MT80B 扭矩傳感器
- 電阻應變為敏感元件和集成電路構成的一體產品
- 精度高,性能穩定可靠
- 沒有集流環等磨損件,可高速長時間運轉,輸出正反轉扭矩信號
- 兩端均為鍵連接,安裝使用方便
- 轉速可選,8000轉/分鐘
- The resistance strain is an intergrated product consisting of ensitive components and integrated circuits
- High accuracy, stable and reliable performance
- No slip ring wear parts, hi-speed running for a long time, the positive signal output torque
- The two ends are connected by keys, and the installation and use are convenient
- Optional speed, maximum 8000 rpm/min