當前位置:齊一生物科技(上海)有限公司>>ELISA試劑盒>>小鼠ELISA試劑盒>> 小鼠總補體(CH50)ELISA試劑盒
試劑盒組成 48孔配置 96孔配置 保存
說明書 1份 1份
封板膜 2片(48) 2片(96)
密封袋 1個 1個
酶標包被板 1×48 1×96 2-8℃保存
標準品:1800ng/L 0.5ml×1瓶 0.5ml×1瓶 2-8℃保存
標準品稀釋液 1.5ml×1瓶 1.5ml×1瓶 2-8℃保存
酶標試劑 3 ml×1瓶 6 ml×1瓶 2-8℃保存
樣品稀釋液 3 ml×1瓶 6 ml×1瓶 2-8℃保存
顯色劑A液 3 ml×1瓶 6 ml×1瓶 2-8℃保存
顯色劑B液 3 ml×1瓶 6 ml×1瓶 2-8℃保存
終止液 3ml×1瓶 6ml×1瓶 2-8℃保存
濃縮洗滌液 (20ml×20倍)×1瓶 (20ml×30倍)×1瓶 2-8℃保存
1. 標準品的稀釋與加樣:在酶標包被板上設標準品孔10孔,在*、第二孔中分別加標準品100μl,然后在*、第二孔中加標準品稀釋液50μl,混勻;然后從*孔、第二孔中各取100μl分別加到第三孔和第四孔,再在第三、第四孔分別加標準品稀釋液50μl,混勻;然后在第三孔和第四孔中先各取50μl棄掉,再各取50μl分別加到第五、第六孔中,再在第五、第六孔中分別加標準品稀釋液50ul,混勻;混勻后從第五、第六孔中各取50μl分別加到第七、第八孔中,再在第七、第八孔中分別加標準品稀釋液50μl,混勻后從第七、第八孔中分別取50μl加到第九、第十孔中,再在第九第十孔分別加標準品稀釋液50μl,混勻后從第九第十孔中各取50μl棄掉。(稀釋后各孔加樣量都為50μl,濃度分別為1200 ng/L,800 ng/L ,400 ng/L,200ng/L, 100 ng/L)。
2. 加樣:分別設空白孔(空白對照孔不加樣品及酶標試劑,其余各步操作相同)、待測樣品孔。在酶標包被板上待測樣品孔中先加樣品稀釋液40μl,然后再加待測樣品10μl(樣品zui終稀釋度為5倍)。加樣將樣品加于酶標板孔底部,盡量不觸及孔壁,輕輕晃動混勻。
3. 溫育:用封板膜封板后置37℃溫育30分鐘。
4. 配液:將30(48T的20倍)倍濃縮洗滌液用蒸餾水30(48T的20倍)倍稀釋后備用。
5. 洗滌:小心揭掉封板膜,棄去液體,甩干,每孔加滿洗滌液,靜置30秒后棄去,如此重復5次,拍干。
6. 加酶:每孔加入酶標試劑50μl,空白孔除外。
7. 溫育:操作同3。
8. 洗滌:操作同5。
9. 顯色:每孔先加入顯色劑A50μl,再加入顯色劑B50μl,輕輕震蕩混勻,37℃避光顯色15分鐘.
10. 終止:每孔加終止液50μl,終止反應(此時藍色立轉黃色)。
11. 測定:以空白空調零,450nm波長依序測量各孔的吸光度(OD值)。 測定應在加終止液后15分鐘以內進行。
1. 試劑盒從冷藏環境中取出應在室溫平衡15-30分鐘后方可使用,酶標包被板開封后如未用完,板條應裝入密封袋中保存。
2. 濃洗滌液可能會有結晶析出,稀釋時可在水浴中加溫助溶,洗滌時不影響結果。
3. 各步加樣均應使用加樣器,并經常校對其準確性,以避免試驗誤差。一次加樣時間控制在5分鐘內,如標本數量多,使用排加樣。
4. 請每次測定的同時做標準曲線,做復孔。如標本中待測物質含量過高(樣本OD值大于標準品孔*孔的OD值),請先用樣品稀釋液稀釋一定倍數(n倍)后再測定,計算時請zui后乘以總稀釋倍數(×n×5)。
5. 封板膜只限一次性使用,以避免交叉污染。
6. 底物請避光保存。
7. 嚴格按照說明書的操作進行,試驗結果判定必須以酶標儀讀數為準.
