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*產品規格若有變更,恕不另行通知 We reserve right to change specifations without prior notice | |
產品特點: 1、采用進口高品質壓縮機及意大利水泵,安全寧靜,省電耐用。 The chiller adopt high-quality compressorItaly pump, so it is very satenoiseless, economical in powerdurable. 2、配制意大利溫控器,能準確地控制水溫在+3℃至+35℃。 The chiller is deployed with Italy temperature controller, It can control the temperature between +3℃+35℃ exactly. 3、冷凝器及散熱器設計*,換熱效果特佳。 The designs of chillerradiatorunique ,so the heat exchange efficiency is very high. 4、有電流過載保護、高低壓制及電子時間延遲安全裝置,當發生故障時隨即發出警號及顯示故障原因。 The chiller is designed to be with current over-load protector ,high voltagelow voltage constructionelectric time-delay afeguard , When malfunction happened ,it could alarmshow the cause of the problem in the time. 5、備有不銹鋼保溫水箱,清洗方便。 It has stainless steel temperature- holder box ,it is very convince to purify. 6、設有逆相欠相保護和防冰保護。 It is designed to be with anti-phase & lack-phase protectoranti-icy protector. 7、超低溫型冷水機溫度可達-15℃以下。 The temperature of ultracod chiller can be below -15℃. 8、此系列冷水機可訂做耐酸堿式。 This series chiller can customize base on the requirement of acid-resistant & basicitv-resistant. | |