※ Material that cannot undertake high temperature.
※ Material that is easy to oxidize
※ Material that do not permit to destruct
※ To recover material with residual volatile
※ Material with vigorous irritative and toxicity
設備特點 : Features of equipment
* 本機將粉末或粒狀物料通過真空輸送或人工加料到雙錐容器中,隨著容器的不斷旋轉,物料在容器中進行復雜的撞擊運動,達到均勻的混合。 * 本機節約能源、操作方便、勞動強度低、工作效率較高。 ※ The machine can feed powder or granule into twin cone container through vacuum transmission or manual. With continuous rotation of container, material will make complex impacting motion in the container and reach to uniform mixing. ※ Energy saving, easy to operate, low labor strength, high work efficiency.