


Gilibrator-2 Calibrator

  • 公司名稱北京子午銳德科技有限公司
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  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 更新時間2024/10/15 10:17:19
  • 訪問次數66

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Gilibrator-2 Calibrator
Gilibrator-2 Calibrator 產品信息

True Primary Standard (NIOSH) accuracy and performance validation for sampling pump air flows from 1 cc/min to 30 LPM 

The Gilibrator-2 System provides users with a convenient and highly automated way to check almost any commercially available air sampling pump for proper air flow function before deployment. The system consists of an electronic Gilibrator-2 Base which is used with any of three sizes of wet bubble cells. These patented interchangeable components are also available as part of kits which can also include a complete calibration diagnostic panel. All cells use a twist-on bayonet design for quick and easy mounting to the base. All are certified for accuracy and traceable to NIST.

Calibration Cells

Three bubble cells are available, for air flow ranges of 1 to 250 cc/min (low flow cell), 20 cc/min to 6 LPM (standard flow cell) and 2 to 30 LPM (high flow cell). These interchangeable wet cells generate perfect bubble films at the touch of a button. An infrared sensor reads the bubble flow rate, which is then calculated and displayed.

Gilibrator-2 Base 

Easy to operate, microprocessor-controlled unit features simple on/off and reset touchpad with large LCD screen that displays flow rate, the calculated average of multiple flow samples in a series and the sample number. Light in weight, it operates with either AC power or rechargeable batteries (8 - hour life) for easy portability in either the lab or the field.  

Gilibrator-2 Diagnostic Kit

Offers the industrial hygienist a complete, portable calibration laboratory.  Consists of Gilibrator-2 Base with three wet bubble cells in a cushioned carrying case, with a full diagnostic panel built into the top lid of the case.  The panel uses an interchangeable rotameter design for 2 to 5,000 cc/min flow capability and will run any of several diagnostic tests: "Load" simulation - Offers two load simulations for high and low flows to imitate sample line back-pressures. Back-pressure reading - A built-in Magnehelic® gauge allows visual monitoring of in-line back-pressures up to 40" H2O (10 kPa). Leak checking - Built-in Magnehelic® gauge allows visual leak testing and monitoring capabilities. Pump flow adjustment - Rotameters allow instant visual indication of approximate flow rates, assisting in properly adjusting air flows.

Optional PC Interface Kit & Printer

A PC Interface Kit is available for real-time data download and manipulation. The kit includes a cable for connecting a computer to the RS-232 port of the Gilibrator-2 Base, as well as software that allows the user to log pump and calibrator serial numbers, data, operator name, flow rates, averaging data, number of samples, sample sequence, and standard deviation data. An optional printer is available for hard copy printouts of calibration data. 


Gilibrator-2 Specifications

Low Flow Cell 
Dimensions:  2W x 4H x 2.1"D (51W x 102H x 53mmD)  
Weight: 0.4 lbs.  (.18 kg)

Standard Flow Cell 
Dimensions:  2.5W x 6H x 2.6"D (64W x 152H x 66mmD)  
Weight: 0.82 lbs.  (0.37 kg)

High Flow Cell  
Dimensions: 3.5W x 8.1H x 3.7"D (89W x 206H x 94mmD)  
Weight: 2.26 lbs.  (1.02 kg)

Flow Range, Accuracy  
Low Flow Cell, 1 - 250 cc/min, ±1% of reading accuracy; 
Standard Flow Cell, 20 cc/min to 6 LPM, ±1% of reading accuracy; 
High Flow Cell, 2-30 LPM, ±1% of reading accuracy.

Temperature Limits
Operating Temperature: 5° to 35°C (41° to 95°F);
Storage Temperature: 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F)

DC Power Source: Internal Battery Pack;
AC Power Source: Continuous operation through adapter/charger;  
Battery Charge Time:14 Hrs.;
Expected Battery Life: over 300 charge/recharge cycles;
Transmission Link:   RS-232;  
Interface Connectors: Charger Jack (2.1mm barrel jack), Printer Jack (DB-25), SensorJack - Wet Cell (DB-9)







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