Vertrel™ C-HD specialty flulid Chemours Vertrel™ C-HD specialty fluid is a proprietary azeotrope of Vertrel™ XF, with trans-1,2 dichloroethylene and ethanol. It has been specially designed for aerosol cleaning and for flushing applications. It is not to be used in a vapor degreaser. Vertrel™ C-HD can be used as an alternative to nPB Vertrel™ C-HD is widely used for the following applications: Vertrel™ C-HD is compatible with most plastics and elastomers and can be used to clean a wide variety of soils. To check materials compatibility and determine if Vertrel™ C-HD is the optimum solution for your application, please contact us. Vertrel™ C-HD has zero ozone-depletion potential. It is used extensively to replace CFC-113, methyl chloroform, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) in several applications. Vertrel™ C-HD exhibits no open- or closed-cup flash point, and is not classified as a flammable liquid by NFPA or DOT. In addition, the product has no vapor flammability limits in air but has the potential to ignite in an open vessel or in case of a spill, if an ignition source is present. However, laboratory tests with virgin solvent in an open vessel show the solvent will not sustain combustion, and quickly self-extinguishes. Users should clear equipment of all vapors and liquids before performing any maintenance operations that could result in an ignition source.
Medium and Heavy Soil Removal
Light Soil Removal
Compatibility and Soils
Environmental Properties
Vertrel™ C-HD has been accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program as a substitute for ozone-depleting substances. Vertrel™ C-HD is not included in the SARA Title III Section 313 list of toxic chemicals, and is not subject to SARA Title III (EPCRA) reporting requirements.
The components of Vertrel™ C-HD are listed in the TSCA inventory. One component, HFC-43-10mee, is subject to the Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) and should be used only in the applications indicated in the Vertrel™ C-HD MSDS regulatory section.
Flammability and Toxicity
Flash point data and limits of flammability in air provide the user with additional information that could be used as elements of a fire risk assessment and to determine guidelines for the safe handling of volatile chemicals. Users should ensure compliance with NFPA standards and local fire codes.
Acute toxicity studies show that Vertrel™ C-HD has low toxicity. It could pose slight skin and eye irritation and has low inhalation toxicity. For details of exposure limits please refer to the Vertrel™ C-HD brochure.
上海銳一公司是一家專業從事ODS(臭氧破壞物質)替代, 致力於氟利昂系列產品的替代技術服務及銷shou服*務的公司。主要業務是環保產品的推廣與技術zhi持,包括氟利昂替代品制冷劑、環保清洗劑、塑料添加劑等。銷售多家zhu名公司相關產品。在精密清洗替代技術上,有自主研發能力,為客戶提供綜合氟利昂替代方案,以及化學品綜合供應方案。
科慕Vertrel™ C-HD清洗劑 產品信息