CHAdeMO Analyzer / Simulator
New challenges...
Developments for e-mobility presents new challenges for vehicle- and charging-system manufacturers. The quiet young standard CHAdeMO describes the requirements on DCcharging-systems, electrical waveforms and the communication to control the charging process. By combining electric vehicles and charging systems of various manufacturer, different system-tolerances and disturbing influences may occur. The causes of charge interruptions are very difficult to locate due to the long charging. new solutions
The comemso CHAdeMO Analyzer / Simulator measures and verifies both the communication and the load circuit on standard-conformity over the complete duration of charging and records all deviations. Thus causes of charge interruptions can not only be identified but also causalities of events can be represented and visualized.
o communication analysis according to CHAdeMO Rev. 1.x
o synchronous DC Voltage and Current measurement, measurement data over CAN available
o quality Analysis of CAN physical layer
o quality Analysis of communication circuit (12V signals)
o protocol analysis:
- timings of communication, signals and charging
- communication and signal order
Gateway with Manipulation:
o manipulation of CAN data
o manipulation voltage of 12V signals (communication circuit) to 5V...15V
EV test:
o full configurable EV tests
Charger test:
o full configurable Charger tests