

當前位置:上海麗興泵閥有限公司>>安全閥>> A44Y帶扳手彈簧全啟式安全閥(A44Y)


參  考  價:面議





更新時間:2018-05-14 09:00:00瀏覽次數:744次

聯系我時,請告知來自 環保在線
A48Y-16C A48Y-25 A48Y-40 A48Y-64 A48Y-100 A44Y-16C A44Y-25 A44Y-40 A44Y-64 A44Y-100 A44Y-16P A44Y-25P A44Y-40P A44Y-64P A44Y-100P A44Y-16R A44Y-25R A44Y-40R A44Y-64R A44Y-100R





系列 Series
A48Y-16C A48Y-25 A48Y-40 A48Y-64 A48Y-100 A44Y-16C A44Y-25 A44Y-40 A44Y-64 A44Y-100 A44Y-16P A44Y-25P A44Y-40P A44Y-64P A44Y-100P A44Y-16R A44Y-25R A44Y-40R A44Y-64R A44Y-100R 
        A48Y type are usedfor the equipment and pipeline of the with steam and air etc  medium what the working temperature  are less than 350 . A44Y type are used for the equi-pment and pipeline of the with air and petroleum gas medium what the working temperature are less than 300 , Take for extra pre-ssure protection devices. Flange  connecting dimensions of comply with Standard series first of JB/T-94 when the pressure less than 6.4MPa, comply with Standard series  two of  JB/T-94 when more than 6.4MPa.
主要零部件材料 Materials for main parts
NO. Name of part A48Y-C  A44Y-C    材料Materials A44Y-P    材料 Materials A44Y-R 材料 Materials
1         Body WCB ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti CF8M
2         Nozzle 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9Ti 316
3 調     Adjusting ring ZG2Cr13 ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti
4      Disc holder ZG2Cr13 ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti 316
5         Disc 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9Ti 316
6     Guide sleeve 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti
7         Bonnet ZG230-450 ZG230-450 ZG230-450
8          Spring 50CrVA 50CrVA包覆氟塑料 Coated Teflon 50CrVA包覆氟塑料 Coated Teflon
9         Stem 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9Ti 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti
10         Lever ZG200-400 ZG200-400 ZG200-400
11 調整螺桿Adjusting bolt 45 2Cr13 2Cr13
12     Cap ZG200-400 ZG200-400 316
  密封面材料 Sealing surface of material 堆焊Co基硬質合金 Depositing slite