8. 所有樣品,洗滌液和各種廢棄物都應按傳染物處理。
9. 本試劑不同批號組分不得混用。
10. 如與英文說明書有異,以英文說明書為準。
9020462 PMT, GSC 40,630.00 CNY
1026901 MagAttract Suspension G (13/15),KG 13 ml volume of suspension G 2,780.00 CNY
9233576 Label, Biorobot3000 612.00 CNY
9019229 Memory Card, PyroQ24 3,890.00 CNY
9019215 Cog belt kit - Robot, PyroQ96MD 1,720.00 CNY
9019214 PCB - Shutter, PyroQ96MD 9,920.00 CNY
9019208 Cable - Y robot, PyroQ96MD 1,010.00 CNY
1066850 AIV-H7 RT-PCR REAGENT LE 3,260.00 CNY
9232904 YZ-CPU Board 35,090.00 CNY
1061082 CT PCR REAGENT I 1,880.00 CNY
1061107 PG AIV-H9 RT-PCR Assay (48) Z 3,260.00 CNY
1061112 HIV-1 RT-PCR REAGENT I 3,580.00 CNY
1061114 AIV-H7 RT-PCR REAGENT 3,260.00 CNY
9016652 Vacuum Trap Bottle 4l, UTP 10,570.00 CNY
9016420 Tubing Sys., Bottle, BR8 RD UTP 2,160.00 CNY
9016271 Maintenance Kit, BR MDx v2 64,430.00 CNY
9016268 Upgrade Kit, DISU, BR8000 9,750.00 CNY
9016237 Bag for Waste Container 464.00 CNY
9016122 Maintenance Kit, RoboVac, BR8000 I,SBS 4,720.00 CNY
9019176 Window, PyroQ96MD 19,060.00 CNY
9011840 Set, Tubing, PeristalticPump, In/Out, P3 1,600.00 CNY
9019137 Reagent chamber lid, PyroQ96ID 11,000.00 CNY
9019120 PCB 5 - Connection, PyroQ96ID 1,500.00 CNY
9019111 PCB - Interconnection, PyroQ96ID 16,610.00 CNY
9019084 PyroMark Q96 ID Software (5) For use with PyroMark Q96 ID instrument.Software for setting up a run and analyzing mutations and sequence identification. 82,380.00 CNY
9019063 PyroMark Q24 MDx Software For methylation and mutation analysis using Pyrosequencing technology in 24 well CE-marked. 141,510.00 CNY
9019020 Coupling, Z axis, EZ1xl 6,510.00 CNY
9019019 Coil, EZ1xl 15,850.00 CNY
9019005 Door lock assembly, EZ1xl 27,180.00 CNY
9022710 Enclosure, Silver, DML3000 44,570.00 CNY
9016069 Maintenance Kit, RoboVac, BR8000 II 4,720.00 CNY
9016040 Modules, DISU, BR8000 v3.0 41,670.00 CNY
9016000 Magnet head for PCR plateMagnet head for 54,730.00 CNY
9015964 Z-drive unit, BR8000 v1.1 16,920.00 CNY
9015635 Fuse-1, 6.3A (for PSB board), M48 612.00 CNY
9015589 EZ1 DNA Buccal Swab Card Pre-programmed card for BioRobot EZ1 DNA Buccal Swab Protocol 10,770.00 CNY
9015585 EZ1 DNA BLD Card Pre-programmed card for BioRobot EZ1 DNA Blood 200 l and 350 l Protocols 10,770.00 CNY
9015548 Pulley Overhead, BR8, RD v1.1 13,320.00 CNY
9015539 Liner, worktable 21,800.00 CNY
9015535 Cover, front, type C 30,900.00 CNY
9015530 Power supply unit, complete 11,130.00 CNY
9241261 Full Agreement Depot Repair, PC, 1 yr "The Full Agreement Depot Repair, PC provides full service coverage for the PC and monitor used in the digene HPV application. The service is conducted as an instrument exchange service.
All shipping, labor and repair part costs related to an instrument exchange are included for 1 year. Instrument exchange time is 2 - 3 working days." 3,540.00 CNY
9019158 PCB 5 - Connection, PyroQ96MD 10,420.00 CNY
9014184 Upgrade kit, LabHandT-RapidPlate 11,890.00 CNY
9014183 ZLV Z-Modul; Washable Probe 0,9mm;BR8000 35,770.00 CNY
9021190 Adapter, 96-well MP, BS96 5,390.00 CNY
9021107 Skin Panel, PC Mount Switch Mount, DCU 20,740.00 CNY
9021084 PLC Module, MES, DCU 107,050.00 CNY
9020992 Shaker Assembly, DCU 48,620.00 CNY
9020926 Lid, QXT 60,100.00 CNY
9020923 Slideout electrical tray, SMC, QGY 39,040.00 CNY
9016362 EZ1 DNA BACT Card 10,770.00 CNY
9011926 Plate holder, long 13,840.00 CNY
9236778 Elution Microtube Adapter, SBS 5,230.00 CNY
9019140 IPC module, excl. HDD, PyroQ96ID 60,200.00 CNY
9019131 Damper - X/Y table, PyroQ96ID 2,640.00 CNY
9019109 IPC bus backplane, PyroQ96 2,160.00 CNY
9019088 PyroMark IdentiFire SW 1.0 (5) "Software for sequence-based species identification by comparing and matching Pyrosequencing data to a local database.
