The instrument is mainly based on the powders and granules of tap density, apparent density and bulk density, angle of repose (angle of repose), mass flow, volume flow rate measurement project to reflect comprehensively the flowability and characterization of the powder, comprehensive evaluation of material flowability by Carr index, Hausner ratio index.
參數資料 Parameters 序號/No. 功能/ Function 量程/Range 分辨率 Resolution 測試方式/ Test mode 1. 松裝(自然堆積)密度/ bulk density 0-999.9999g/ml 0.0001g/ml 1.自動記錄質量Automatic 2.輸入體積Input Volume 2. 振實密度 tap density 0-999.9999g/ml 0.0001g/ml 1.定質量測試Fixed Quality Test 2.定體積測試Fixed volume test 3. 安息角(休止角) angle of repose 0-90 ° 0.01 ° 1.自動計算Automatic calculation 2.PC軟件過程數據曲線 PC software process data curve 4. 質量流速/ Mass flow rate 0-9999.999g/s 0.001 g/s 1.自動計時并停止Automatic timing 2.自帶稱重平臺weighing platform 3. PC軟件過程數據曲線 PC software process data curve 5. 時間/ time 0-999999.99S 0.01s 自動/ Automatic 6. 稱量平臺/Weighing 0-2000.0g 0.01g 自動/ Automatic 7. 漏斗容積/ funnel volume 200ml 8. 量筒選購/Cylinder optional 200ml、250ml、500ml不銹鋼材質(標配1個)Stainless steel (standard 1pcs) 9. 圓盤/ disc 直徑100mm/ diameter 100mm 10. 攪拌裝置/Stirring 固定轉速/ Fixed speed 自動/ Automatic 11. 漏斗出口口徑mm Funnel exit (mm) 2.5;4.0;5.0;6.0;7.0;8.0;9.0;10;14;15;16;17;18;25(標配5個)/ Standard 5pcs 可更換結構/ Replaceable structure 12. 出口配有控制閥門/ Outlet valve 氣動控制/ Pneumatic control 自動/ Automatic 13. 顯示器 monitor 7寸觸摸屏/ 7-inch touch screen 14. 溫濕度范圍/Temperature humidity 18-40℃ 相對濕度在35-80% relative humidity 15. 流動指數 Flow Index 自動轉化指數數據/Automatic conversion index data 自動/ Automatic 16. 輸入電源power supply 220V±10% 常溫環境下使用 under normal temperature environments 配置PC軟件帶過程分析和數據管理,電腦和打印機客戶自備 Configure PC software with process analysis and data management, computer and printer customer-owned.