2022年9月6日-7日 / 中國上海
聯系人: Wes Wei
電話:+86 21 8026 0707-803
上海希為(ECV International)是亞洲領先的國際高端商業峰會及活動的主辦和承辦機構,擁有近 200 位行業研究及活動策劃、運營專家,每年在全球舉辦約 80 場高端國際峰會,涉及汽車、零售、紡織、鞋業、網絡安全、高新科技等行業。
我們為超過半數的財富 2,000 強企業提供專業的商業會議及咨詢服務,每年有超過 6,000 位來自戴姆勒、通用電氣、阿里巴巴、西門子、微軟、華為、威富集團、默克、火眼等跨國公司、專業機構及創新企業的決策人參加我們的會議和活動。
China Automotive Carbon Neutral Summit 2022
Summit Background
Climate and environment change is one of the greatest challenges in the 21st century. Many environmental protection policies have been put forward by governments in response to the increasingly severe environmental problems. In Europe, 19% of carbon dioxide emissions come from the automotive sector, according to PwC. In China, the target of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality has brought new challenges and opportunities to all walks of life. Automotive industry is one of the main fields of greenhouse gas emission in the world. With the continuous increase of automotive ownership in China, the development of low-carbon and environmental-friendly automotive industry is imperative. In order to realize the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality", automotive industry should not only rely on "electricity replace oil", but also integrate industrial chain, select low-carbon and environment friendly materials, use green production and manufacturing process, improve energy utilization efficiency of automotive itself, use clean energy power, perfect automotive recycling system, conduct management and control from the whole life cycle of products, so as to build a true "zero carbon automotive".
The China Automotive Carbon Neutral Summit 2022 will bring together more than 150 industry experts and executives to discuss how to reduce the overall carbon emission through various energy conservation and emission reduction measures in the automotive industry under the increasingly stringent environmental protection policies, achieve the Double Carbon Targets within the planned time, and build an internationally competitive low-carbon and environment-friendly high-quality vehicle.
Summit Time/ Address
Sep. 6-7, 2022/Shanghai, China
l China's carbon neutrality policy: New requirements for the development of automotive industry
l Promote low-carbon business model of industrial carbon neutrality and whole industrial chain cooperation by automotive motorization
l Green hydrogen energy manufacturing leads a new round of energy reform
l How to Achieve Zero Emission in Automotive Smart Factory to Promote Automotive Carbon Neutral
l Cleaning low-carbon energy network helps the development of automotive industry
l ……
Official website of the summit: http://www.ecvinternational.com/AutomotiveCarbon/
Contacts: Wes Wei
Phone: +86 -21 - 8026 0707 ext 803
Email: marketing@ecvinternational.com
About Us
ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 200 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. We hold around 80 high-end summits every year which are involved in the fields of automotive, retail, textile, footwear, cybersecurity, hi-tech industry, etc.
We have served more than half of the Fortune 2,000 companies, and every year more than 6,000 delegates from multinational enterprises, specialized organizations and creative companies take part in our events, i.e. Daimler, Alibaba, Siemens, Microsoft, Huawei, VF Corporation, MSD, Fireeye, etc.
Our mission is to help our clients seize the development opportunity, meet current business challenges, and achieve sustainable development on a global scale through our professional services, and then, to further affect industry pattern and lead industry future.