TesaStar-m M8自動分的詳細描述:
TesaStar-m M8自動分度測座 Motorized indexable headTesaStar-m M8可在豎直水平兩個方向自動旋轉,5°的精細分度量確保有多達2952個測頭角度組合.旋轉90°僅需兩秒鐘,可配置長達300mm的加長桿;可直接連接各種觸發式測頭,不再需要M8轉接。TesaStar-m can rotate in horizontal and vertical direction freely. It can be precisely indexed to reach 2952 highly repeatable attitudes with fine (5°) angular index increments. Its index speed is 90° in 2 seconds and can handles up to 300 mm long probe extensions. TesaStar-m M8 can directly connect with touch-trigger probe without M8 adaptor