斷電器 JR36(JR16B)-60/3
JR36系列熱繼電器 JR36 Series thermal relays | 一、用途及適用范圍 Use and use scope JR36系列熱繼電器適用于交流 50Hz或60Hz,主電路額定電壓至660V,電流至160A及以下的電力系統中作為三相交流電動機的過載和斷相保護。具有溫度補償、自動與手動可靠。 JR36 series thermal relay is suitable for AC 50Hz or 60Hz, main circuit rated voltage up to 660V, 160A, used as protecting AC three-phase motor against overload. and has the functions of phase lost protection, temperture compensation, It can automatically and man ually operated. |
三、動作特性:三相負載平衡時的動作時間 Motion characteristic: Three-phase over load balance motion time | 序號 NO | 整流電流倍數 Setted current multiple | 動作時間 Motion tme | 起始條件 Start conidition | 環境溫度(℃) Temperature | 1 | 1.05 | >2h | 冷態 Cold state | 20±5℃ | 2 | 1.2 | <2h | 熱態Hot state (按序號1試驗后 Following the test ) | 3 | 1.5 | <4min | 4 | 7.2 | 10A | 2s | ≤63A | 冷態 Cold state | 10A | 4s | >63A | 五、規格: | 型號 Type | JR36-20 | JR36-32 | JR36-63 | JR36-100 | :整定電流范圍(A) Setted current range(A) | 0.25~0.35 | 10~16 | 14~22 | 40~63 | 0.32~0.5 | 14~22 | 20~32 | 53~85 | 0.45~0.72 | 20~32 | 28~45 | 75~120 | 0.68~1.1 | | 40~63 | 100~160 | 1~1.6 | | | | 1.5~2.4 | | | | 2.2~3.5 | | | | 3.2~5 | | | | 4.5~7.2 | | | | 6.8~11 | | | | 10~16 | | | | 14~22 | | | |
斷電器 JR36(JR16B)-60/3
腳踏開關/FS2腳踏開關/FS3腳踏開關/FS3自鎖腳踏開關/EKW-5-B腳踏開關/F1腳踏開關/VFS-201(中國臺灣)腳踏開關/LT2(不銹鋼) 腳踏開關/YDT1-16腳踏開關/YDT1-15腳踏開關/KH8012(防南朝鮮) 腳踏開關/KH8017自鎖腳踏開關/KH8018腳踏開關/YDT1-101(倒順) 腳踏開關
2XZ2 2XZ4 2XZ2C 2XZ4C 2XZ8C 2XZ6C 2XZ15C 2XZ25C 2X4A 2X8A 2X15A 2X30A 2X70A 2X100A RS1 RS2 RS4 0.5 1 2 4 8 SHZIII SHZIIIB SHZ2IIIB SHZ95 SHZ95A F1 F2 F4 F8 2XZF0.5 2XZF1 2XZF2 2XZF4 2XZF6C