外形尺寸和連接尺寸 Dimensions (mm)
Type (DN) do D K g g1  b f f1 Z- d DN' D1  k1  g3  g2      b1  f' f1' Z1-   d1      L     L1      H    
A48Y-16C A44Y-16C A44Y-16P A44Y-16R 20 15 105 75   55 16 2   4-14 25 115 85   65 16 2   4-14 110 95 411
25 16 115 85   65 16 2   4-14 32 140 100   78 18 2   4-18 110 95 411
32 20 140 100   78 18 2   4-18 40 150 110   85 18 3   4-18 115 100 411
40 25 150 110   85 18 3   4-18 50 165 125   100 20 3   4-18 120 110 472
50 32 165 125   100 20 3   4-18 65 185 145   120 20 3   4-18 135 120 532
65 40 185 145   120 20 3   4-18 80 200 160   135 20 3   8-18 160 140 556
80 50 200 160   135 20 3   8-18 100 220 180   155 22 3   8-18 170 135 561
100 65 220 180   155 20 3   8-18 125 250 210   185 22 3   8-18 195 175 667
125 80 250 210   185 22 3   8-18 150 285 240   210 24 3   8-23 210 190 857
150 100 285 240   210 24 3   8-23 175 310 270   240 26 3   8-23 255 230 915
200 125 340 295   265 26 3   12-23 250 405 355   320 30 3   12-26 300 260 1,073
250 150 405 355   320 30 3   12-26 300 460 410   375 30 4   12-26 350 320 1,307
300 220 460 410   375 30 4   12-26 400 580 525   485 36 4   16-30 370 350 1,233
350 250 520 470   435 34 4   16-26 500 715 650   608 44 4   20-34 500 450 1,711
400 280 580 525   485 36 4   16-30 500 715 650   608 44 4   20-34 500 450 1,780
A44Y-25P A44Y-25R
20 15 105 75   55 16 2   4-14 25 115 85   65 16 2   4-14 110 95 411
25 16 115 85   65 16 2   4-14 32 140 100   78 18 2   4-18 110 95 411
32 20 140 100   78 18 2   4-18 40 150 110   85 18 3   4-18 115 100 411
40 25 150 110   85 18 3   4-18 50 165 125   100 20 3   4-18 120 110 472
50 32 165 125   100 20 3   4-18 65 185 145   120 20 3   4-18 135 120 532
65 40 185 145   120 22 3   8-18 80 200 160   135 20 3   8-18 160 140 556
80 50 200 160   135 22 3   8-18 100 220 180   155 22 3   8-18 170 135 561
100 65 230 190   160 24 3   8-23 125 250 210   185 22 3   8-18 195 175 667
125 80 270 220   188 28 3   8-26 150 285 240   210 24 3   8-23 210 190 857
150 100 300 250   218 30 3   8-26 175 310 270   240 26 3   8-23 255 230 915
200 125 360 310   278 34 3   12-26 250 405 355   320 30 3   12-26 300 260 1,073
250 150 425 370   332 36 3   12-30 300 460 410   375 30 4   12-26 350 320 1,307
300 220 485 430   390 40 4   16-30 400 580 525   485 36 4   16-30 370 350 1,233
350 250 555 490   448 44 4   16-34 500 715 650   608 44 4   20-34 500 450 1,711
400 280 620 550   505 48 4   16-36 500 715 650   608 44 4   20-34 500 450 1,780
A44Y-40P A44Y-40R
20 15 105 75 51 55 16 2 4 4-14 25 115 85   65 16 2   4-14 110 95 411
25 16 115 85 68 65 16 2 4 4-14 32 140 100   78 18 2   4-18 110 95 411
32 20 140 100 66 78 18 2 4 4-18 40 150 110   85 18 3   4-18 115 100 411
40 25 150 110 76 85 18 3 4 4-18 50 165 125   100 20 3   4-18 120 110 472
50 32 165 125 88 100 20 3 4 4-18 65 185 145   120 20 3   4-18 135 120 532
65 40 185 145 110 120 22 3 4 8-18 80 200 160   135 20 3   8-18 160 140 556
80 50 200 160 121 135 22 3 4 8-18 100 220 180   155 22 3   8-18 170 135 561
100 65 235 190 150 160 24 3 4.5 8-23 125 250 210   185 22 3   8-18 195 175 697
125 80 270 220 176 188 28 3 4.5 8-26 150 285 240   210 24 3   8-23 210 190 857
150 100 300 250 204 218 30 3 4.5 8-26 175 310 270   240 26 3   8-23 255 230 915
200 125 375 320 260 282 38 3 4.5 12-30 250 405 355   320 30 3   12-26 300 260 1,073
250 150 450 385 313 345 42 3 4.5 12-34 300 460 410   375 30 4   12-26 350 320 1,307
300 220 515 450 364 408 46 4 4.5 16-34 400 580 525   485 36 4   16-30 370 350 1,233
350 250 580 510 422 465 52 4 5 16-36 500 715 650   608 44 4   20-34 500 450 1,711
400 280 660 585 474 535 58 4 5 16-41 500 715 650   608 44 4   20-34 500 450 1,711
A44Y-64P A44Y-64R
20 10 125 90 51 68 22 2 4 4-18 25 115 85 58 65 16 2 4 4-14 96 85 297
25 16 140 100 58 78 22 2 4 4-18 32 140 100 66 78 18 2 4 4-18 110 100 310
32 20 155 110 66 82 24 2 4 4-23 40 150 110 76 85 18 3 4 4-18 130 110 322
40 25 170 125 76 95 24 3 4 4-23 50 165 125 88 100 20 3 4 4-18 135 120 352
50 32 180 135 88 105 26 3 4 4-23 65 185 145 110 120 22 3 4 8-18 155 135 425
65 40 205 160 110 130 28 3 4 8-23 80 200 160 121 135 22 3 4 8-18 175 160 570
80 50 215 170 121 140 30 3 4 8-23 100 235 190 150 160 24 3 4.5 8-23 175 160 560
100 65 250 200 150 168 32 3 4.5 8-26 125 270 220 176 188 28 3 4.5 8-25 195 195 690
150 100 345 280 204 240 38 3 4.5 8-34 200 375 320 260 282 38 3 4.5 12-30 280 265 935
A44Y-100P A44Y-100R
20 10 125 90 51 68 22 2 4 4-18 25 115 85 58 65 16 2 4 4-14 96 85 297
25 16 140 100 58 78 24 2 4 4-18 32 140 100 66 78 18 2 4 4-18 110 100 310
32 20 155 110 66 82 24 2 4 4-23 40 150 110 76 85 18 3 4 4-18 130 110 322
40 25 170 125 76 95 26 3 4 4-23 50 165 125 88 100 20 3 4 4-18 135 120 352
50 32 195 145 88 112 28 3 4 4-26 65 185 145 110 120 22 3 4 8-18 155 135 425
65 32 220 170 110 138 32 3 4 8-26 80 200 160 121 135 22 3 4 8-18 175 160 570
80 40 230 180 121 148 34 3 4 8-26 100 235 190 150 160 24 3 4.5 8-23 175 160 560
100 50 265 210 150 172 38 3 4.5 8-30 125 270 220 176 188 28 3 4.5 8-25 195 195 690
150 80 355 290 204 250 46 3 4.5 12-34 200 375 320 260 282 38 3 4.5 12-30 280 265 935























主站蜘蛛池模板: 庆云县| 武山县| 肃北| 利川市| 墨竹工卡县| 林周县| 萍乡市| 庐江县| 菏泽市| 成都市| 沙湾县| 合水县| 望江县| 宝丰县| 肃北| 南汇区| 同仁县| 青阳县| 通化县| 惠州市| 镇雄县| 长泰县| 屯门区| 渭南市| 桐庐县| 当雄县| 虹口区| 津市市| 新乐市| 巍山| 司法| 内江市| 巨鹿县| 锦屏县| 闸北区| 马关县| 河北区| 安新县| 治多县| 渑池县| 芦溪县|