【番茄汁肉湯,Tomato Juice Broth,251720】 本產品僅供科研與實驗使用,產品名稱請以英文為主,部分詳情:
【英文名稱】:Tomato Juice Broth
【番茄汁肉湯,Tomato Juice Broth,251720】 物美價廉、貨源充足,現貨*。江萊生物-中國老牌試劑供應商是滬上*的試劑供應商之一,*銷售ELISA試劑盒、生物試劑、抗體、標準品、培養基、樹脂等科研試劑,量大從優,部分產品*銷售,咨詢產品價格、貨期及優惠信息。
【】 質量保證,相關試劑歡迎選購:
MS培養基(100X微量元素原液),Murashige & Skoog Micronutrient Stock, Miconutrients only; Each liter of powder makes one liter of a 100X stock solution (Pouch Packaging),MSP18-10LT.1
BIOSATETM蛋白胨 454G,Biosate? Peptone,211862
SS瓊脂,SS Agar Salmonella Shigella,212118
Phytoblend植物凝膠,Phytoblend, Proprietary blend of agars (compare to Phytagar ) Use at 7 - 9g/L,PTP01-2.5KG
瓊脂糖,Agarose, Suitable for nucleic acid fragments ≥1000 bp; Suitable for use in blotting assays; No DNAse / RNAse activity detected,A049-1KG
C2D葡萄屬培養基,Chee & Pool (C2D) Vitis Medium, With macro- and micronutrients,CEP01-50LT
微繁殖瓊脂-II型,Micropropagation Agar-Type II, Dervied from Gelidium. Softer gel strength than A038 agar; Use at 5 - 9g/L,A037-1KG
MS培養基(含維生素,不含*),Murashige & Skoog with Vitamins; without Glycine, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins; without glycine (Bottle Packaging),MSP02-10LT
石蕊牛奶,Litmus Milk,211343
MUG月桂胰胨肉湯,Lauryl Tryptose Broth with MUG,211740
TODD HWEITT肉湯,Todd Hewitt Broth,249220
MS培養基(含大量元素和微量元素),Murashige & Skoog Basal Salts, With macro- and micronutrients,MSP01-100LT
賴氨酸脫羧酶肉湯,Lysine Decarboxylase Broth,211759
哥倫比亞CNA瓊脂,Columbia CNA Agar,294221
B5培養基(含MS大量和微量元素及維生素),Gamborg’s B-5 Long Medium, With macro- and micronutrients (Gamborg et al., 1968) and enriched with 16 organic compounds (Bottle Packaging),GBP06-10LT
麥康凱瓊脂,MacConkey Agar,211387
C2D葡萄屬培養基,Chee & Pool (C2D) Vitis Medium, With macro- and micronutrients,CEP01-1LT
2,4- 二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D),2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D), CAS 94-75-7,D001-25GM
M-H 肉湯,Mueller Hinton Broth,211443
反玉米素核苷,trans-Zeatin Riboside, CAS# 6025-53-2; MW 351.36; >99%,Z008-100MG
反玉米素,trans-Zeatin, CAS#1637-39-4; MW 219.24; >99%,Z007-250MG
Gelzan植物凝膠,Gelzan, Highest grade gellan gum available (Formerly named Gelrite ); Produces a very transparent gel; Use at 2 - 4g/L,G024-5GM
豬腦心浸液,Brain Heart Infusion, Porcine,256120