


RollProf 3T

  • 公司名稱深圳市扎克貿易有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2015/7/1 13:53:44
  • 訪問次數1118

RollProf 3T

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RollProf 3T
RollProf 3T 產品信息



RollProf Beam
– a fixed length profiling system for measuring
sections of a roll while in-situ. Typically, the Beam
is used to measure the profile of the ends of the
roll, where many roll profile and wear problems
occur. The Rollprof Beam can measure rolls from
a diameter of 400 mm upwards.
RollProf Inrop
– a simple and effective ‘on grinder’ roll profile
measurement system. The system is permanently
installed to a lathe or grinding machine and
used to check roll profiles and grinding accuracy.
Operation is remote controlled from the computer
screen. Customized roll diameter range.
RollProf 3T 100, 800 and 1600
– high accuracy portable profiling system widely
used in both workshop and production environments.
End to end roll profiles can be measured
and uploaded to PC or Tablets in just a few minutes.
The diameter range is from 100–1650 mm
(can be extended to 2680 mm).
RollProf PM 1000
– designed for in-situ measurement where a fulllength
profile is required. The RollProf PM 1000
requires only 45 mm clearance above the roll to
operate. The PM 1000 is very simple to set up,
making it possible to quickly measure roll profiles
in-situ during shutdowns. The diameter range is
from 400 mm–1000 mm.
RollProf is a portable, electronic roll measurement
system for the measurement of profiles and lengths
of rolls in a production or workshop environment.
RollProf has been developed in conjunction with
maintenance experts from the world’s paper and
steel industries. RollProf is easy to use, robust and
measures to a high level of accuracy.
Traditionally, rolls are changed at given intervals
or sometimes even as a result of failure. This often
involves higher costs than necessary. Using RollProf means that rolls need only to
be changed when their condition requires it, allowing considerable cost savings from
the outset.
RollProf 3T (100, 800-1600) – is a high accuracy,
portable roll profile measurement system. The HiRes can
be used in a workshop or production environment where
access is available above and to the sides of the roll.
The is robust and easy to use, enabling highly
accurate profile measurements to be taken in only a few
minutes. is used widely in rolling mills, paper
mills and roll machining workshops around the world.
Measuring profiles in relation to distance makes it possible
to determine where, and by how much, a tolerance has
been exceeded, to identify wear and determine its source.
As the RollProf instrument is small and portable, it can
be used to make measurements in positions where accessibility
is very limited, e.g. on rolls in situ on a machine,
or inside long tubes or pipes.
When the measurements have been made, the data is downloaded
from the RollProf instrument to PC or Tablets.
The profile measurement data can then be presented and
analysed using Rollprof’s user friendly custom software
– Profile 3T for Windows.
RollProf is used when it is required to measure variations
in profile in a highly accurate manner and relate these
variations to their position. The can measure
diameter variations axially on rolls or inside pipes.
The wheels can also be angled so that radial measurements
are possible. Temperature measurements can be
done as well.
The instrument is supplied programmed with a number of
general measurement routines, which incorporate sensor
resolution, measurement distance, print layout etc.Taking
a profile measurement is very straightforward.
The user is
prompted by the instructions on the RollProf instrument
which is very simply operated using only a few buttons.
After measuring, the measurement data is stored in the
RollProf instrument and can be downloaded to PC or
Tablets for analysis.
Measurement rigs
The system comes complete with one or more
rigs or carriages for roll diameters from 100 mm up to
1650 mm (can be extended to 2680 mm).
RollProf PM 1000 – is used for in-situ measurement
where a full-length profile is required. The Rollprof PM
1000 requires only 45 mm clearance above the roll to
operate. PM 1000’s user-friendliness makes it possible to
quickly measure roll profiles in-situ during shutdowns.
Accurate, repeatable in-process roll profile measurements.
RollProf PM 1000 roll profiling equipment allows
you to quickly and easily measure the profile of rolls IN
Measurement principle
r + ??r
The nominal radius r and the
distance a are known
??r????1?? Cos???????? ?? h, Sin?????? ???? ar
Eliminate?? andsolveforrandh
r?? a2?? h2
2h , h?? r?? ????r????2????????????a????2??????
??h ?? 12
?? a2
Insertherethehforthenominalradiush?? r?? ????r????2????????????a????2??????
Forsmalldeviationsfrom nominalradius:
??r ?? ??h ??r
SITU. This allows you to use the PM 1000 as a powerful
CONDITION MONITORING tool to determine when a roll
needs to be replaced. It can also be used as a DIAGNOSTIC
tool to identify the root cause of product defects.
The PM 1000 can be propelled at a speed of 0,5 m/s,
measure the diameter deviation every millimetre and store
up to 100 measurements.
Traditionally, rolls are changed at given intervals or sometimes
even as a result of failure. This may entail higher
costs than necessary. Using the RollProf PM 1000 means
that rolls need only be changed when their condition
requires it, thus allowing considerable cost savings right
from the start.
Why measure in situ?
99 To optimize roll use and not change rolls too early or
too late.
99 To monitor the wear meaning that potential production
