌液基礎 | Listeria Enrichment Broth BaseⅡ |
乳糖膽鹽發酵管 | Lactose Bile Broth |
乳糖膽鹽增菌液 | Lactose Bile Salt Medium |
乳糖膽鹽瓊脂 | Lactose Bile Salt Agar |
月桂基硫酸鹽胰蛋白月示肉湯 | Lauryl sulfate tryptose brotm |
麥康凱瓊脂 | MacConkey Agar |
錳鹽營養瓊脂 | Manganese Nutrient Agar |
MUGal肉湯 | MUGal Broth |
改良E.C新生霉素增菌肉湯基礎 | ModifiedE.C.Novobiocin Broth Base |
*卵黃多粘菌素瓊脂 | Mannitol Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base |
水解酪蛋白胨(MH)瓊脂 | Mueller Hinton Agar |
肉浸液瓊脂 | Meat Infusion Agar |
改良酵母浸汁-孟加拉紅肉湯 | Modified Yeast Extract-Rose Bengal Broth |
藥敏試驗瓊脂 | Medicine Test Agar |
MH肉湯 | Mueller-Hinton Broth |
馬丁氏肉湯 | Martin Broth |
馬丁氏肉湯瓊脂 | Martin Agar |
改良的Mc Bride瓊脂 | Modified McBride Listeria Agar |
營養瓊脂 | Nutrient agar |
營養肉湯 | Nutrient Broth |
牛津瓊脂基礎 | Oxford Agar Base |
馬鈴薯瓊脂 | Potato Infusion Agar |
Preston 肉湯培養基 | Preston Broth Base |
匹克氏肉湯B | Pick's Broth Base B |
平板計數瓊脂 | Plate Counts Agar |
匹克氏肉湯基礎 | Pike Streptococcal Broth Base A |
苯*瓊脂 | Phenylalanine Agar |
馬鈴薯葡萄糖肉湯 | Potato Dextrose Broth |
改良磷酸鹽緩沖液 | Phosphate Saline Buffer Modified |
酪胨瓊脂 | Peptone from Casein Agar |
匹克氏肉燙基礎 | Pike Streptococcal Broth Base |
PALCAM瓊脂基礎 | PALCAM Agar Base |
匹克氏肉湯 | Pick's Broth |
玫瑰紅鈉瓊脂 | Rose Bengal AgarⅡ |
氯化鎂孔雀綠增菌液 | Rappaport-Vassiliadis Medium |
虎紅瓊脂 | Rose Bengal Agar |
*麥康凱瓊脂基礎 | Sorbitol MacConkey Agar Base |
SS瓊脂 | Salmonella-Shigella Agar |
亞硫酸鹽-多粘菌素-*瓊脂基礎 | Sulfite-Polymyxin-Sulphadiazine Agar Base |
0.5%無菌TTC溶液 | sterile TTC solution,0.5% |
西蒙氏枸櫞酸鹽瓊脂 | Simmons Citrate Agar |
改良Skirrow氏瓊脂基礎 | Skirrow Agar Base,Modified |
產芽孢肉湯 | Sporulation Broth |
S.F基礎 | Selenite Enrichment Medium Base |
S.C基礎 | Selenite Cystine Broth Base |
亞利桑那菌瓊脂 | Salmonella Arizona Agar |
葡萄球菌增菌肉湯 | Staphylococcus Enrichmen Broth |
葡萄球選擇性瓊脂 | Staphylococcus Selective Agar |
真菌營養瓊脂(綜合PDA) | Synthetic Potato Detrose Agar |
亞硫酸鹽-多粘菌素-*瓊脂配套試劑 | Sulfite-Polymyxin-Sulphadiazine Agar Base |
胰蛋白胨大豆肉湯 | Trypticase(Tryptic)Soy Broth |
胰化大豆瓊脂 | Tryptic Soy AgarⅡ |
TTC營養瓊脂 | TTC Nutrient Agar |
四硫磺酸鈉煌綠增菌液基礎 | Tetrathionate Broth Base |
胰酪胨大豆肉湯 | Tryptic Soy Broth with 10% Sodium chloride |
TCBS瓊脂 | TCBS Agar |
胰酪胨大豆酵母浸膏瓊脂 | Tryptic Soy Agar with Yeast Extract |
胰酪胨大豆酵母浸膏肉湯 | Tryptic Soy Broth with Yeast Extract |
胰月示-亞硫酸鹽-環*瓊脂基礎 | Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar Base |
三糖鐵瓊脂 | Triple Sugar Iron Agar |
四環素檢定瓊脂 | Tetracyline Examination Agar |
快速硫化氫實驗瓊脂 | H2S Test Medium |
TTC瓊脂基礎 | TTC Agar Base |
胰酪胨大豆多粘菌肉湯基礎 | Trypticase-Soy-Polymyxin Broth Base |
T1N1瓊脂 | T1N1 Agar |
T1N0肉湯 | T1N0Broth |
甲苯胺藍-DNA酶瓊脂 | Toluidine Blue-o-Dnase Agar |
胰月示肉湯基礎 | Tryptose Broth Base |
尿素酶瓊脂基礎 | Urease Agar Base |
雙糖鐵尿素瓊脂 | Urea Kligler Iron Agar |
結晶紫中性紅膽鹽瓊脂 | Violet Red Bile Agar |
腸道菌計數瓊脂 | Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar |
WS瓊脂 | Wuhan Salmonella Agar |
XLD瓊脂 | Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate Agar |
貳硫赤蘚醇 | 1,4-Dithioerythritol | 6892-68-8 |
乙貳胺四乙酸鐵鈉 | Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid monosodium ferric salt | 15708-41-5 |
Epibrassinolide | Epibrassinolide | 78821-43-9 |
Phenol:Chloroform 5:1 | Phenol:Chloroform 5:1 |
* - 氯仿 - 異戊醇混合物 | Phenol – chloroform – isoamyl alcohol mixture | 136112-00-0 |
利美尼啶 | Rilmenidine hemifumarate salt | 54187-04-1 |
2,2,2-三氟乙醇(TFEA) | 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol | 75-89-8 |
瓊脂糖 | Agarose | 9012-36-6 |
低熔點瓊脂糖 | Agarose | 9012-36-6 |
N,N′-亞甲基雙丙烯酰胺 | N,N′-Methylenebis(acrylamide) | 110-26-9 |
L-抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯 | L-Ascorbic acid 6-palmitate | 137-66-6 |
* | Alfacalcidol | 41294-56-8 |
鈣三醇 | calcitriol | 32222-06-3 |
1alpha,25-貳羥基維生素 D2 | 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D2 | 60133-18-8 |
*2 | Ergocalciferol (D2) | 50-14-6 |
25-羥基*3 | 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 monohydrate | 63283-36-3 |