


亞力車業 LVAI 185-III 節能環保掃路車 馬路清掃機 道路清掃車

  • 公司名稱江蘇靖江永新冶化設備制造有限公司
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  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2023/12/24 8:36:13
  • 訪問次數363

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江蘇靖江永新冶化設備制造有限公司是冶金工業配件供應服務中心成員單位,是中國石化設備資源成員、*公司一級供應網絡成員,江蘇省星火技術密集區重點企業。專業生產具有*水平的離心鑄造耐溫承壓高鎳鉻合金、耐熱鋼、耐磨鋼、合金鋼、耐腐蝕耐磨損合金鋼,爐管制品、耐高溫離心鑄管鑄件,離心鑄管(鑄造壁厚:5mm----60mm、外徑:50mm----1600mm, 單管制品長6m等超大徑的鑄管制品尺寸)以及系列靜態鑄件,精密鑄件:主要產品有離心鑄管、爐管、裂解管、轉化管、反應管、輻射爐管、熱處理工業爐用各類輻射管:輻射式熱處理爐用輻射管:I型直型輻射管、U型輻射管、W型輻射管、燃氣加熱管、電加熱管幅射管:I型、U型、W型、輻射管、輸灰管、反應管、各類爐輥、爐底輥、爐內輥、沉沒輥、穩定輥、導向輥、張力輥、各種軋輥、熱張力輥、支承輥、CSP爐輥、帶環爐底輥、水冷輥、鋼結構輸送輥道線、熱處理冷床輸出輥道線、穿管機上下料裝置、導電輥、反應輥、回轉窯筒體, 爐罐、反應罐、各種玻璃輥,煉鎂還原罐及彎頭各類稀土系列耐熱鋼鑄件、耐磨鋼鑄件、熱處理工業爐用備件、料盤、料筐,料架,蓖板體,托料盤,拉桿,立柱,齒條,滑塊、鏈節、爐蓖條、步進粱鑄件、導衛、導輥、導衛總成、輥環與各種角度的彎頭、三通、四通彎頭、同異徑叉管、連接管、變徑管及管配件、高頻翅片管、翅片管換熱器、一、二、三類壓力容器、換熱器、各種非標鋼結構焊接件、水處理設備、泵、閥門、管件、鋼襯復合管件等。


產品名稱:亞力車業 LVAI 185-III 節能環保掃路車 馬路清掃機 道路清掃車 產品品牌:亞力車業 報價:355000
亞力車業 LVAI 185-III 節能環保掃路車 馬路清掃機 道路清掃車 產品信息


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產品簡介Product introduction


     城市游俠2500LVAI 185-III節能清掃車是我公司研制的一款新型多功能節能車,前后都可以自由拆裝,可選配可拆裝件,廣成和綠化的灑水器,高壓沖洗機(可洗護欄與路面)、水箱、保潔后箱、掃雪件、V型鏟、撒鹽箱、吹雪件、割草機、挖掘鏟等。該清掃車的垃圾箱采用液壓式翻轉。具有清掃全封閉、內膽防腐銹等優勢。它適用于清掃如粉塵、輸液、石子、紙張、礦泉水瓶等垃圾。它讓我們的天更藍,水更綠,家更美..在提倡綠色、環保、節能、高效的21世紀,它是您的*之選!


     The urban knight 2500 LVAI 185-IIIenergy-conservation sweeper is a new-type multi-functional energy-conservation sweeper researched and manufactured by our company. The front and rear part

of this product can be freely assembled or disassembled. The following removable components can

be selected: water sprinkler used in square or used for afforest-ation, high-pressure washing machine

( it can be used to wash guard bar and road surface ), water tank, clean-keeping rear tank, snowsweeping

component, V-shaped shovel, salt-sprinkling box, snow-blowing component, mowing component, and

digging shovel, etc. The dustbin of this sweeper adopts hydraulic reversal. The sweeper is characterized by

fully-closed sweeping and antiseptic liner , etc. Besides , it is applicable for sweeping the rubbish such

as dust, leaves, stone, paper, and mineral water bottle. It lets us have bluer sky, greener water, and more

beautiful home. It is a perfect choice for you in the 21st century that the green, environmental protection,

energy conservation, and efficiency is advocated.Nufactured



亞力車業/Free Hotline:
俠客的前掃輪可伸縮至2.5米,自由抬高0.4米。盡可能的增大了清掃范圍。更換作業件無需輔助工具,方便快捷。城市俠客2500在各種路面可自由切換二驅動和四驅動,在規定范圍內可自由靈活出入。它讓我們的天更藍,水更綠,家更美.. 在提倡綠色、環保、節能、高效的21世紀,它是你的*之選!

       This multi-functional sweeper launched by our company can be equipped with assembly parts of various functions, such as snow-sweepingcomponent, V-shaped shovel, salt-sprinkling box, snow-blowing component, mowing component, and digging shovel. Under current socialismmarket economy, people face many difficulties, such as hard recruitment of sanitation workers, large fuel consumption of large sweeper, expensivemaintenance expense, difficulty in completing the operation on some narrow and small roads, and short service life of small electric vehicle.Therefore, our company develops this multi-functional sweeper which can effectively solve the above-mentioned problems. This sweeper canclean dust, leaves, stone, paper, and mineral water bottle as well as the rubbish which falls down from soil loader on outer ring road. Thisvehicle adopts the engine of Yangma series, and it is configured with air conditioner, reverse sensor, hand-hold suction tube, and high-pressurewater gun, etc. Those configurations can effectively solve the problems existing in dust collection and cleaning in green belt, sewer, and deadangle of the pedestrian street, as well as perfectly solve the difficulty in sludge cleaning on the road. Because urban knight 2500 sweeper adoptshinging and directional hydraulic operation, it has the advantage of small turning radius. Besides, it also has some humanized advantages; forexample: the front-sweeping wheel can be extended to 2.5m and freely lifted to 0.4m, which expands the scope of sweeping as much aspossible ; no auxiliary tools are needed in replacement operation , thus the operation is convenient and quick ; it can have a free switchingbetween two-function mode and four-function mode on various roads, and also can freely and flexibly come in and go out within stipulatedrange. It lets us have bluer sky, greener water, and more beautiful home. It is a perfect choice for you in the 21st century that the green, environmentalprotection, energy conservation, and efficiency is advocated.

   LVAI 185-Ⅲ型節能清掃車
LVAI 185-IIIenergy-conservation sweeper














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