disruption can be detected before it actually happens.
99 To determine which roll should be changed first, which
roll is most worn.
99 To dismiss or confirm suspected damage to rolls when
diagnosing malfunction.
99 To identify the cause of malfunction.
99 To save and compare with earlier measurements.
Measurement principle
RollProf Inrop – is a simple and effective ‘on grinder’
roll profile measurement system. The system is permanently
installed to a lathe or grinding machine and used to
check roll profiles and grinding accuracy.The equipment is
remoy operated from the computer screen. The diameter
range can be customised for the application.
The measurement data is captured on a special data logger
which interfaces with your PC to enable the downloading
of the data. The profile measurement data can then be
presented and analyzed on Rollprof’s advanced custom
software – PC Profile for Windows.
Inrop technical data
Max resolution 0,1 μm
Max stroke 7 mm
Readings/m 1000
Roll diameter range Customized
Computer requirements Available USB
Profile software XP, Vista or W7
RollProf Inrop Measurement System installed on a Herkules
grinding machine
RollProf Inrop is a high accuracy low cost roll profile
measurement system. The system is delivered as a complete
system for installation on an existing grinder.
99 Easy installation
99 A ccurate measurements
99 L ow cost
99 W indows based Software
A profile report is just one click away.
Profile 3T – is a Windows program running under all
current versions of Windows. It enables the simple preparation
of the RollProf instrument before a measurement
and provides analysis and reporting facilities that can be
applied to the measured data.
The software:
? is developed to meet today’s demands for user
? communicates with the RollProf instrument through
USB or Bluetooth that makes the system very easy
to configure with any computer,
? is included in all RollProf systems.
For easy comparison of roll profiles, the software can
display up to 10 profile measurements at the same time
on the screen.
The software supports circular measurements. This
function could be useful to detect barring – or out of
roundness problems in workshops or in situ.
Profile 3T is supported by a comprehensive Help
function which guides the user through every feature
of the software.
Reporting in Profile 3T is based on the HTML (Hyper
Text Markup Language) format used by WWW browsers
like Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. This means
that reports created by Profile 3T can be viewed by any
standard HTML browser or can be made part of a web
site and viewed from anywhere in the world with Internet
access. The software also supports Windows metafile
meaning that reports can easily be exported to Word and
Excel files. PDF and text-files are also supported.
Reports can be ed directly from the software.
Instrument box – is a newly developed
data logger for use with RollProf Profile Measuring
The instrument is a high accuracy instrument
that can be used to measure roll profile variations as
small as 0.0001 mm. The instrument measures the roll
profile from two sensors which are positioned on opposite
sides of the roll. This results in a higher precision measurement,
compared to measuring with a single sensor. The
Rollprof 3T can also be used to measure the temperature
of the roll surface while measuring the profile. Readings
can be taken every 1 millimeter. All inputs are recorded
simultaneously by the instrument during measurement.
The live readings can be viewed in real time on the display
during measurement. The live data can also be viewed
simultaneously on a PC screen.
Up to 100 recordings (measurements) can be stored in
the instrument before up-loading to PC.
Different recording settings can be selected for instant
use. The instrument communicates with the
PC software via cable (USB) or wirelessly by Bluetooth.
Profile recordings can be up-loaded, stored and viewed on
PC with the user friendly Profile 3T for Windows software,
or on Android cellular phones and Tablets (option).
The is supplied for instant use. Just press
button to start a recording.
99 U SB/Bluetooth
99 8 mm sensor stroke with 1/1000 mm resolution (on
each side of roll). Measure up to 16 mm profile variation
99 U ser friendly
99 H igh speed sampling
99 N o maintenance needed
99 2 years warranty
99 R obust metal casing
99 C E, RoHs and FCC approved
U-Teknik AB, Signalgatan 8B, 442 40 Kungalv, Sweden
info@rollprof.com | www.rollprof.com
Rollprof 3T instrument
Size 202 x 116 x 30 mm
Weight 760 g
Memory Up to 100 measurements
Operation time Approx. 10 hours
Power supply LI-ON 3.7V
Charger 5V 1A (USB)
Battery capacity 2250mA
Operating temperature 0 to +50 °C
Storage temperature –10 to +65 °C
Linear sensors (LDT)
LDT resolution 0.001 or 0.0001 mm
LDT stroke 0.001 resolution 3,75 mm (8 mm with optional sensor)
LDT stroke 0.0001 resolution 1,8 mm
LDT accuracy Max 2% of total stroke length (individual to each LDT)
NB. Each LDT can be individually calibrated to increase accuracy
Temperature Sensor
Sensor Type Thermocouple type K
Temperature range 0 to +200 °C
Measuring wheel
Readings/1000mm 1000
Max. speed 1 m/s during measurement
Measurement rig

For roll diameters 100–2200 (2680) mm
Weight complete with case 14 kg. Handling weight less than 7 kg
Pm 1000 (in-situ measurement)
For roll diameters 400 to 1000 mm as standard
Weight complete with case 18 kg
PC Profile 3T Software
OS Windows
OS Mobil (option) Android
Misc. Help available in program
Measurement in mm/inch






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