污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
TDA-2H 數字式光度計(過濾器檢漏儀) 2H型是新型的功能齊全的便攜式數字光度計。秉承簡化操作和使用中免維護的理念去為用戶設計的。它的基本的用途是偵測并量度空氣中物質的濃度。三部分流速傳感和光電顯示燈提高了數據的穩定性 TDA-2H Portable Photometer 1. TDA-2H氣溶膠光度計產品特點: 2. 主要市場: 潔凈房 3, 產品介紹: 是新型的功能齊全的便攜式數字光度計。秉承簡化操作和使用中免維護的理念去為用戶設計的。它的基本的用途是偵測并量度空氣中物質的濃度。三部分流速傳感和光電顯示燈提高了數據的穩定性。 4, 技術參數: 尺寸: 25.7 cm x 36.3cm x 14.7 cm |
| 0.0001%-*(6位自動轉換) | |
測試范圍 | 0.0001%-125ug/L | |
測試精度 | 滿量程的0.05% | |
顯示(本體、掃描) | 數據顯示泄露率從0.0001%-* | |
特殊功能 | 自動歸零功能、報警功能 | |
數據輸出 | RS— | |
流量 | 1cfm | |
電源 | 100~250VAC,50/60Hz | |
外形尺寸 | 約257×147×363mm | |
重量 | 本體 | 約7kg |
掃描探頭(可選件) | |
The 2H is the latest digital photometer available in a portable self-contained unit. The 2H has been designed with the user in mind for simplicity of operation and virtually maintenance-free use. Its basic purpose is to detect and measure mass concentration of aerosol. Three-stage airflow sensor and optics indicator lights improve data reliability.
The microprocessor-controlled 2H enables the operator to quickly set operating functions and parameters. It is easily programmed and operates with just 7 push buttons. The digital display has a set-up menu and diagnostic codes for operator convenience. The range of concentration measurable is from 100 to 0.0001 µg/l. The 2H has two pre-set reference values (DOP & PAO) for aerosol agents as well as a USER setting, which allows storage of a sampled concentration to be retained as a reference value.
2H Portable Photometer Specifications
ENCLOSURE: Instrument enclosure is rugged, die cast aluminum and can be easily disassembled as required for recalibration and service of internal components. The enclosure has a swiveling handle that also acts as a support, permitting tilting of the control panel display for easy viewing, as well as increasing the ease of transport.
POWER: 100 to 250 volts AC, 50/60 Hz fused power entry module with spare fuses. Automatically adjusts to virtually all standard voltages used worldwide. Please specify power supply cable when ordering unit.
AUTO-RANGING: Automatic from 0.0001% to 100.0%. Provides 6 decades of display and eliminates the manual range selection switch.
AUTO ZERO: Automatically establishes zero by pressing the 0% button when sampling the airflow through the internal ULPA reference filter in the clear mode. Automatically establishes downstream reading as zero by pressing the 0% button when sampling the downstream airflow.
ALARM: Audible alarm in unit sounds when adjustable set point is exceeded. Visible alarm flashes on control panel and scanning probe. Audible portion of alarm can be disabled.
BARGRAPH: Solid-state bar graph with high visibility green LED on control panel and scanning probe.
AMPLIFIER: Solid-state linear amplifier.
PHOTOMETER ACCURACY: 1% of full scale for the decade in use in ratio metric mode.
DIGITAL DISPLAY: Shows % Leakage from 0.0001% to 100.0%
DYNAMIC RANGE: 0.0001 to 125 micrograms per liter. Improved firmware prevents system errors by blanking the display when sampling above 125 micrograms per liter; display is restored when concentration is lowered. "HIGH" mode enables sampling of concentrations exceeding 200 micrograms per liter.
LIGHT SOURCE: Long lasting, stable, solid-state scattering chamber light source. Photometer operates at low power, generating low heat, and low stray light values. Life expectancy is 50,000 to 100,000 hours.
REPEATABILITY: 0.5% full scale
SCATTERING CHAMBER: Field-tested design for efficient and reliable performance. A three-stage “OPTICS” indicator ensures accurate internal reference response; green indicates internal reference within 5% of original value, orange indicates internal reference shifted to 5-10% of original value, and red indicates that the internal reference has shifted by more than 10%.
VACUUM PUMP: True 1 cubic foot per minute (cfm) sample rate (28.3 liters per minute) using a twin head, carbon vane pump for quiet operation and dependability. A HEPA filter is externally integrated at the outlet of the vacuum pump entrapping any particles from the pump exhaust. A “FLOW” indicator ensures operation within required parameters.
OUTPUT: A DB9 connector is provided standard on all units for RS232 output
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環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?