


3500/93 135785-01 3500/93系統顯示器

  • 公司名稱廈門雄霸電子商務有限公司
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  • 更新時間2024/5/6 7:51:13
  • 訪問次數161

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廈門雄霸電子商務有限公司漳州分公司主營(DCS系統)(機器人系統)(大型伺服控制系統)模塊備件的銷售。公司經營范圍:分布式控制系統(DCS)、可編程序控制器(PLC).MOTOROLA MVME工業用模組、工業控制通訊轉換器(Anybus)、遠端輸出/輸入模塊(RTU)、工業電腦(IPC)、工業用低頻螢幕(IPC)、人機界面SCSI(50、68、80Pin)AnyBus(Gateway)。廈門雄霸從事工控行業十幾年,現已成一家性的工業自動化備件及零部件的銷售企業。我司能直接從境外進貨、能夠提供不同國別、廠商的設備以及備件、解決您多處尋找的麻煩或對產品質量問題的擔心等、在價格上我們有很大的優勢。貨源優勢價格優勢售后服務直接從境外進貨、能夠提供不同國別、廠商的只要您誠心想購買,多少價格我們都可以提供所有配件的]保修期均為3-6個月,質設備以及備件給您。保1年。
3500/93系統顯示器旨在滿足美國石油協會(API)標準670的要求,并提供位于機架中的所有3500機械保護系統信息的本地或遠程視覺指示,包括:·系統事件列表·告警事件列表所有通道,監視器,繼電器模塊,鍵相量*模塊或轉速表模塊數據3500/93系統顯示通過3500機架配置軟件進行配置。顯示器可以以四種方式安裝:1. 面部安裝-顯示器安裝直接在任何全尺寸3500機架使用特殊鉸鏈支持的前面板。這允許......
3500/93 135785-01 3500/93系統顯示器 產品信息

詳情介紹:3500/93 135785-01 3500/93系統顯示器

1. 面部安裝-顯示器安裝直接在任何全尺寸3500機架使用特殊鉸鏈支持的前面板。這允許訪問機架的緩沖輸出連接器和用戶界面按鈕和開關,而無需斷開連接或禁用顯示。
注意:僅當采用此安裝方式時,DIM (Display Interface Module)必須安裝在機柜最右邊的15號槽位。面部安裝選項與3500迷你機架不兼容。
2. 19英寸EIA機架安裝-顯示器安裝在19英寸EIA導軌上,距離3500系統高達100英尺。(當使用外部電源時,距離3500系統最多4000英尺)。
3. 面板安裝-顯示器安裝在位于同一機柜或距離3500系統100英尺的面板開孔中。(當使用外部電源時,距離3500系統最多4000英尺)。
4. 獨立安裝-顯示器安裝在墻壁或面板上,位于距離3500系統100英尺遠的地方。(當使用外部電源時,距離3500系統最多4000英尺)。

需要超過100英尺電纜的應用必須使用外部電源和電纜適配器。使用背光顯示單元的應用必須使用外部電源。有兩個外部電源:一個用于連接到115 Vac和另一個用于連接到230 Vac。


The 3500/93 System Display is designed to meet the requirements of American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 670 and provide local or remote visual indication of all 3500 Machinery Protection System information residing in the rack including:
? System Event List
? Alarm Event Lists
? All Channel, Monitor, Relay Module, Keyphasor* Module or Tachometer Module data
The 3500/93 System Display is configured using 3500 Rack Configuration Software. The display can be mounted in any of four ways:
1. Face Mounting – display installs directly over the front panel of any full size 3500 rack using a special hinged support. This permits access to the rack’s buffered output connectors and user-interface buttons and switches without disconnecting or disabling the display.
Note: For this mounting option only, the Display Interface Module (DIM) must be installed in slot 15 (right-most slot) of the rack. The Face Mounting option is not compatible with the 3500 Mini-rack.
2. 19-inch EIA Rack Mounting – display is mounted on 19-inch EIA rails and located up to 100 feet away from the 3500 System. (Up to 4000 feet away from the 3500 System when using the External Power Supply).
3. Panel Mounting – display is mounted in a panel cutout located in the same cabinet or up to 100 feet away from the 3500 System. (Up to 4000 feet away from the 3500 System when using the External Power Supply).
4. Independent Mounting – display is mounted flush against a wall or panel and located up to 100 feet away from the 3500 System. (Up to 4000 feet away from the 3500 System when using the External Power Supply).

Up to two displays can be connected to each 3500 rack and each display requires one empty 3500 rack slot for insertion of its corresponding DIM. When the display is not face-mounted, the cable connection between the DIM and the Display can be made from the front of the 3500 rack or from the I/O module at the rear of the rack.
Applications that require a cable longer than 100 feet must use the External Power Supply and Cable Adapter. Applications that use the back lighted Display Unit must use the External Power Supply. There are two External Power Supplies: one for connection to 115 Vac and the other for connection to 230 Vac.
The External Power/Terminal Strip Mounting Kit eases installation of External Power Supplies. The External Power/Terminal Strip Mounting Kit is designed to fit in the Independent Mount Housing. The Kit streamlines installation of an External Power Supply in both the Independent Mount Housing or a user supplied housing.

熱賣型號:3500/93 135785-01 3500/93系統顯示器

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