產品介紹詳情:IE-SR-2GT- LAN-FN 千兆工業安全路由器
魏德米勒在此次德國漢諾威展上展示了新品”防火墻/ NAT路由器”:千兆工業安全路由器,保障減少尋址開銷的以太網間安全通信–相同IP子網的高效整合。
魏德米勒專為工業網絡開發了新的千兆安全路由器:防火墻/ NAT路由器,提供覆蓋網絡的基于以太網的設備和系統之間的安全通信和覆蓋網絡,集成了防火墻的高性能工業安全路由器自帶兩個千兆端口(LAN / WAN)。 1:1 NAT和IP轉發/虛擬映射功能,使用戶能夠輕松地以相同的IP子網集成到一個更高級別的生產網絡。
普通的路由器一般提供繁復的功能,然而,眾多用戶通常只需要幾個適合特定應用的功能。為了使設備IP集成到覆蓋網絡的成本盡可能低,把重點放在與之相關的功能上。來自魏德米勒的新型防火墻/ NAT路由器IE-SR-2GT-LAN-FN擁有兩個千兆以太網接口(10/100/1000BaseT(X)),是專為網絡安全和網絡地址轉換(NAT)為優先而設計的。靈活的雙向動態數據包過濾(WAN/ LAN入口和出口)的防火墻功能,使此款路由器為工業IP網絡提供可靠和安全的保障。
防火墻/ NA路由器很容易實現IP地址的虛擬映射。換言之,具有相同IP地址的標準設備可以并行操作,并整合到覆蓋網絡中 – 而不必為每個設備分配一個單獨的IP地址范圍。
工業安全路由器能夠幫助創建一個優化的網絡構架,例如魏德米勒的IE-SR-2GT-LAN-FN支持靜態或動態路由,以及RIPv2/ OSPF。在交換式網絡(IP路由)中,路由器有規則地轉發數據;以子網劃分限制廣播報文的轉發,以減輕網絡負載;并通過防火墻和IP功能,保護網絡免受來自未經的訪問的威脅。IE-SR-2GT-LAN-FN的防火墻功能還具有多種可配置的過濾功能,識別合法的數據信息,同時拒絕未經的嘗試訪問網絡。標準的功能例如優先轉發也集成于其中。
除了具有緊湊的設計(35毫米×159毫米x134毫米 – 寬x高x深),防火墻/ NAT路由器(IP20)還有有兩個RJ45端口,1個USB端口,一個SCM讀卡器,多種LED狀態指示燈和數字輸入/輸出以及恢復出廠設置按鈕。工作溫度范圍也符合工業要求從 – 20°C至+ 70°C。
At the Hannover Fair in Germany, Weidmuller presented its new “Firewall/NAT Router” : a Gigabit industrial security router that ensures secure communication over Ethernet with reduced addressing overhead – efficient integration of the same IP subnet.
Weidmuller has developed a new Gigabit security router specifically for industrial networks: Firewall/NAT Router, which provides secure communication between Ethernet-based devices and systems covering the network and overlay the network, high-performance industrial security router with integrated firewall comes with two Gigabit ports (LAN/WAN). 1:1 NAT and IP forwarding/virtual mapping capabilities enable users to easily integrate into a higher-level production network with the same IP subnet.
Regular routers typically offer a wide range of features, however, many users usually only need a few features that are suitable for a specific application. In order to make the cost of integrating device IP into the coverage network as low as possible, it is best to focus on the functions associated with it. The IE-SR-2GT-LAN-FN, a new firewall/NAT router from Weidmuller, has two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces (10/100/1000BaseT (X)) and is designed for network security and network Address translation (NAT) prioritization. Flexible two-way dynamic packet filtering (WAN/ LAN inlet and outlet) firewall features make this router reliable and secure for industrial IP networks.
Firewall/NA routers are easy to implement virtual mapping of IP addresses. In other words, standard devices with the same IP address can operate in parallel and be integrated into the overlay network – without having to assign a separate range of IP addresses to each device.
Industrial security routers can help create an optimized network architecture, such as Weidmuller’s IE-SR-2GT-LAN-FN, which supports static or dynamic routing, as well as RIPv2/ OSPF. In switched networks (IP routing), routers regularly forward data. Subnets are used to limit the forwarding of broadcast packets to reduce network load. It also protects the network from threats from unauthorized access through firewalls and IP masquerading. IE-SR-2GT-LAN-FN’s firewall features also feature a variety of configurable filtering functions to identify legitimate data information while denying unauthorized attempts to access the network. Standard features such as priority forwarding are also integrated.
In addition to its compact design (35mm x 159mm x 134mm – width x height x depth), the firewall/NAT router (IP20) also has two RJ45 ports, a USB port, an SCM card reader, multiple LED status indicators and digital input/output and a factory reset button. The operating temperature range also meets industrial requirements from -20 °C to + 70°C.
Weidmuller’s IE-SR-2GT-LAN is specially equipped with VPN capabilities for LAN/WAN, which guarantees remote access worldwide. The IE-SR-2GT-UMTS-3G also supports the transmission of mobile wireless data in addition to the rich functions of the above models: IP routing, firewall, NAT and VPN.
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