北京艾諾德便攜式二甲苯檢測儀是一種對多種氣體都有響應的固體指示傳感頭,它可以檢測的氣體種類可達100多種,主機上儲存有各種氣體的設置和校正數據,包括氣體反應曲線,傳感頭工作溫度和零點。當主機菜單中選擇好檢測氣體后, 主機將自動轉換到需測氣體程序,整個系統就可以檢測的氣體濃度,改變檢測氣體只需要在菜單中選擇氣體種類,儀器可自動完成其余全部工作。
I36IQ1000是一種對多種氣體都有響應的固體指示傳感頭,它可以檢測的氣體種類可達100多種,主機上儲存有各種氣體的設置和校正數據,包括氣體反應曲線,傳感頭工作溫度和零點。當主機菜單中選擇好檢測氣體后, 主機將自動轉換到需測氣體程序,整個系統就可以檢測的氣體濃度,改變檢測氣體只需要在菜單中選擇氣體種類,儀器可自動完成其余全部工作。
◆ 可安裝萬用氣體傳感頭,檢測100多種氣體
◆ 微機程序控制系統儲存所有氣體的設置和校正數據,檢測何種氣體任您選擇
◆ 具有氣體搜索功能,可以搜索100多種氣體。
◆ 主機可以連接四個探頭,包括固體指示傳感頭,電化學傳感頭,觸媒傳感頭及紅 外傳感頭,可以zui大程度的滿足您的所有檢測要求
◆ 內置樣品泵 聲光報警 背光大顯示屏幕
傳感器 可以接受固態,電化學或催化型傳感器,zui多4個傳感器,第1、2通道可接受所有類型傳感器,第3、4通道只接受電化學傳感器。
顯 示 背光LCD顯示,8行,每行40字符
內 存 128K EPROM,128K非易失性SRAM,可選256K非易失性SRAM用于數據記錄器
外部接口 RS-232,DB-9連接器(1200-38,400波特)
電 池 6個D型堿性或鎳隔電池
操作壽命 堿電池20小時,鎳鎘電池14小時
環境條件 0-50℃(操作),-20-+60℃(儲存)、0-95%RH,無凝露
采樣泵 內置采樣泵,采樣流量zui大1000cc/min
尺寸重量 229×114×137(mm)、 約2.7kg,含電池
報警設置 每種氣體三個報警設定點,超過任意一個報警點都會有聲光報警指示。
校 準 簡單自動校準不需要手動調節。
操 作 按鈕操作。簡單地選擇要檢測的氣體,微處理器控制將完成其余工作。
顯 示 大屏幕8行/每行40個字符,可同時顯示4種氣體的讀數及報警和標定信息。
通 訊 RS-232接口可將數據傳送到計算機或打印機
標準配置 內置采樣泵、采樣槍和便攜箱。
可選附件 數據記錄器(存儲幾個月的數據)。包括“EINSTEIN”數據管理軟件,可下載、處理數據并生成多種類型的圖形數據。
Product description
Portable xylene detector gas concentration tester xylene gas analyzer
Model: QT13-IQ1000
I36IQ1000 is a kind of solid are in response to various gas indication sensor head, it can detect the gas species up to 100 multiple, the host storage data and correction is provided with various gases, including gas reaction curve, sensing head working temperature and zero. When choosing a good detection of gas main menu, the host will automatically switch to be measured gas program, the system can detect the specified gas concentration, change detection, gas only need to choose the type of gas in the menu, the instrument can automatically complete all the work.
Performance characteristics
◆ installation million gas sensing head, 100 kinds of gas detection
◆ program of microcomputer control system for storing all gas settings and calibration data, the gas detection as you choose.
◆ a gas search function, can search 100 kinds of gas.
The host can connect four probe, including solid indicator sensing head, electrochemical sensor, catalytic sensor and infrared sensing head, can satisfy the maximum of all your requirements
◆ internal sample pump alarm backlight large display screen
Technical indicators
The sensor can accept solid, electrochemical and catalytic sensor, a maximum of 4 sensors, first, and 2 channels can accept all types of sensors, third, 4 channel only accept electrochemical sensor.
The display backlight LCD display, 8 lines, each line of 40 characters
128K EPROM 128K memory, a non-volatile SRAM, optional 256K non-volatile SRAM for data recorder
The external interface of RS-232, DB-9 connector (1200-38400 Potter)
6 D alkaline battery or nickel cadmium battery
Operating life of 20 hours of alkaline batteries, nickel cadmium batteries 14 hours
Environmental conditions (0-50 ℃ -20-+60 ℃ (operation), storage), 0-95%RH, without dew
Sampling pump built-in sampling pump, sampling flow 1000cc/min
The size and weight of 229 x 114 x 137 (mm), about 2.7kg, including battery
Each gas alarm set three alarm set points, more than any one alarm will sound and light alarm indicator.
Calibration simple automatic calibration does not need manual adjustment.
The operation button operation. Simply select the gas to be detected, the microprocessor control will do the rest.
The display screen of 8 / 40 characters per line, can display 4 kinds of gas readings and alarm and calibration information.
Communication RS-232 interface can transmit data to computer or printer
Standard built-in sampling pump, the sampling gun and portable box.
Optional data recorder (stored several months of data). Including "EINSTEIN" data management software, graphic data can be downloaded, data processing and various types of production.
The quotation includes: computer, software, rechargeable batteries, charger, 200V-110V converter
3、服務效率:保修期內或保修期外如設備出現故障,供方在接到通知后,1-3個工作日內予以解決。 用戶可以通過售后咨詢有關技術問題,并得到明確的解決方案
4、服務原則:儀器儀表產品保修期為1年,在保修期內供方將免費維修和更換屬質量原因造成的零部件損壞,保修期外零部件的損壞,提供的配件只收成本費,由需方人為因素 造成的設備損壞,供方維修或提供的配件均按成本價計。