污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
DZ11H、DZ11Y 型 150(Lb)~800(Lb) 鍛鋼低溫閘閥
Z40H、Z40Y、Z40W 型 PN40、PN63 鋼制楔式閘閥
PZ973H、PZ973F、PZ973Y 型電動刀型閘閥/刀閘閥
Z40H、Z40Y、Z40W 型 PN16、PN25 鋼制楔式閘閥
Z940H、Z940Y、Z940W 型 PN100、PN160 鋼制電動楔式閘閥
DKZ41H、DKZ41Y 型 PN10~PN100 鋼制真空閘閥
Z6s41H、Z6s41Y、Z6s41F 型 PN16~PN63 氣動帶手動楔式閘閥
Z941H、Z941Y、Z941W 型 PN16~PN63 電動楔式閘閥
Z945T、Z945W 型 PN6、PN10 型鑄鐵電動暗桿楔式閘閥
暫無信息 |
主要特點及用途 Chief features and usages
主要特點及用途 Chief features and usages |
1、結構緊湊、設計合理,閥門剛性好,通道流暢,流阻系數小。 |
2、密封面采用不銹鋼和硬質合金,使用壽命長 |
3、采用柔性石墨填料、密封可靠、操作輕便靈活 |
4、驅動方式分手動、電動、氣動、齒輪傳功,結構型式:彈性楔式單閘板、剛性楔式單閘板和雙閘板型式。 |
5、廣泛適用于石油化工,火力發電廠等油品、水蒸汽管路上作接通或截斷管路中介質的啟閉裝置。 |
1、Compact structure,neasonnable design,good rigidity,smooth channel,small coefficient of flow resistance. |
2、The sealing face uses stainless steel and carbide alloy and is of long duration |
3、Using flexible graphite fillings,reliable sealing,light and nimble operation |
4、Four driving ways,manually,electrically,air-ioerating and gear-driving,structure type,elastic wedge type with single gate board,right rigi-dwedge type with single or dual-gate board. |
5、Widely used as the device of open or close to connect or cut off the medium inside of the pioeline of water,steam or oil goods in steam power plants |
主要性能規范 Chief property and specification |
試驗壓力Test pressure |
公稱壓力PN(MPa) Nominal pressure | 實驗壓力(MPa)Test pressure | |||
殼體Shell | 密封(液)Seal | 密封(氣)Seal | 上密封Back seal | |
1.6 | 2.4 | 1.8 | 0.6 | 1.8 |
2.5 | 3.8 | 2.8 | 0.6 | 2.8 |
4.0 | 6.0 | 4.4 | 0.6 | 4.4 |
6.4 | 9.6 | 7.0 | 0.6 | 7.0 |
10.0 | 15.0 | 11.0 | 0.6 | 11.0 |
16.0 | 24.0 | 18.0 | 0.6 | 18.0 |
適用范圍 Suitable scope | ||
殼體材料Shell material | 適用介質Applicable medium | 適用溫度(℃)Applicable temperature |
碳素鋼(C型)Carburizing steel | 水、蒸汽、油品Water,steam,oil goods | ≤425 |
X酸類 Nitric acid | ≤200 | |
醋酸類 Acetic acid | ≤200 | |
水、蒸汽、油品Water,steam,oilgoods | ≤550 |
主要零件材料Material for main parts | |||||
閥體、閥蓋Body,bonnet | 閥板、閥座 Wedge disc,seat rign | 閥桿 Stem | 閥桿螺母 Yoke nut | 填料 Packing | 手輪 Hand wheel |
碳素鋼 Carburizing steel | 優質碳鋼+硬質合金或不銹鋼 High-grade carbon steel+carbide alloy or stainleel | 鉻不銹鋼Cr.stainless steel | 鋁青銅AI bronze | 石墨石棉盤根Graphite,asbestos coils | 可鍛鑄鐵 Foraeable cast-iron |
鉻鎳鈦鋼Cr.Ni.Tisteel | 不銹鋼、不銹鋼+硬質合金Stainless steel or +carbide alloy | 鉻鎳鈦不銹鋼Cr.Ni.Ti stainless stee | 鋁青銅AI bronze | 浸聚四氟乙Dipping polyterafluo-roethylene | 可鍛鑄鐵Foraeable cast-iron |
鉻鎳鉬鈦鋼Cr.Ni.Mo.Tisteel | 不銹鋼、不銹鋼+硬質合金Stainless steel or +carbide alloy | 鉻鎳鉬鈦不銹鋼Cr.Ni.Mo.Ti stainless stee | 鋁青銅AI bronze | 烯石棉盤根Asbestos coil | 可鍛鑄鐵Foraeable cast-iron |
鉻鉬鋼Cr.Mo streel | 合金鋼+硬質合金Alloy steel+carbide alloy | 鉻鉬鋁鋼Cr.Mo.Ai steel | 鋁青銅AI bronze | 柔性石墨Flexibie graphite | 可鍛鑄鐵Foraeable cast-iron |
注:DN700、DN800的型號為Z942型 NOTE:DN700、DN800type is Z942. 主要尺寸及重量Main dimensions and weight
DN700、DN800的型號為Z942型 NOTE:DN700、DN800type is Z942. 主要尺寸及重量Main dimensions and weight
主要尺寸及重量Main dimensions and weight
攻億 MZ941H-64P DN50隔爆型礦用電動閘閥 不銹鋼電動防爆閘閥
MZ941H-64P DN50 面議供應Z941W-16P型電動閘閥、DN50智能型不銹鋼法蘭電動閘閥
Z941W-16P 面議MZ941H-25C礦用電動防爆閘閥 礦用煤安鑄鋼電動閘閥dn100
MZ941H-25C DN100 面議DZW30-18W開關式電動閘閥電動頭 Z30電動閘門啟閉機 閥門電動執行器
DZW30-18W 面議煤礦隔爆一體式電動閘閥 MZ941H-100C DN125礦用電動閘閥
MZ941H-100C DN125 面議攻億自產自銷鑄鋼閘閥 Z941H-16C DN100鑄鋼開關型電動閘閥
Z941H-16C 面議環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?