產品介紹: |
型號和名稱 Types and Description
型號 TYPES | 名稱 Designation | U UY MY | 礦用移動橡套軟電纜 flexible cable for movable mining purposes | UP UYP MYP | 天然丁苯橡皮絕緣(阻燃)氯丁橡皮護套礦用屏蔽移動橡套軟電纜 NR/SBR rubber insulated(flame-retardant grade)neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible screened cable for movable mining purposes | UC MC | 天然丁苯橡皮絕緣(阻燃)氯丁橡皮護套采煤機軟電纜 NR/SBR rubber insulated(flame-retardant grade)neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible coal cutter cable | UCP MCP UCPQ | 天然丁苯橡皮絕緣(阻燃)氯丁橡皮護套采煤機屏蔽軟電纜 NR/SBR rubber insulated(flame-retardant grade)neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible coal cutter screened cable | UZ UZP MZ MZP | 天然丁苯橡皮絕緣(阻燃)氯丁橡皮護套礦用電鉆電纜 NR/SBR rubber insulated(flame-retardant grade)neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed drill cable for mining purpose | UYQ MYQ | 天然丁苯橡皮絕緣(阻燃)氯丁橡皮護套礦用輕型軟電纜 NR/SBR rubber insulated(flame-retardant grade)neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible light –duty cable for mining purpose |
生產范圍 Production Range
型號 Type | 額定電壓 Rated Voltage | 芯數 Num of cores | 標稱截面 Nom. Cross-section Mm2 | 主線 Principal Line | 地線 Ground Line | 控制線 Controll Line | U UP | 1000 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2.5-70 | UY MY | 380/660 | 3 | 1 | - | 4-70 | UYP MYP | 380/660 | 3 | 1 | - | 4-70 | UYP MYP | 660/1140 | 3 | 1 | - | 4-70 | UC | 1000 | 3 | 1 | 2-7 | 10-50 | UC MC | 380/660 | 3 | 1 | 3-7 | 16-50 | UCP | 1000 | 3 | 1 | 2-7 | 10-50 | UCP MCP | 380/660 | 3 | 1 | 3-7 | 16-50 | UCPQ | 1140 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 35-70 | UCP MCP | 660/1140 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 35-95 | UZ UZP MZ MZP | 300/500 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2.5-4 | UYQ MYQ | 300/500 | 2-12 | - | - | 1.0-2.5 |
產品標準 Standard of Product U型電纜參照按GB12972-2008《礦用橡套軟電纜》生產,M型電纜按MT818-1999《煤礦用阻燃電纜》及Q/320282DCE037-2003標準生產,同時還可根據用戶需要按電工委員會*標準IEC、英國標準、德國標準及美國標準生產。 The U-type cables are manufactured according to the standard of GB 12972-2008,while M –type cables are manufactured according to MT818-1999 and Q/1320282DCE037-2003, at the same time, they are also can be manufactured according to the standard of IEC, BS, DIN and AEIC. 適用范圍 Applications 礦用橡套軟電纜適用于交流額定電壓U0/U6/10KV及以下礦用動力裝置用移動敷設的電纜。 Flexible rubber-sheathed cables for mining purposes AC rated voltage up to and including 6/10KV are suitable for mining purposes power device with moring installation. 使用特性 Operating Characteristics 工頻額定電壓Uo/U為380/660V、300/500V、660/1140V、1.9/3.3KV、3.6/6KV、6/10KV. Rated voltage Uo/U: 380/660V 300/500V、660/1140V、1.9/3.3KV、3.6/6KV and 6/10KV. 電纜導體的zui高允許工作溫度:65℃。 Max. permissible operating temperature of the conductor: 65℃. 電纜允許zui低的工作環境溫度為-35℃。 Min. permissible operating temperature of the conductor: -35℃.
廠家信息Manufacturer information
法 定 代 表 人:郝國政
匯 款 帳 號:91608 04002 01100 05316
開 戶 行:河北省大城縣劉固獻農村信用合作社
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