可定制單譜線陷波片或者多譜線陷波片,可選擇高反射>99.9%或者OD 6.阻帶線寬,可根據需求,做到1nm一下。
Available as single-line or multi-line notch
Wavelength position of notch or notches can be preset to user-specified values
Can be designed for both normal incidence andnon-normal incidence applications
Either high reflectance (> 99.9%) within the notch or deepblocking, up to OD 6 achievable
Suitable for use over wide operating temperature range( - 200°C to + 200°C)
Can be constructed with minimal wavefront distortion to be suitable for imaging applications
Can be fabricated in a wide variety of shapes and sizes
Offer extremely robust environmental durability characteristics
Custom Rugate Notch Filters can presently be fabricated within the spectral region from the UV to the near-IR
北京錦坤科技有限公司是致力于向客戶提供準確、穩定、可靠的光電產品和解決方案。公司技術方案及產品針對射頻微波信號處理、衛星信號拉遠傳輸,雷達及電子對抗, 電臺信號傳輸,天文望遠鏡陣列信號光纖傳輸,雷達距離模擬,定位導航信號覆蓋傳輸等方面應用。主營產品包括射頻光纖傳輸模塊,微波光纖傳輸模塊,光纖延遲線,微波光纖延遲線,射頻光端機,微波光端機,光混波器,光橋接器,GPS北斗導航信號光纖模塊,射頻光纖模塊等。服務行業和合作單位包括: 微波及雷達相關研究所,天文臺,衛星發射及工程中心,航天航空研究院, 船舶研究院及設計中心,中科院及各高校單位。
陷波片 產品信息