設備詢價請 、 咨詢,也
PET托盤吸塑機 PET板材吸塑成型設備 駿精賽塑料托盤吸塑機廠由重慶駿精賽自動化機械有限公司*。
全自動吸塑機特點: (Characteristic)
- 變頻馬達拉片,速度特快,沖擊力小;(The frequency conversion motor pulls the piece, the speed express, the impulse is small)
- 數碼調節拉片長度,快捷,準確;(The digital adjustment pulls the piece length, quick, accurate)
- 鋁合金鏈軌,磨擦系數小,拉片平順,外加不銹鋼耐磨邊框。(The aluminum alloy caterpillar track, the friction factor is small, pulls the piece to be smooth, sur- stainless steel wear-resisting frame)
- 快速簡易寬度調節系統;手動調節寬窄,不銹鋼模盤。 (Fast simple width governing system; The manual regulation width, the stainless steel molds)
- 調節中閘,中間調節,無油自潤軸承設計; (In adjustment floodgate, middle adjustment, non-oil self lubricating bearing design)
- 組合模盤設計,易換式中閘及下閘設計; (The combination molds the design, easy to trade in the formula floodgate and under the floodgate design)
- 電爐采用全封閉式,橫推式設計; (The electric stove uses totally enclosed, pushes the type design horizontally)
- 采用*可推式模盤架,安全、高效、快捷;(Uses own may push the type to mold the frame, safe, highly effective, quickly)
- 氣動部分二次穩定裝置; (Air operated part two stabilization units)
- *數碼千檔制調溫。(Own digital thousand grade of system temperature adjustments)
全自動吸塑機功能: (Function)
- 二次真空(大小真空); (Two vacuums (size vacuum))
- 延時真空; (Time delay vacuum)
- 二次上模及多次上模脫模; (Two top dies and multiple top die drawing of patterns)
- 多次反吹脫膜; (Instead blows many times escapes the membrane)
- 電動式調上模行程、下閘行程、拉片長短; (The electromotive type accent top die traveling schedule, under the floodgate traveling schedule, pulls the piece length.)
- 垂真震動脫模功能;(Hangs vibrates the drawing of patterns function really)
- 冷風剎車;(Cold wind braking)