



  • 公司名稱蘇州星億機械有限公司
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  • 更新時間2023/9/22 11:52:46
  • 訪問次數272

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蘇州星億機械有限公司地處長江三角洲地區新興的港口工業城市——張家港市,地理位置*,水陸交通便利。本廠生產離心機嚴格執行GB/T13755-92《三足式離心機技術條件》標準,和GB/T13756《三足式離心機形式和基本參數》標準,探傷、動平衡檢測率達到99%,配件互換率達99%,空車噪聲不大于100dB、振動烈度不大于7.1,本公司主要產品有PLD平板全自動拉袋式,PGZ/LGZ全自動下卸料,PSD平板吊袋上部卸料、SS型三足式上部卸料、SSF直防爆、SX型人工下部卸料、SSC型人工上卸料沉降式等,并可根據用戶要求定制或改制各種規格的離心機;歡迎對離心機,脫水機,防腐離心機有需求的企業來電聯系,我們竭誠為您提供優質的產品及良好的服務! 公司始終堅持“誠信為本,不斷創新,科學發展,超越自我”的企業方針,堅持“以人為本,構建和諧星億”的企業理念,堅持“真誠合作、攜手并進、共創未來”的銷售理念。系列產品已遠銷印度、加拿大、澳大利亞以及東南亞等多個國家和地區,并享有較高的國際贊譽。   公司以技術創新,注重整體性能的可靠性來滿足客戶的需要為我們所追求的目標。我們將的技術信息與您分享,提供令您信賴的服務是我們的宗旨
LWLZ臥式螺旋濃縮過濾離心機 產品信息







Operating principle

Working principle of LWLZ screw thickening and filtration centrifuge

The suspension will be fed into sedimentation rotor drum firstly for sedimentation and thickening before it' s transferred to the filtration rotor drum for filtration separation and rinsing.

The suspension will be fed in via the larger end of the sedimentation rotor drum. Solid content of which will settle down and lie on inner wall of the rotor drum, which will be conveyed to the smaller end of the drum under effect of screw; meanwhile, the liquid content of which will be discharged via overflow port at larger end of the drum. The filtering cake will be compressed and dehydrated as it' s conveyed from smaller end of the drum to the larger end.

The centrifugal force increases as the turning radius of the drum increases, reducing moisture content of the solid (which is high at beginning) as far as possible and achieving automatic continuous process of liquid/solid separation.

The unit is designed with washing pipe for rinsing and purification of filtering cake by end of filtration process, the thinner the filtering layer, the better effect of rinsing and the lower consumption of detergent.

For materials that are prone to secondary crystallization, steam pipes can be configured to clean the crystals out of the inner cavity at high temperature in preset frequency.

LWLZ horizontal decanter is mainly applicable for processing bulk material with lower solid content and liquid containing gel.



LWLZ Structure diagram



技術參數  Technical parameter




u 轉鼓錐角可按工況選擇2040

u 過濾網可選擇金屬板網或契形網

u 變頻控制,轉鼓轉速無級調整

u 多種潤滑方式:脂潤滑(標配)、噴油潤滑、油氣潤滑

u 全自動加油裝置

u 高精度轉鼓(數控加工、高精度平衡),高分離因數,提高分離效率

u 設置主軸封,有效防止竄料

u 聯組傳動帶

u 測速傳感器

u 自動清洗程序:進料管清洗、洗滌管清洗、轉鼓外側清洗、機蓋內表面清洗、出料斗清洗

u 系統全密閉,滿足清潔生產要求

u 多重保護:過振動保護,開蓋保護,電機過載保護,氮氣保護,靜電接地保護,檢修密碼鎖定


Main features

u The rotor drum may be set with a cone angle of 20 or 40 degree depends on different working conditions

u Filtering net may be metal lathing or wedge-shaped net

u Variable frequency control, rotor drum velocity stepless adjustment

u Various type of lubrication: Grease lubrication (standard), oil spray lubrication, oil-air lubrication

u Fully automatic oil recharging device

u High precision rotor drum (digital machining, high precision balance), high separation factor, improving separation effectiveness

u Designed with main shaft seal which prevents from fleeing material

u Joint driven belt

u Velocity sensor

u Automatic cleaning process: Clean the feeder pipe, rinsing pipe, rotor drum external, unit cover inner surface cleaning, discharge hopper cleaning

u Fully enclosed system, satisfying pharma specification

u Multiple layers of protection: over-vibration protection, cover-opening protection, motor over-load protection, N2 protection, static grounding protection, maintenance password lockout


定制形式   Personal form






u 擺線針輪差速器

u 行星齒輪差速器

u 液壓差速器

Differential mechanism

u Cycloid pin wheel differential

u Satellite differential

u hydraulic differential


u 帶反沖進料管


u 螺旋進料裝置


feeder unit

u Feeder pipe with backflush function

         Applicable for material easily getting blocked

u screw feeding device

         Applicable for material of poor fluidity and high solid concentration







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