mTSB 肉湯
mTSB Broth With Novobiocin
250 用于O157 選擇性增菌(ISO 方法)
月桂基硫酸鹽胰蛋白胨肉湯(LST) |
Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose Broth |
煌綠乳糖膽鹽肉湯 (BGLB) |
Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Brogh |
月桂基硫酸鹽胰蛋白胨MUG肉湯(LST-MUG) |
Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose Broth with MUG |
EC 肉湯 |
E.Coli Broth |
EC -MUG肉湯 |
E.Coli MUG Broth |
乳糖膽鹽發酵培養基 |
Lactose Bile Broth |
乳糖發酵培養基 |
Lactose Broth |
乳糖膽鹽培養基 |
Lactose Bile Medium |
乳糖蛋白胨培養基 |
Lactose Peptone Broth |
伊紅美藍瓊脂 (EMB) |
Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar |