【TDT肉湯,TDT Broth,258210】 本產品僅供科研與實驗使用,產品名稱請以英文為主,部分詳情:
【英文名稱】:TDT Broth
【TDT肉湯,TDT Broth,258210】 物美價廉、貨源充足,現貨*。江萊生物-中國老牌試劑供應商是滬上*的試劑供應商之一,*銷售ELISA試劑盒、生物試劑、抗體、標準品、培養基、樹脂等科研試劑,量大從優,部分產品*銷售,咨詢產品價格、貨期及優惠信息。
【】 質量保證,相關試劑歡迎選購:
吲哚乙酸,Indole-3-acetic Acid (IAA), >99%,I001-5GM
緩沖蛋白胨水,Buffered Peptone Water Preenrichment,218104
腦心浸液,Brain Heart Infusion,237200
m遠藤瓊脂LES,m Endo Agar LES,273620
丙二酸鹽肉湯,Malonate Broth,239520
Middlebrook 7H10瓊脂,Middlebrook 7H10 Agar,262710
假單孢菌瓊脂P,King Medium A (Pseudomonas agar P),244910
草本植物專屬培養基(含維生素和腺嘌呤),E3P Medium with Vitamins and Adenine, Proprietary herbacious plant medium with macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, and adenine hemisulfate. (Bottle Packaging),ETP02-10LT
MS培養基(含大量元素和微量元素),Murashige & Skoog Basal Salts, With macro- and micronutrients (Pouch Packaging),MSP01-10LT.1
聚*酯80,Polysorbate 80,211925
瓶裝選擇性大豆蛋白胨 500G,Select Soytone, Difco,212488
Gelzan植物凝膠,Gelzan, Highest grade gellan gum available (Formerly named Gelrite ); Produces a very transparent gel; Use at 2 - 4g/L,G024-5GM
MS培養基不含氮元素和維生素,Murashige & Skoog without Nitrogen (without vitamins),MSP21-1LT
愈傷組織增殖培養基,Callus Proliferation Medium, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins. (Pouch Packaging),CPP01-10LT.1
Gelzan植物凝膠,Gelzan, Highest grade gellan gum available (Formerly named Gelrite ); Produces a very transparent gel; Use at 2 - 4g/L,G024-1KG
D/E中和肉湯,D/E (Dey/Engley) Neutralizing Broth,281910
微繁殖瓊脂-I型,Micropropagation Agar-Type I, Derived from Gracilaria. Suitable for broad range of tissue culture applications; Use at 5 - 9g/L,A038-1KG
反玉米素,trans-Zeatin, CAS#1637-39-4; MW 219.24; >99%,Z007-50MG
禾谷類細胞組織培養基,Cereal Crops Medium, With macro- and micronutrients, amino acids, and carbohydrates. (Bottle Packaging),CCP01-5LT
小牛肉浸液肉湯,Veal Infusion Broth,234410
DKW培養基,DKW Medium, With macronutrients and micronutrients (Bottle Packaging),DKP01-10LT
改良薩布羅液體培養肉湯(抗生素培養基13),Antibiotic Medium 13,210986
LB MILLER瓊脂,LB Agar, Miller (Luria-Bertani),244520
LOWENSTEIN培養基基礎,Lowenstein Medium Base,244420
APT肉湯,APT Broth,265510
MUELLER HINTON瓊脂,Mueller Hinton Medium,225220
吲哚丁酸鉀鹽,Indole-3-butyric Acid Potassium Salt (IBA-K), CAS# 60096-23-3,I008-25GM
QL基鹽培養基,Quoirin & Lepoivre Basal Salt Mixture, With macro- and micronutrients,QLP01-1LT
萘乙酸(NAA),Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA), >98%,N001-1KG