Five additional software licenses for PyroMark IdentiFire SW 1.0" 15,400.00 CNY
9019023 Worktable, front bar, EZ1xl 9,510.00 CNY
9019014 Heating block, EZ1xl 73,590.00 CNY
9018949 Adapter, Tip Rack Holder for 96-Tip Rack 3,550.00 CNY
9016103 Worktable, TargetPrep Layout 63,600.00 CNY
9016068 Maintenance Kit, Basic, BR8000 II 38,700.00 CNY
9016067 Maintenance Kit, RoboVac, BR8000 I 4,410.00 CNY
9016066 Maintenance Kit, MultiFlow, BR8000 5,360.00 CNY
9016013 Y-Motor, DC-Gear, AT3/B10 15,300.00 CNY
9015984 SamTrak, Complete, BR8 RD v2.0 246,930.00 CNY
9015971 Tube Holder, STS MDx, 12 mm (12) 24,110.00 CNY
9019151 PCB - Interconnection, PyroQ96MD 29,770.00 CNY
9014185 Connecting plate, BR3000-RapidPlate 40,180.00 CNY
9021145 Latch Keeper, DCU 5,490.00 CNY
9021112 Skin Panel, Upper Right Rear, DCU 17,670.00 CNY
9021095 Tip Disposal Bag, DCU 455.00 CNY
9021004 Cable, X Drive, DCU 9,670.00 CNY
9020924 Packaging (complete), SMC, QGY 21,000.00 CNY
9020718 PCB, UV, C34 7,100.00 CNY
9020715 Universal block, C34 4,850.00 CNY
9020705 LED assembly, C1x 982.00 CNY
9020692 Firmware - Controller PCB, PyroQ96ID 4,020.00 CNY
9020689 Cover - Top, PyroQ24 11,420.00 CNY
9020395 PCB, transfer module, AS, Qsym 26,760.00 CNY
9020363 Eluate in drawer, left, AS, Qsym 147,410.00 CNY
9017686 AUTOPURE Waste Container 335.00 CNY
9017660 Sample Carrier, plate, Qsym 26,190.00 CNY
9020255 USB-A-B port, Qsym 520.00 CNY
9020238 Slideout electrical tray (110 V), C1x 43,770.00 CNY
9020230 Slideout electrical tray, SMPS, 12Q 38,450.00 CNY
9020208 PCB, lrge breakout, non LLS, CC2 842.00 CNY
9020196 Clamp, worktable (marked "I"), CX1 647.00 CNY
9020185 Gasket, centrifuge lock, QIAC 300.00 CNY
9020097 Handwheel, TLyser 2 565.00 CNY
9237166 Serial Cable, 5ft 1,780.00 CNY
9233016 Datakabel Scanner extern PK80 5,050.00 CNY
9237114 Upgrade App., Tube-Ring Setup 10,700.00 CNY
9237113 Protocol Dev./Opt., 1-day extension During the scheduled week of the visit, additional days may be purchased for further assistance with your instrumentation system. 4,790.00 CNY
9237088 Installation, BR RP plus BR TWI Installation and training of BioRobot Rapid Plate with Twister 1 Stand-Alone. 18,830.00 CNY
9237087 Installation, BR RP Installation and training of Rapid Plate Stand Alone 14,780.00 CNY
9236417 Software, Twister I, TWI 1,020.00 CNY
9236264 Elution Microtubes Adaptor, inject mold 3,240.00 CNY
9236165 O-ring, lubrication kit, RapidPlate 2,940.00 CNY
9235931 Splashing guard, BR8 RD 612.00 CNY
9230822 Rack for reagents,Trough (for 6 troughs) 3,560.00 CNY
9235707 Washer Cable, RCS1 2,620.00 CNY
9235695 Ground Wire, RCS1 705.00 CNY
9235332 Z-Rack Packing Cover 612.00 CNY
9235118 Fuse F1A, v1.00 612.00 CNY
9235114 Fuse FST4A, v1.00 612.00 CNY
9230054 Clamp, Tubing, Z-bar 797.00 CNY
9234861 Lid coupling piece for system liquid 612.00 CNY
9239551 Cbl Assy, XY, LED Driver 902.00 CNY
9238663 Hook, motorized lid lock 670.00 CNY
9238642 Capacitor board 982.00 CNY
9238626 Opto-Encoder 924.00 CNY
9238625 Eprom and controller 4K15, Zent3C 11,050.00 CNY
9241828 Pyro Q96 MDa, Premium Agreement "Repair service delivery: onsite
Service response time (repair): 24 hours/1 business day
Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year
Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite
Cost coverage for Repair Parts: yes, included
Cost coverage for labor: yes, included
Cost coverage for travel: yes, included
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not included
Transportation cost coverage: not applicable" 147,400.00 CNY