Resurge CD Pak are a diverse set of chemically defined supplement formulations to complement a variety of base media. The CD PAK contains one of each Resurge supplement: CD1, CD2, CD3, CD4, and CD5 at 100 grams each. The supplements have been developed using several host cell lines and in various culture systems, including shaker flasks and bench-scale bioreactors. In order to increase versatility of the formulation, glucose and L-glutamine are not included in the final formulations. Therefore, these two components should be added by users and monitored as appropriate.
賽默飛世爾科技賦能科技進步的 我們的使命是幫助客戶使世界更健康、更清潔、更安全。我們幫助客戶加速生命科學領域的研究、解決在分析領域所遇到的復雜問題與挑戰、促進醫療診斷和治療的發展、提高實驗室生產力。
Resurge™ CD Pak 產品信息