Product overview多功能分散釜集低速強力攪拌和高速分散多功能于一體,對中高粘度及觸變性物料具有很好的適應性。由于攪拌,分散可同時進行,能獲得理想效果。該機適用于各種物料的攪拌.溶解分散和調漆.操作簡單,適應性強.是理想的攪拌,分散設備。
Multifunctional dispersion strong stirring kettle set low and high dispersion-in-one,for high viscosity and thixotropic material has good adaptability.The stirring,the dispersion can be performed simultaneously,the desired effect can be obtained. It applies to stir a variety of materials,dispersed and dissolved paint,simple,adaptable,ideal mixing,dispersing equipment.
主要技術參數參考表The main technical parameters of the reference table