掃描開爾文探針測試系統SKP370 Scanning Kelvin Probe System
SKP370 為表面科學測量提供了一個新的途徑,SKP探針是一種非接觸,非破壞性的儀器,可以用于測量導電的、半導電的,或涂覆的材料與試樣探針之間的功函差。 這種技術是用一個振動電容探針來工作的,通過調節一個外加的前級電壓可以測量出樣品表面和掃描探針的參比針尖之間的功函差。 功函和表面狀況有直接關系的理論的完善使SKP成為一種很有價值的儀器,它能在潮濕甚至氣態環境中進行測量的能力使原先不可能的研究變為現實。
- 非接觸,非破壞性的表面公函差測量
- 達到meV水平的微區公函差測量及成像
- 多種氣體環境下的腐蝕電位測量
- 特別適合于半導體,縫隙腐蝕,傳感器,涂覆應用
- 需和M370三維平臺及控制器結合使用
Signal Chain | Phase sensitive detection using micro-processor controlled lock-in amplifier with digital dual phase oscillator and differential electrometer input. |
Lock-In Amplifier | Software controllable gain range. Gain 1-105. Maximum theoretical sensitivity 0.5µV FSD. Output time constant 0.1, 1, 10 seconds. |
Differential Electrometer | 1015 Ohms input impedance. Decade gain ranges 0 to 80dB. Common mode range ±12V |
Vibration Actuator | One dimensional low voltage piezo-electric actuator |
Vibration Amplitude (±10%) | Software set from 0-30 microns perpendicular to sample surface. |
Backing Potential Controller Potential Range | ±10V |
Backing Potential Controller DAC Resolution | 300µV |
Backing Potential Controller Sampling | 0.1 to 1000Hz |
Backing Potential Controller Type | PID controller |
Probe Type | SKPR Tungsten air gasp |
Electrochemical Sensitivity | Better than 0.15meV |