pall NC膜western轉印膜0.2um
pall NC膜western轉印膜0.2um
- High binding capacity for proteins and nucleic acids
- Lower protein burnthrough than competitors in electrophoretic transfers
- PALL NC膜66485應用
- 蛋白質印跡
- Western blots
- Southern blots
- Northern blots
- Nucleic acid and protein dot blots
- pall NC膜訂購信息
BioTrace NT 硝化纖維轉移膜 66487 82 mm discs 50/pkg Call 66595 85 mm discs (gamma irradiated) 50/pkg Call 66518 132 mm discs 50/pkg Call 66488 137 mm discs 50/pkg Call 66593 7 x 8.5 cm sheets 10/pkg Call 66489 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg Call 66485 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg