英文名字Mouse heat shock protein 60,hSP-60 ELISA Kit
Anti-ADAM-TS1/METH1(a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with-thrombospodin type 1) 整合素樣金屬蛋白酶與*1型(抗體)
Anti-ADAM-TS7 (A Disintegrin-like and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 7) 整合素樣金屬蛋白酶與*1型-7(N端抗體)
Anti-ADAM-TS7 (A Disintegrin-like and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 7) 整合素樣金屬蛋白酶與*1型-7(抗體)
Anti-Adducin protein 內收蛋白抗體
Anti-ADFP/ADRP/adipophilin (adipose differentiation-related protein) 脂肪組織分化相關蛋白抗體
Anti-Adipo R1 (adiponectin receptor 1) 脂聯素受體-1抗體
Anti-Adipo R2 (adiponectin receptor 2) 脂聯素受體-2抗體
Anti-Adiponectin 脂聯素抗體
Anti-ADM (Adrenomedullin) 腎上腺髓質素抗體
Anti-ADM R (Adrenomedullin receptor) 腎上腺髓質素受體抗體
Anti-ADNP/NAP (Activity-dependent Neuroprotective protein ) 活性依賴的神經保護肽抗體
Anti-ADORA3/A3AR(adenosine receptor A3) 腺苷受體A3
Anti-ADRA1-alpha 1 adrenergic receptor(alpha 1 adr-enoceptor) alpha-1腎上腺素能受體抗體
Anti-ADRA2 (alpha2 adrenergic receptor) alpha-2腎上腺素能受體抗體
Anti-ADRB1 (β1-adrenergic receptor) 腎上腺素能受體β1抗體
Anti-ADRB2 (β2-adrenergic receptor ) 腎上腺素能受體β2抗體
Anti-ADRB3/β3-AR (β3-adrenergic receptor) 腎上腺素能受體β3抗體
Anti-AE3(anion exchanger protein 3) 陰離子交換蛋白3抗體
Anti-AEBP1 (Adipocyte enhance binding protein 1) 脂肪細胞增強結合蛋白1
Anti-AFP (anti-Alpha Fetoprotein(AFP), for conjugation and detection) 鼠抗人甲胎蛋白抗體
Anti-AGER(Advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor)(RAGE) 晚期糖基化終末產物特異性受體抗體
Anti-AGEs (advanced glycosylation end products) 晚期糖基化終末產物抗體
Anti-Aggrecan 軟骨蛋白聚糖/可聚蛋白多糖抗體