在全球時尚產業減排的關鍵期,作為僅次于石化工業的第二大污染產業,時尚行業的綠色生產迫在眉睫。紡織工業每年向大氣排放 1.22 至 29.3 億噸二氧化碳,據估計,紡織品的生命周期(包括洗滌)占全球溫室氣體排放總量的 6.7%。
2022年9月6日-7日 / 中國上海/ECV
更多本次峰會詳細內容,請登錄 http://www.ecvinternational.com/TextileandApparelCarbonNeutral
聯系人: Wes Wei
座機號:+86 21 8026 0707-803
上海希為(ECV International)是亞洲領先的國際高端商業峰會及活動的主辦和承辦機構,擁有近100位行業研究及活動策劃、運營專家,每年在全球舉辦60多場高水平的線上線下國際峰會,峰會主題涵蓋汽車、能源、制造業、紡鞋、數字營銷、零售、碳中和、可持續發展、供應鏈、財務、人才、鋼鐵、醫藥醫療等領域行業。我們服務了超過一半的財富2,000強企業。每年有6,000+ 名高管和頂尖企業的代表參加了我們的活動。
Global Textile and Apparel Carbon Neutral Summit 2022
In the key period of emission reduction in global fashion industry, the green production of fashion industry, the second largest polluting industry following petrochemical industry,is a matter of great urgency. The textile industry emits 122 million to 2.93 billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere annually, and the life cycle of textiles, including washing, is estimated to account for 6.7 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Since China is the world's largest textile and garment production and export country, as well as the world's largest textile and garment consumption market, China's textile and garment industry has always been one of the industries with high energy consumption and high emission. Under the background of promoting low-carbon economy and cleaner production, it is necessary to undertake corresponding responsibilities for reducing carbon emission. Under the background of carbon neutrality, textile and garment industry chain is changing from raw material source identification, new technology development to consumption reduction and efficiency improvement in production process. Not only the end-product retail enterprises need to realize carbon neutrality, but also every link in the industry chain needs to make corresponding changes. However, the textile industry chain is quite complex, which includes fiber, yarn, fabric, printing and dyeing, sewing and so on, and that is why only 55% of the top 200 brands in the global fashion industry publish their annual carbon footprints and only 19.5% choose to disclose the carbon emissions of the supply chain.
Based on how the textile industry will promote the dual-carbon policy under the background of carbon neutrality, this summit invites relevant policy and regulation departments, brand dealers, retailers, garment manufactuers, material suppliers, non-governmental organizations, consulting agencies and sustainable solution enterprises to share and communicate the practical methods with us.
Summit Time/ Address
September6-7, 2022 / Shanghai, China
20 + leading enterprises in the industry intelligence sharing
100 + Delegates
Conduct on-site communication with industry leaders and cutting-edge enterprises
Promote online and offline at the same time to increase brand exposure
Hot Topics
Opportunities and Strategies of Global Textile Industry Emission Reduction
Carbon Footprint Policy and Regulation Guidance for Textile Industry
How to Set Carbon Targets Scientifically
How Should Garment Industry Chain Work Together to Reduce Carbon Emission for Carbon Target
Case Study--Low-carbon Transformation of Green Factory
Innovative Technology of Artificial Yarn and Other Innovative Materials
Sustainable Cotton Supply Chain Transparency: From Planting to Products
The Latest Environmental Protection Test Standard and Certification of Textile and Garment under Carbon Neutrality
Sustainable Energy Production and Biomaterials in Textile and Garment Industry
Official website of the Summit :http://www.ecvinternational.com/TextileandApparelCarbonNeutral
Contacts: Wes Wei
Tel: +86 -21 - 8026 0707 ext 803
Phone: 13271915990 (WeChat)
About ECV International
ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 100 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. We hold around 60 high-end summits every year which are involved in the fields of automotive, retail, textile, footwear, cybersecurity, hi-tech industry, etc.
We have served more than half of the Fortune 2,000 companies, and every year more than 6,000 delegates from multinational enterprises, specialized organizations and creative companies take part in our events, i.e. Daimler, Alibaba, Siemens, Microsoft, Huawei, VF Corporation, MSD, Fireeye, etc.
Our mission is to help our clients seize the development opportunity, meet current business challenges, and achieve sustainable development on a global scale through our professional services, and then, to further affect industry pattern and lead industry future.