



  • 公司名稱深圳市藍譜里克科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 所  在  地深圳市
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  • 更新時間2025/2/28 11:41:57
  • 訪問次數21

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深圳市藍譜里克科技有限公司,成立于2004年,專注于UV紫外線發光光源的研發生產和銷售,是一間LED UV產品生產商,一間脈沖紫外線產品生產商,中國UV LED一間和深圳市,公司擁有四十多項,包括六項發明和PCT國際,是中國UV 光源行業最多的生產商,藍譜里克紫外線技術涵蓋LED UV紫外線光源-脈沖UV紫外線光源-氙燈UV紫外線光源和微波UV紫外線光源, 是紫外線光源行業具備最多發光技術方式的生產商。 藍譜里克強大的UV光源研發和設計能力,配合眾多的自動化廠商和印刷設備廠商,涂裝設備廠商,灌裝流水線廠商,VOC處理方案商以及眾多大學,研究所,提供從軟件到硬件的解決方案,為研發機構提供的UV熒光不同光譜光源工具,為UV光固化行業提供技術融合,藍譜里克的UV光源產品廣泛應用于光電子行業的粘結固化,印刷行業的油墨干燥,家具涂裝行業的油漆干燥,鋼板涂覆行業的油漆干燥,液態灌裝流水線的在線殺菌處理,醫療行業的皮膚病治療,末端處理的尾氣紫外線分解,水泥地坪漆的快速干燥等等領域。 藍譜里克20年UV紫外線行業經驗,積累了豐富的專業知識,愿攜手各行UV應用同仁,共同創造新應用 開發新市場,提供新價值。
VCSEL systems can be used for drying and curing processes of surfaces, paints, coatings and thin films. As an example of a high speed drying application, a VCSEL line heating module has been successfu......

Drying and Curing

VCSEL systems can be used for drying and curing processes of surfaces, paints, coatings and thin films. As an example of a high speed drying application, a VCSEL line heating module has been successfully integrated into an offset printing system for in-line ink drying [3]. In another application, fast curing of coating layers on metal sheets has been successfully demonstrated.


Plastics and Composites

The power density of VCSEL heating modules is sufficient to melt plastic materials at high speed. Examples of related industrial processes are forming of plastic parts and joining of parts by plastics welding. Also treatment of thermally melting glues can be done on various surfaces with a high processing speed.

thermal treatment

needed in various composite manufacturing processes. As an example, in a fast carbon fiber placement process, heat is applied at the laying head to attach the fibers or tapes on the surface and thereby enabling a stable build-up of the composite layers (Fig. 6).

VCSEL heating modules offer an attractive alternative to the currently used gas flames, halogen lamps or fiber coupled lasers with complicated beam forming optics or scanners. Very compact source heads are possible, delivering high power density in configurable and controllable radiation profiles.

Simulation of fiber tape heating with a time-dependent 3D-model has been done with an IR module power of 400 W per cm heating width – resembling an area module like shown in Fig. 3 – with a rectangular heat input profile of 40 mm length and a carbon fiber tape of 6 mm width and 0.2 mm thickness.

The results (Fig. 6) are confirming the application potential. For a processing speed of 30 m/min, a maximum temperature of 300 °C is reached, which is already more than enough in this application.

For applications, where materials need to be structurally modified at high temperature, the high energy density delivered by the VCSEL heating technology enables new solutions.


High power VCSEL systems define a new generation of industrial heating systems, where thousands of individual micro-lasers irradiate each point on the work piece, combining the ease of use and the robustness of LEDs with the brightness and efficiency of lasers. Scalable systems are available based on standard building blocks, combining customization with economy of scale. Assembly technologies have been derived from the LED industry, which has since long eliminated weak links. Therefore high power VCSEL systems are set to become exceptionally robust and reliable. The systems can be tailored to the application with no or simple optics. They enable an unprecedented dynamic control of the spatial heating profile and thereby help to realize a truly “Digital Thermal Processing”, where flexible, automatically controlled processes are replacing experience-based machine settings and tedious ramp-up procedures.  VCSEL systems will be used in many applications which are not using lasers today but rely on lamps or ovens. The concepts presented in this article make the transition to solid state technology with full digital control, and thereby help to drive digitization of manufacturing technology.






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