HZ-D48 UL1598燈具環境溫度測試筒
19.5.3 A thermocouple intended to measure ambient temperature shall be immersed in 15 ml (0.5 oz) of mineral oil in a glass container or attached to a metal mass of approximately 30 g (1 oz) that is within a cylindrical metal shield open at the top and bottom.
The average ambient temperature in the draught-proof enclosure is taken to be the air temperature at a position near one of the perforated walls on a level with the centre of the luminaire. The temperature is usually measured by a thermocouple soldered to a metal mass of approximately 30 g shielded against radiation by a double-walled cylinder of polished metal open at the top and bottom.
深圳市匯中測控設備有限公司前身為匯中試驗儀器制造廠,于2005年成立于廣東中山,簡稱"匯中儀器”。是集科研、制造、代理、銷售咨詢服務為一體的儀器服務公司,專業研制、銷售符合IEC、EN、UL、 VDE、GB、 ISO、ASTM等標準的試驗儀器。同時承接專業檢測機構、生產廠家實驗室配套服務及國內外品牌儀器代理。深圳市匯中測控設備有限公司秉承“誠信、專業、共贏”的經營理念,堅持用戶至上、一,以品質征服客戶,以服務感動客戶。堅持以技術為核心、不斷創新、不斷超越,已成功研發兩百多種產品并銷往各地實驗室,均獲得!匯中儀器奉行“進取創新求實嚴謹團結”的方針,以技術為核心、視質量為生命,嚴格按照”精I細作”標準生產。公司已獲得ISO9001: 2000質量體系的認證,ISO14001:2004環境 管理體系認證,堅決為用戶打造安全、環保的檢測設備。產品與服務:家用電器類(IEC60335/GB4706)電器附件類(IEC60884/GB2099)小安規類(IEC61032/GB16842)照明燈具類(IEC60598/GB7000)外殼防護類(IEC60529/GB4208)影像IT類(IEC60065/IEC60950)電線電纜類(GB2951/GB12706)電池設備類(IEC60086/QC743)玩具輕工類等等....您的滿意就是我們的追求!歡迎各實驗室、用戶和消費者和我們聯系,我們有信心用產品,服務,竭誠為您服務!
UL1598燈具環境溫度測試筒 產品信息