Quik-Stik II LDT -The Series 951 Quik-Stik II is a high accuracy, high-speed “rod style" non-contact linear transducer, available in stroke lengths up to 300. The Quik-Stik II is highly featured with ......
Input Voltage-15 VDC to 26 VDC
Current Draw-< 200mA at 15 VDC
Output Analog (Position)- Absolute Analog Position via Digital- to-Analog Converter-10 to 10 VDC 16-Bit (65,535) Resolution,0 to 10 VDC 15-Bit (32,768) Resolution, -5 to 5 VDC 15-Bit (32,768) Resolution, 0 to 5 VDC 14-Bit (16,384) Resolution, 4 to 20mA 16-Bit (65,535) Resolution
Analog (Velocity)- 0 to +/-10 VDC 12-Bit (4,096) Resolution0 to +/-5 VDC 11-Bit (2,048) Resolution
Digital- TTL Level Pulse/Pulse, RS422 Pulse/PulseRS422 Pulse Width Modulated Resolution Internal Analog Output.001"16 Bit ( One Part In 65,535 )
Linearity- Less than 0.05% of Full Stroke with +/- 0.002"(+/- 0.05 mm) Maximum
Repeatability- +/- 0.001% of Full Scale or +/- 0.0004" (0.102 mm), whichever is greater