1788 冗余 ControlNet 到基金會現場總線 (H1) 鏈接設備提供了將基金會現場總線設備添加至任何 Logix 平臺的快速、集成解決方案。
?可獨立安裝在面板或 DIN 導軌上的設備
?將 ControlNet 網絡連接到單個 H1 網段
?連接多達 16 臺現場設備并為其供電且無需使用外部電源調制器
>>>提供兩個物理 H1 端口
?支持 ControlNet 介質冗余
>>>允許在同一個 H1 網絡上將兩個相同配置的冗余 ControlNet 連接到基金會現場總線設備
>>>支持設備和 Logix 控制器之間的數據傳輸
?通過用戶自定義配置文件提供無縫 RSLogix5000 集成,從而自動識別現場設備并將其配置為缺省設置
?支持 FDT/DTM 技術,利用 FDT 框架(如 FactoryTalk AssetCentre)支持直接訪問現場設備診斷和參數
?通過電源電壓、H1 總線電壓(A 和 B 總線)、H1 總線電流(A 和 B 總線)和單元內部溫度等診斷參數,幫助簡化繁重的網絡調試
?通過板載高級診斷功能,包括節點特定的 H1 總線示波器圖像(可在 RSLogix5000 用戶自定義配置文件中查看)等來實現簡化調試
?包含由 Rockwell Automation 開發的基金會現場總線注冊 FF H1 Stack
Catalog Number | Description |
1770-KFCD15 | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet RS-232-C Personal Computer Interface |
1770-KFD | Networks and Communication Products, DeviceNet RS-232 PC Interface |
1770-KFDG | Networks and Communication Products, DeviceNet RS-232 PC interface with power supply adapter |
1784-PCC1 | Networks and Communication Products, PCMCIA Card Interface Cable To ControlNet |
1784-PCIC | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet PCI Bus Interface - Redundant Media |
1784-PCICS | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet PCI Bus I/O Bridge Card |
1784-PCICS-CC | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet PCI Bus I/O Bridge Card - Custom Conformally Coated : Contact RAMPSCONFORMALCOATING@RA.ROCKWELL.COM for ordering information. |
1784-U2CN | Networks and Communication Products, USB-to-ControlNet Adapter |
1786-BNC | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet BNC, Plug |
1786-BNCP | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet BNC Coaxial Connector |
1786-CP | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Network Access Cable |
1786-CTK | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Network Toolkit |
1786-FS10 | Networks and Communication Products, 10 m Cable Assembly |
1786-FS100 | Networks and Communication Products, 100 m Cable Assembly |
1786-FS20 | Networks and Communication Products, 20 m Cable Assembly |
1786-FS200 | Networks and Communication Products, 200 m Cable Assembly |
1786-FS60 | Networks and Communication Products, 60 m Cable Assembly |
1786-RG6 | Networks and Communication Products, Quad-shield RG-6 Coaxial Cable |
1786-RPA | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Repeater Adapter Module |
1786-RPA-CC | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Repeater Adapter Module - Custom Conformally Coated : Contact RAMPSCONFORMALCOATING@RA.ROCKWELL.COM for ordering information. |
1786-RPCD | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Coaxial Repeater Module |
1786-RPCD-CC | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Coaxial Repeater Module - Custom Conformally Coated : Contact RAMPSCONFORMALCOATING@RA.ROCKWELL.COM for ordering information. |
1786-RPFM | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Medium-distance Fiber Module |
1786-RPFM-CC | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Medium-distance Fiber Module - Custom Conformally Coated : Contact RAMPSCONFORMALCOATING@RA.ROCKWELL.COM for ordering information. |
1786-RPFRL | Networks and Communication Products, Long-distance Fiber Ring Repeater Module |
1786-RPFRL-CC | Networks and Communication Products, Long-distance Fiber Ring Repeater Module - Custom Conformally Coated : Contact RAMPSCONFORMALCOATING@RA.ROCKWELL.COM for ordering information. |
1786-RPFRXL | Networks and Communication Products, Extra-long-distance Fiber Ring Repeater Module |
1786-RPFRXL-CC | Networks and Communication Products, Extra-long-distance Fiber Ring Repeater Module - Custom Conformally Coated : Contact RAMPSCONFORMALCOATING@RA.ROCKWELL.COM for ordering information. |
1786-RPFS | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Short-distance Fiber Module |
1786-RPT | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Coax Repeater Module |
1786-RPTD | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Coax Repeater Module (24Vdc) |
1786-TCT2BD1 | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet IP67 Tap Kit with Removable Drop Cable |
1786-TNCJ14 | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet TNC Coaxial Connector - Isolating Jack To Jack |
1786-TNCJ4 | Networks and Communication Products, Controlnet TNC Coaxial Connector - Jack To Jack |
1786-TNCL10 | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet TNC Coaxial Connector - Plug |
1786-TNCLP4 | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet TNC Coaxial Connector - Plug To Plug |
1786-TNCLXT4 | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet TNC 75 Ohm Terminator Plug |
1786-TPR | Networks and Communication Products, Right-angle T-tap |
1786-TPS | Networks and Communication Products, Straight T-tap |
1786-TPYR | Networks and Communication Products, Right-angle Y-tap |
1786-TPYS | Networks and Communication Products, Straight Y-tap |
1786-XT | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Network Terminator |
1788-CN2DN | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet to DeviceNet Linking Device |
1788-CN2DN-CC | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet to DeviceNet Linking Device - Custom Conformally Coated : Contact RAMPSCONFORMALCOATING@RA.ROCKWELL.COM for ordering information. |
1788-CN2FFR | Networks and Communication Products, Redundant ControlNet to FoundationFieldBus (H1) Linking Device |
1788-CN2PAR | Networks and Communication Products, Redundant ControlNet to Profibus PA Linking Device |
1788-FFCT | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet-Fieldbus Configuration Tool |
9220-WINTA | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Traffic Analyzer |
9300-CHBA | Networks and Communication Products, HotBackup Analyzer for ControlNet |
9320-IOLINXSDK | Networks and Communication Products, IOLinx Software Development Kit |
1786-BNC2TNC | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Media BNC to TNC Bulkhead Connector |
1786-TNCJI4 | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Media Connector |
1786-TPRT2T | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet TNC IP67 T-TAP/TNC-TNC RIGHT THICK |
1786-TPST2T | Networks and Communication Products, ControlNet Coaxial IP67 TNC T-Tap |